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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Hadyn summed it up. As for the site, I'm coding myself in HTML/XHTML and CSS. So that's that. I really need to work on it though.
  2. Saying someone is full of himself is an insult, so right away, you started off on the wrong foot. Then, you showed no real understanding of our community when you made the comment about people taking time out of their lives to remix. Remixing is what we do here. Making symphonic remixes of Chrono Trigger music is a challege that a lot of us will have FUN with. Why do you think contests like IMC and PRC are so popular? People have fun remixing, and they learn a lot. Then, you criticize the script, but follow that immediately up with 'I didn't even read the script.' I don't care if you found the 'audacity of the entire project...appalling.' If you're going to criticize Claadou's script, at least read it. He spent more time writing the script than you did writing your post. Then you talk about how movies based on video games always end up sucking, but Claadou has stated many times that this movie isn't even being made. The script is there for his own enjoyment, and its there as a framework to base our project on. Then you make a totally irrelevant comparison to defacing the Mona Lisa, which makes no sense. We're not going back in time and defecating in all of the CT cartridges here. When you adapt a story from one medium to another, changes must be made, otherwise you get something very lackluster. If you were trying to be unoffensive, you did a poor job of it. You said Claadou was full of himself, demonstrated little understanding of what this community is about, criticized the script without even reading it, and then accused us of disrespecting the source material. Just putting a little disclaimer at the end of your post doesn't cut it, when your entire post is filled with stuff like that. Sorry if you think I'm an asshole, but maybe you should have thought more about what you said and how you said it before you posted.
  3. Tried, and failed! Yeah I mean, it's not like remixing is fun or anything. Look buddy; we're remixers; we don't take time out of life to remix; remixing IS life. Read the script. For fun. Yeah, especially since this movie is being made! No, it's not. It's adapting and intpreting a story to another medium, and making it WORK in said medium. Could have fooled me. Here's the point of the project: CHRONO TRIGGER REMIXES
  4. Heh. Pretty neat man. Anyway, one week left for first WIPs. After that, we're going until November 28 for the final arrangements.
  5. What specifically are you trying to do? Because you can't really FADE between FX tracks, unless you use Send tracks. Most things can be solved by actually automating the levels of the effects IN the FX channels themselves.
  6. Just wanna say that this is a great example of what submission emails should look like. All you people reading judges decisions, look at this submissions email and follow Lyco's example.
  7. Clean, spacey, groovy. Very nice. The whole texture is really great. Synths, pads, piano and strings all work really well together. The arrangement is a bit empty at parts, but there's still substance there. I like it. This is a no-brainer for me. YES
  8. Epiliptic is right. This is downright seizure-inducing. Maybe it's just my lack of knowledge about the genre, but I'm not a big fan of this. However, there's some crazy sampling retriggering going on here; really weird and chaotic; kinda cool. Still, the opening really follows the original verbatim, and there's not much interpretation as far as the music goes. It's mostly just the original with similar sounds with creative breakcore loops thrown over it. Not much in the way of a remix, and not much in the way of what this site aims for. Try releasing it on the WIP, or at VGMix; there's gotta be an audience for this kind of stuff somewhere. NO
  9. Yeah. This is basically the original over dance drums. Not even very interesting dance drums. Pleasant enough to listen to, but it's there's really NO interpretation here at all. Not even so much as a countermelody. Nothing.
  10. Seems to me that this is an attempt at melding styles; the problem is that it's only done with different percussion. Take out that 808 percussion and you've got a piece that's very close to the original, in terms of arrangement, interpretation, and instrumentation. Personally I think the harp work is just fine; the opening has a nice clockwork quality that I'm pretty partial to; the runs aren't terrible either. What I really think this piece needs is something to compliment the percussion. If there was some kind of Mitsuda-esque bassline that added more motion to the lower range, the song would be more interesting, and the percussion wouldn't seem so out of place. I also think that utilizing the piano to add some more countermelodic ideas (to fill in sustained flute parts) would work really well too. Certainly not a lost cause. I do like the texture in this piece; strings are pretty and the flute is nicely sequenced. Personally, I'm keeping this, but as far as OCR is concerned, I really think that you can do better in terms of arrangement and interpretation. NO, but go for the resubmit!
  11. Not a bad mix, but I think that there are some issues. My main issue is that the song's development is pretty flatline thoughout the whole thing. Dynamics are really important here; everything sounds the same all throughout the mix. I also think that the guitar could be sequenced better; add some slight pitch-bends to give it some more character. I'd also like to hear more of the panpipes in this song; it adds a nice quality to the texture, but it disappears so quickly. I do like the reverb going on; nice cavernous effect without being muddy. Overall the mix needs somework; solid, but not solid enough. NO
  12. Gotta agree on with Danny B. That trumpet solo makes me cringe. JHockett, change it up! The range displayed in that solo is so weak, and there are notes that are flubbed that even I could play cleanly after 3 years of inactivity. Sounds like you're trying imitate Lee Morgan's solo style (Sidewinder, anyone?), but it comes across as very uninteresting because the articulation is messy, the rhythms are repetitive, and the range is so low compared to what a trumpet is capable of reaching. Anyway, sorry to harp on the trumpet solo; I used to play a lot of jazz trumpet back in high school, so speaking from experience, I really think it could be a lot better. As far as the rest of the mix is concerned, it's a solid track; however, I really feel it lacks the intesity it could have. There's some attention being paid to the articulation and accenting of the notes in the head, but I think you should bring that out even more. The bass and guitar are also very boring. Gotta work on that. I know it seems like I complained a lot about this piece, but it actually is pretty solid; I just think that it could be a LOT better. NO, but go for the resubmit!
  13. Thanks Krispy; I've heard your work before. Glad to have you on backup.
  14. I think this is pretty damn good. Lots of buzzy synths, but nothing wrong with that. Not much reverb or delay going on here, but sometimes (like here) that's a good thing; don't have to worry about muddiness or messiness. It's a nice, clean, straight forard sound. Good beats too. I like the section with the low pizzacato + clarinet; the clockwork beat works really well in tandem, and the progression from string to clarinet to violin is seamless. Low choir at 2:00 is a nice subtle touch. That wonky transition around 2:12 seems off at first, but it's a great change-up; VERY danceable. Other judges may disagree, but this is way over the bar for me. YES (if you DO get rejected, RESUBMIT please)
  15. I've heard this said (re: poor sound quality) said about Reason's samples as well, but with effects and EQing, they can be tweaked well. Here's a dumb question. Does anyone have guidelines to make these things "sound better"? I confess, I'm still new at this all and I still need to develop my ear, but any knowledge would be more useful than none. This is a slightly (actually, a pretty dramatically) OT question so if it is let me know and I'll start a new thread instead. Thank you for your attention. There are tons of resources here at OCR on how to make your stuff 'sound better', just search around and EXPERIMENT. But I'll say this for now: a little reverb goes a long way.
  16. No effects added, huh? There's your fucking problem.
  17. The thing is, I'm very set on saving the piano exclusively for the ending theme, and if you could try something that worked as well as that (or even slightly less well) it would be a perfect piece. I understand if you don't want to...either way, you're still accepted. I really don't think there's a problem with using piano in pieces. Piano is used a lot in film score music as a PART of the orchestra. I'm not highlighting the piano as a solo instrument here; it's part of the texture of sound.
  18. Holy crap. I think we just found our Millennial Fair piece remake. The only problem would be the piano-type thing in there, which could be replaced by strings quite easily. And you're right, it does explain its visual by itself. Otherwise, one track out of 25 has been already created. This also means, DarkeSword, that you're accepted. Congratulations. You really want to replace the piano? There's already strings every where in there. It's really an integral part of the track. I could change it to something else, but it won't have the same effect.
  19. Haha. Well I just posted those to own Piejacked, but I guess Blue Skies Over Guardia (the very last one, I think) is pretty evocative and self-explainatory. Just think about walking into Leene Square and seeing all of the amazing things that the fair has to offer, on a beautiful, cloudless day. I could probably still work on an audition piece, if you want.
  20. KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller Dj_StarChild - 33/34 - Star Herald Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General Sir Nuts - 13 - Great Ace DJ Ikronix - 14/15 - Final Star mv - 56 - Hero of Lore DarkeSword - undecided/backup mixer (super star?) analoq - backup mixer Updated list! Helen (Destiny) emailed me and said she had to withdraw from the project because of her workload at University, so mv's going to take her place. Remember people, WIPs due Oct 31!!
  21. http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/dragoon.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/dream.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/moonlight.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/fallingstar.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/seven.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/sunmoon.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_childhood.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_child_of%20_the_wolf_clan_-_sion's_theme.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_cold_stone_walls.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/years.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/distance.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/fight.mp3 http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01079 http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01095 ????
  22. Sounds good. You didn't say I had to audition though. Meh. I'll work on something. XD
  23. I thought the intentional lo-finess was a nice change. The point I want to make is that while this sounds lo-fi starting up, it still has a very clean, balanced sound. It's lo-fi, but not MUFFLED like a lot of submissions we get. I think it's part of the charm. Deceptive in the beginning, of course, but ultimately effective.
  24. I didn't think you were allowed to vote on your own mix.
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