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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Really fantastic arrangement for such a small source tune. It's under 3 minutes, but that's expected when your source tune is about 10 seconds. Anyway, I like what's going on; groovy beats, nice synths, good variation. I gotta agree with Larry though. High freqs are too hissy; I'd like to get a reEQed version. NO (resub)
  2. Needs mastering and production help. Super compression is killing this piece. For pete's sake, just turn everything DOWN a bit. Aside from that I really like the sounds and the arrangement. Nice texture, good variation. NO! Please resubmit this piece after remastering it!
  3. Pretty solid, enjoyable stuff. Natural elements work surprisingly well in this context. Flute stuff is good when it happens. Synth work is solid as usual. Nothing wrong here. The arrangement stays varied and doesn't drag itself out. Nice. YES
  4. Whoa. Nice stuff. Synth work is tight, and perfectly compliments the percussive stuff. I love the section around 2:00; it had me dancing in my seat. Nice arrangement throughout. Ideas are clearly presented and developed, although the piece as a whole is a bit medlyish. Still, nicely done. I like it. Could have used a little less reverb, I think. YES
  5. The waves were compressed with crc check rar files. Anything can get corrupt in a transfer. The rars are as viable as anything else is gonna get. flac was considered and dismissed as the file size difference would have been something like 5%; simply not worth the n00bie brigade outcry of pain and ineptitude that would surely have followed. You know who you are. Anyway, I told coworkers about this last week, and they absolutely love it. STILL GOOD AFTER ALL THESE YEARS.
  6. No. While this sounds great, I believe the "arrangement" for the second half is dicey at best and pushes the boundaries of what's acceptable. If anything, I'm borderline NO because the presentation is excellent. If it were a lockdown candidate, I might vote to keep it, but in terms of taking it as a submission, I ask for more votes. I am not trying to simply hold up the process, but ask that the nature of the arrangement be considered closely. My request is to please go to 6. Sounds good to me.
  7. I'm sorry, but why do we need 6Y on this piece? There are four fairly strong YESes with a borderline NO. That doesn't seem like a very borderline piece to me.
  8. Yes, like I said, I want to be realistic. With the way things have been going, April 1st seems like a very realistic completion date.
  9. I want to set a realistic deadline. April 1st (seriously).
  10. A little while ago, GrayLightning gave me the bad news that his mixing computer went down, and that he wouldn't be able to complete his Hero of Lore piece. That's the third mixer who dropped out on it, so I've worked out something with reelmojo, the coordinator of the People's Remix Competition. The contest this week is to remix Track 56 in the style of a Hero of Lore track. I encourage mixers already involved with the project to try and compete as well. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=51656
  11. Sounds good to me so far. Need to think on a name.
  12. This is a very nice take on Sky Sanctuary; very emotive playing. There were some points that felt a bit odd because of timing issues; some of the piece ends up sounding disjointed, rather than the emotional quality it strives for; then again, maybe I just use FL too much (omg quantization). Anyway, that little minor section in the middle doesn't sound like anything from Sonic, but it's quite short compared to the rest of the mix, so I'll chalk it up to originality. I do like the Sky Sanctuary bits; a bit conservative on the arrangement, but still, nicely interpreted. YES
  13. Ouch, badly used shakuhachi sound! It's way too low, and ends up sounding lo-fi because of the reverb. Balance between elements really sucks. Strings come on too strong, and don't mesh well with the rest of the song. Everything gets messy when the electic guitar comes in. Sounds like slayer, but way too muffled; too much distortion on the lead too. Sounds ugly. Balance issues, production issues. This one's a NO.
  14. Percussion has no punch! Everything still sounds splashy. I remember commenting on this back in the wip stages. There's a lack of balance here. Lots of things vying for attention! BALANCE! It's so important when you're mixing elements together! Aside from that I don't feel any kind of energy from this piece. It's sparse and high, and the sounds, while having a nice old school sound, aren't really that impressive. The arrangement goes on long, but it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere; just going through the motions. NO Special note to future submitters: If you request that your mix's link be left in the thread once it's moved to decisions, please don't tag the file with OC ReMix in the title. Use OC Submission instead. Thanks!
  15. Sounds to me like we can freeze this decision until he gets us a better version; he said himself that he would like to fix some things. If that's the case, then we shouldn't pass or reject anything unless we get his new version.
  16. While I voted NO on this song, there are good points that I really did enjoy, such as the string/rhodes section, as well as the overall texture of the song. Wonderfully executed, Marc. As for this review thread, Ari, using an artist's review thread to make a jab at the panel with an accusation of bias, as well as a jab at site standards, is also disrespectful to the artist. Review the song, not the site, please. Any further discussion pertaining to 'bias' and 'spiraling standards' should be carried out via PM or IM. This goes for everyone.
  17. Are you looking for feedback, or simply showing us your progress so far? 'Cause, you know, there's are a few things I could give feedback on, but it's a strange role reversal, giving advice to a judge o.O Feedback away. I still post my stuff in the WIP you know.
  18. Aviator Soul update: http://shariqansari.com/great-ace.mp3
  19. Sounding good chth. Make sure, however, that you pay attention to the rhythms in the original. The melodic line stays the same, but the rhythms change ever-so-slightly each time. Listen to the NSF to see what I mean. Also, I think that the synth playing the melody could sound wider or deeper; try some delay and reverb on it.
  20. Hey I marched USSBA back in High School. Also, Binnie, that's not a random recording beginning the mix. This is an actual performance at a Marching Band Competition. So first, the recording of people screaming wasn't SPLICED into the piece. It's what actually happened. Also, football coaches don't usually attend band competitions, and even then, the band wouldn't ask the coach if they could play a song for their FIELD SHOW. Educate yourself! As for the piece itself, it's pretty straightforward, but I also think that the performance is pretty mediocre. Brass flubs suck! Sounds like it's early in the season, or just too cold outside to move those fingers. Also, can we even be sure that the submitting remixer arranged this piece himself? Sounds to me like an arrangement you'd buy from a marching band music catalogue! He says the piece is called Korobushka, but if he'd arranged it with the eventual intention of submitting it here, wouldn't he have called it Theme from Tetris? NO
  21. Not enough arrangement; this follows the original much too closely. Nice texture though. Too bad. NO
  22. Sounds fine with me; you were on the project before, so it's okay. Please post something ASAP. Here's my WIP for Aviator Soul ~Theme of Great Ace~. http://shariqansari.com/great-ace.mp3 KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop DONE Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE Chthonic - 18/19 - Dream Warrior In Process Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace WIP Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process Alright; I listened to Kirbymixer's track. I like it. It's finished. 5 tracks done. 6 to go.
  23. KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop DONE* Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE DarkeSword - 18/19 - Dream Warrior In Process Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace In Process Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process Okay, so Ellywu2 let me know he dropped, so I'm taking that track, unless anyone else wants it.
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