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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Okay Bas. I think the arrangement overall works. It's a little long, but that's okay. My only issue is still the saxophone. If you can change that to oboe, that'd be great, because I really don't think that the sax fits with the overall orchestral texture of the piece. If you're really against it, I guess you can leave it, but I'd rather it wasn't there.
  2. KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop WIP Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior WIP Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace In Process Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process Here is where we stand so far on music. Bas is nearly done with his track; he told me he just needs to tweak levels. I spoke with EllyWu2 and he SAYS he's going to try and finish up his track; I need to follow up with him on that; if he's out then I'm taking that track myself. AB's got an absolute deadline set for himself for the end of next week. If he's out I'm taking that track myself. Gray is also promising something by the end of that week so that should be fine. My own tracks I need to work on. It's been so busy here. I'd also like to apologize to everyone for appearing to be so unresponsive to this thread, SP mods included. It's been busy here with the renovations at my house, school stuff, and work stuff. Big projects going on everywhere. I'm not trying to make excuses, but at least people know what I'm up to. Thanks to everyone for their hard work so far. I was aiming for a January release. That is not happening. March is probably the most realistic estimation I can give for a release so far. However, I remain optimistic that this project can be complete before then.
  3. Thanks for the concern. There are a few tracks already finished. I'm at school on my laptop at the moment, but I have the list of finished tracks at home on my PC. I'll post sometime tonight or tomorrow (need to install the new cabinets tonight at my house )I've talked to a few people OUTSIDE of this thread to get stuff going, but I'll admit right away that I've been terrible about posting stuff in here. More tracks should be coming in soon.
  4. The title is already finalized. Stop debating it.
  5. Rise of the Star Warrior SUCKS. Rise of the Star it is.
  6. mv is an actual remixer. A very, very good one. http://www.ocremix.org/detailremixer.php?mixerid=330
  7. I like Rise of the Star too, and I can see the arguments against Kirbylution. I'm going with Rise of the Star. Any objections? If there are no objections, we'll go with that.
  8. Some good suggestions; a lot of bad ones too. I like Rise of a Star; but I also liked that title with Kirbylution in it. I'm really leaning towards "The Theory of Kirbylution." What does everyone think?
  9. I don't believe it's a straight up rip, otherwise I would override it. The inclusion of Aeris's theme and some of the intro/outro stuff seems to have been written by the mixer himself. So lets just go for a full vote, rather than hastily NO OVERRIDING it.
  10. NO Here's why: - Vocals are amazing, no doubt, but they simply cover the source material verbatim. If you had added some original vocals for the middle section, it would have been really cool, but as it stands I can just listen to the Grand Finale version and get the same stuff. - The harp part is nearly identical to the original; i'm comparing this mix to the SPC as I review this. Way too similar. - All of the instrumentation is exactly the same as well; strings and harp, with some winds. Nothing new there either. - The structure is the same. We get the slow section first, then there's the breakdown in the middle, and then the faster section in the end. - You didn't even bother changing the key! (this is not really horrible, I just wanted to mention it) - Take away the (amazing) vocals and you're left with a nothing but the original run through squidfont (I'm exaggerating here; I appreciate the Aeris quote, but it's left so underdeveloped that may as well not even been there). Not enough arrangement. - Production aspect stinks. Too reverby, and the samples are stretched beyond their means. I really liked the vocals; your girlfriend has an amazing voice, and you're lucky as hell to be with someone so skilled. However, the production is severely lacking and the arrangement needs to be much more dynamic and interpretive if you want this to be on OCR. Back to the drawing board!
  11. Hey I really like this. The guitar playing is really nice, the recording is pretty warm, and the arrangement is pretty good. The section where the source speeds up is really good; I like how you improvise without going totally original and making up something that has nothing to do with the real song. The original bits come off as very integral to the whole song. It's a nice holistic approach. Conservative, but interpretive enough for me, and interpretive enough for OC... ...yo. YES!
  12. I'd rather not have my own nick in there. Plus Darwin alludes to evolution. Thoughts?
  13. HAHA. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for. A play on words. How about, 'Darwin's Theory of Kirbylution.' XD
  14. Nothing really meshes well in this piece. Just a lot of stuff going on at the same time. Also, everything sounds lo-fi. Those strings lack high frequencies, and the percussion is weak as hell. Detach strings at the end are gratuitous and harsh. Not a lot of development; this song doesn't really go anywhere. No intensity, no highs and lows, nothing. The texture isn't even intersting. NO
  15. ARGH Don't play your synths on a KEYBOARD when you're writing any kind of techno-trance-newage-whatever. It's SUPPOSED to sound quantized. The timing on that lead is terrible. Either way that synth sucks a lot. Way too loud and it fills up the soundscape in a really bad way. Everything else underneath is too loud and too sloppy. NO
  16. The switch between minor key (face shrine and ballad of the wind fish) and major key (richard's villa) doesn't work very well. There's no real logical reason to switch between the two except for medely's sake. I think there's too much reveb, and the percussion is very very boring. Same stuff over and over again without any real interaction with the rest of the song. Reverb is a tool, not a gimmick; it feels like a gimmick here; take it away and you've got nothing but a sparse arrangement. Needs more arrangement, more ideas, more focus. NO
  17. I'm getting that too, but I think it's just personal preference. Some people like this sound. Anyway this mix is too short. Good ideas, nice groove, but not enough development at all. Lets get the extended mix, ok? MORE PLEASE! NO
  18. You need to roll that big ass ball over some HIGH FREQUENCIES PLEASE. Needs EQ like peanut butter needs jelly. Vig said it best; lets see some more sophisticated arrangement ideas. What we have here is a conflict of inter...uh, I mean, what we have here is a good start to what could be totally awesome. WORK IT ON OUT (work it on out) NO
  19. I don't really feel any kind of pull coming out of the melody. It's just there. Everything in this mix, while mixed well, still feels like a separate entity. Timpani, strings, what are those guys doing? Nothing but playing rhythms that have nothing to do with the melody. With such a weak melodic line, you should be trying to accent with with your other voices. This remix feels like it's just going through the motions. There's no intensity here. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling it. NO
  20. Personally I like the synthwork and drum sound. There are some cool, harsh textures, that really work well. However, I'm not a fan of the ridiculous amount of arpeggiation going on here. This mix can be summed up in 16 syllables: "doo de DAH de doo DAH doo de DAH de doo DAH doo de DAH doo." Add drums. Repeat. Granted, its a staple of the genre, but I think a stronger focus on more melodic aspects of the source material would help with the arrangement aspect. I like the texture a lot, but arrangement is lacking. It's not an execution thing, it's a concept thing. NO (revise+resub)
  21. I love how Larry writes an essay, and Vig just writes a few sentences. Personally I fall into Vigilante's camp on this one. Short review is the way to go. Personally I think this mix has direction enough; it just keeps going in that direction for way too long. Cut this down man; the repetitiveness of the title screen music is killing this piece. There are some great breakdowns with distorted beats and stuff, but a lot of this song is just 'doom, doobadee doom...doom, doobadee doom...' with a gating synth over it. The string/rhodes stuff ROCKS THE HOUSE. More of that please. Less doobadeedoom, more stringatystring. Resubitio~ NO
  22. Wow. Really nice texture and atmosphere. Percussion near the end is particularly cool, under the solo female vox. Awesome. YES
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