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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. A straightforward arrangement, but I wouldn't call it a cover. Guitar playing is spot on, and production is great. Nice crazy ass solo in the middle there. Good stuff. Not much else to say here; a bit short, but pretty damn solid with good varition. The organ bit was a nice touch. YES
  2. Okay, MAYBE it's just a genre thing here, but that distorted voice is annoying as HELL. Plus this mix is sparse and I can't for the life of me figured out which song from FFV this remixes. So NO for now, but I'll come back to this. Maybe.
  3. Excellent. This has a really subdued, soft sound to it, and the percussion has a nice clean sound. Well produced, great choice of sounds, nice arrangement. I would have liked a stronger lead than the bell-sound, but it's not a major detraction. YES
  4. I'd love to hear some more variation in synth/percussive elements. As it stands, it's a slowly evolving beast; however, the evolution of the beast is not very exciting. Try to be more daring with the effects on your percussion. Filter that sh!t to hell and back. As it stands now it's a bit long without too much development. I appreciate the slow evolution of the piece, but I don't think it's enough... ...yet. Go for the resubmit. NO
  5. That buzzy synth gets annoying for after while. I didn't like it at all. However, the chiller elements like vibes and rhodes are really nice. I the percussion is great; snappy yet unobtrusive. Good stuff there. Vocals; I wish they were better. This is no Ken song, I'll say that much; but then again, what is? I'd rather not think about realizing my Sagat. Nice interpretation, but that synth is poop. I'm gonna go with NO (borderline) on this.
  6. Horrible recording and terrible drum track. Everything is muddy and muffled. Not much in the way of interpretation either. NO
  7. Oh for goodness sake that ending is ridiculous. Come on man, the guitar playing is great and the recording is nice and clean. Bring some more stuff to it; you know, like interpretation and your own ideas. Make it something more than just a reinstrumentation of the original. So disappointing. NO
  8. Percussion and the synth pattern are just pervasive aren't they. They never ever let up. Needs variation man. Come on. This song is just too repetitive with not enough interesting ideas going on to warrant a YES from me. Interpret, break down, build back up. Substantiate it. Make it worth the three and a half minutes of time it takes up. NO
  9. Not much besides and drum and bass (in the non-genre sense) groove with sampling over it. Strings are muddy, and that orch stab gets old after the 8th time. This mix could go on and on forever. It's like the song that doesn't end. Yes it goes on and on, my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue singing it forever just because it's the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my fr- Sorry. Anyway, I'd recommend actually substantially interpreting the music instead of groove + movie samples. It'd be cool if you played all that guitar yourself, but I doubt it, considering you're using FL3. Lacks substance. NO
  10. Ack piano is too loud and mechanical. Delay doesn't help either. Piano is too bright and there's no attention paid to velocities. Plonk plonk plonk. That's what it sounds like. Flute is WAY too loud and resonant, and its attack sucks. Repetitive and not very interpretive. NO
  11. I would add a little reverb to that oboe and flute, if I was doing this piece, but I don't think it totally detracts from the overall mood. This arrangement is gorgeous. Piano rocks the house, strings are subdued and really enhance the atmosphere. I give this a YES!
  12. Doesn't anyone else hear the clipping? It's early on in the piece. I like the arrangement, but you gotta fix the clipping man. Turn the mix down and tone down the reverb slightly. Um, what else? Get a pianist to play this; hearing it live would be nice. NO for now!
  13. Nice percussion stuff, nicely processed synths. However there's not enough arrangement here. You said yourself that it's an upgrade; that's not what we're looking for HERE at OCR (this is not to say that OCR is the end-all-be-all of remix sites; we just have a very specific purpose in mind). This is long and the first 2/3 is just the same thing over and over again ad infintum. The last third where you trick the song out is frickin' brilliant. It's like dirty mix on crack. Nice. Unforunately the majority is too much of the same old same old. Move ideas around more and do something shorter. NO (resubmit)
  14. This is a nice take on the title theme. You took a really craptastic song and made it into something very listenable, so kudos for that. Nice piano; the human touch is there, and it's recorded well. Nice, dark, sound; just how I like it (omg bias). The arragment here is a conservative approach; I would have liked something more expansive (the piano has more octaves than that!), however, given the repetitive nature of the source material, I'd have to say that this is more than enough for OC, albeit it's short. Still, brevity is the essence of wit, or some shit like that. YES
  15. Looks like someone discovered FL Slayer. ... This gets really boring really quickly. I can appreciate the kind of things you're trying to do to variate but it's just not working. Nevermind the fact that some of your notes are blatantly wrong (leading ton instead of minor 7). The whole thing reeks of default effects presets. Flanger and Phaser piled onto the FX channels like there's no tomorrow. Don't let the FX do the work for you. Automate things yourself. The bass drones, and the whole mix fills up my ears in a bad bad way. Original sections hardly have anything to do with the source. Back to the drawing board. NO
  16. Haha I love that bit where you screw around with the arpeggio. It starts blooping all over the place. XD This has a pretty neat old-school synth sound. I think it's got a great vibe and an interesting texture. Laugh samples are used well without being overused. A bit too much reverb though. I give this a YES!
  17. Man that arpeggio almost never lets up. Throughout the first half of this piece, I feel like that's the focus, that's the point of the piece. Not a good thing. I feel like the melodic bits could be brought out more to give this mix some more focus. That's what it's lacking right now: focus. Focus focus focus. I feel like saying it more! Focus! (sorry, I think you get the idea) Not a lost cause. Tighten up the arrangement and consolidate melodic ideas. Go for the resubmit! NO focus
  18. Needs highs. Hiiiiiiighs. Man, so muffly. Master this puppy. Everything else is great; nice development, nice interpretation; some parts felt a little too long, but it wasn't horrible. I like this, but it really needs mastering. Resubmit ASAP! NO
  19. Dynamics dynamics dynamics! You need to pay attention to dynamics. Take the music to highs and lows. This song is so flatline in terms of development. Strings in particular are killing this song. The attack on those strings is too slow. I'd recommend using that kind of string sample for harmonic support rather than counter-melodic ideas. Try a solo string sound for that kind of thing; Fluid GM and Cadenza Strings both have nice solo violin/viola sounds. This arrangement needs to go more places than it is currently going. Some tempo changes and/or instrumentation additions may help. Certainly not a lost cause! Don't become the Wingless's handpuppet! NO
  20. EVIL HAS A NAME, AND ITS NAME IS REVERB! Really guys I'm disappointed in you. Nobody thought of saying that yet? Anyway yeah. What the heck man, kill that reverb a little. Actally a lot. Okay I'm going to give everyone reading this some really important advice about using reverb in orchestral pieces right now, so pay attention. Don't make it sound like it's being played in a concert hall. Make it so that it will sound nice if you play it in a concert hall. Okay now that that's out of the way, the mix is too short, it doesn't develop at all, and the ideas are haphazardly placed. There's no pay-off, no--dare I say it?--money shot. Where's the crazy military march style interpretation? The whole thing sounds like it's building up to something but it never gets there. How unfulfilling. Needs development! NO
  21. Wow. Hardly anything in the way of arrangement, aside from the original section in the middle. Needs more. Much more. NO
  22. The percussion and vocals drown out everything. The piano is hard to hear and the whistle is too far back. Aside from that, it gets old fast. Where's the crazy breakdown in the middle? Nice rhythmic ideas in the piano, but they become overused as the mix progresses. As for the rapping, Daniel's is tight; the quick 32nd note rhythm stuff is pretty sick and he pulls it off well, but the other stuff sounds a bit cheesy; you enunciate your consonants too much. Sounds like...Weird Al. More balance, more melodic ideas, less cheese! Fight, DJ Chrono, for everlasting peace! NO
  23. For stings (solo), look for Cadenza or Florestan. For a reverse cymbal, search for sonic implants- it should be a demo sf2, so it's free. Well for a reverse cymbal, you can also just find a cymbal sample and uh...reverse it.
  24. I like it. It has a really nice texture; the guitar is played well, and the switch between acoustic and distortion is pretty good, though I would have liked a better transition between the two initially. Drum samples could have been better, but that's a minor gripe. Good stuff. YES
  25. Apologies! I've been super busy with personal stuff lately. I'm at work right now, so all my info is at home on my HD, but as it stands Suzumebachi, analoq, Darengan, and Rellik are finished. KirbyMixer and Trenthian are very close to done with their tracks, and I talked to Trenthian about picking up Final Star, while GrayLightning is going to grab Hero of Lore. I'll pick up the slack on Great Ace, and I need to talk to Ellywu and see where he stands on his mix. I also need to start the Super Star bonus track. Lets start talking about album names, while we're working on music. Whatchyou got? I think 'The Adventurers' fits with the character theme idea. Any other suggestions?
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