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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. This is not bad at all. However, my vote is NO. Here's why: -that tempo change in the intro is awkward as hell; the whole song trips over itself for a few seconds before locking back in -some of the articulation and accenting just doesn't sound right from a swing standpoint; stuff like legato quarter notes and accented downbeats in running eighth-notes -weird key change to a section that has nothing to do with any source material; both songs are minor key, yet we get a major key solo section with no real connection to the original chords -dry sound with some balance issues; percussion feels a bit too loud over the rest of the song The arrangement of the source is not bad, but I feel that the execution leaves something to be desired. Not a lost cause by any means; I recommend a resubmit.
  2. TOO MUCH REVERB Jeez man, lay off a little on that reverb. It's ugly, thick, and causes clipping and other bad stuff. Production is pretty bad all around. There's some weird phasing going on with the percussion, like you're using some kind of doubling reverb. The percussion part is badly written too. The single snare hits don't pack any punch; they're just an annoyance. There's no balance between instruments here. It sounds like you just went and tried to fill up the soundscape as much as possible. Focus your parts and adjust levels accordingly. Needs work. NO
  3. Clearly! Nice work on this Gray. Choir patches are awesome. Nice chromatic percussion stuff too.
  4. The thing is, that remix was posted in July of 2001, and Metroid Prime was released over a year later in 2002. You are wrong. Why don't you post about this in that remix's thread, instead of this one? I also think it's great how you didn't even comment on my remix.
  5. Bas, please take out the saxophone and change it to something else. It simply does not fit. Also, please cut out the section from 3:26 from 4:50, and work on transitioning those parts together. A lot of that stuff in the middle sounds very empty and it's much too interpretive. Too much original stuff.
  6. No it's not. Magmoor Caverns doesn't have its own theme. Magmoor Caverns' music is just updated Norfair music. If I were to remix the Super Mario Bros. theme, that doesn't make it a Smash Bros. remix because it was used in that game. That makes it a Super Mario Bros. remix. Get your facts straight.
  7. I'll tell you exactly what I'm doing. I'm writing a business report recommending a fictitious healthcare organization to migrate their network infrastructure from Microsoft Windows to a UNIX platform, because a recent hacker attack from a Brazilian hacker organization as brought to light the significant security holes in the network. Look, I have a huge paper due tomorrow. I'm not going to post here if I have nothing significant to say. Final Arrangements for all mixers whose name is not DarkeSword are due on the 19th of December, 2004 AD, and people have known that since two weeks ago.
  8. It might be helpful to offer samples of what you're offering right off the bat, people.
  9. For anyone who loves to follow the dramarama of the Panel (), Gecko IMed me today wanted me to just mention that he respects the Judges' decision, and that he's not angry at us. And I quote: So fear not. Gecko isn't going to quit OCR in protest.
  10. He's saying he didn't like the Piccolo Pipe analog synth playing the Chozo Ruins theme because it had portamento on it. Never mind the fact that Chozo Ruins uses the exact instrumentation (sans portamento) in the game.
  11. The royalty fee doesn't apply to this. It's for performing arrangements of Square Enix music.
  12. I don't think we would. That only makes sense if the original song Williams submitted was originally used in a Star Wars movie or other venue besides a video game. In this case, we have a song written by an artist that was never used in any kind of media venue like a movie, game, or music CD. The song was remixed by another artist, and that remix was used in a game. It's important to note that OCR's focus is to reinterpret and reinvent music from video games. In this case, the music from the game wasn't reinterpreted or reinvented, because this piece is the precursor. It inspiritive, rather than derivative (look at me, I'm making up words!). The question is, does the chronology matter? The piece itself is tightly done. Nice processing and a great, clean sound. However, to answer my own question, I do think that the chronology matters. I really hate rejecting things on the basis of policy, but unfortunately my vote here must be NO.
  13. Another great track from my favorite remixer. It's a bit less melodic than his other stuff, but no less enjoyable. Nice grooves, nice textures, nice everything. Nice work!
  14. Claado's leaving soon. You should probably show him some of your work before then so he can make the judgement about the caliber of your stuff.
  15. I'm extending the deadline by two weeks guys. Please have your final arrangements done by December 19th. I think that's ample time to get stuff done.
  16. Noted. I'll suggest it to DJP for when ztnet switches over to PHP 5.0, and when phpBB supports subforums. Don't expect it to happen any time soon (like, even within a year from now), but it's still a good idea. I'll pass it along.
  17. Take your time. To paraphrase Shigeru Miyamoto, a bad mix is bad forever, but a delayed mix is eventually good.
  18. Deadline is tomorrow, hopefully everyone can post their pieces by then. Might have to give an extension, but I'd rather not. Letsee the stuff people.
  19. ...psst...nobody said anything about #ocrjudges...
  20. I don't mind. However, is everyone going to contest votes they don't like? I don't really feel this is one of those special circumstances. This one isn't that questionable imo. But if you guys want to continue to the vote, that's fine. I believe the policy is if a mix is not unanimous, first to six wins. i dont think a specific request is required. And of course it's questionable, otherwise the vote would be unanimous [/obvious] No, we never decided on that policy. The policy is that if a judge feels very strongly about a mix either way, he (OR SHE/!?!) requests for a 6 vote.
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