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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Eh...I dunno about this one. It's got a nice sound to it; personally I like the synths and the beat. However, it's just really repetitive, especially that part starting around 1:09. It just feels very boring. I think there could be more interesting things going on during the fifth or sixth iteration of the line. It sounds dead with not even so much as some basic hatwork going on. It's got a clear, clean sound, but the arrangement is pretty basic. Enjoyable in it's own right, but it doesn't really push the bar. NO
  2. I just did a supersmall update to soundfonts.darkesword.com. Florestan Woodwinds is up for maximum oboe ownage. Enjoy.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I got the spacebeam! Nice work Star. There's definitely coverage there, albeit in a very interpretive fashion. Lyrics get the job done. Plus, unlike some recent rap submissions, it's not just an original rapped over. A little short, yes, but I think it's passable. YES
  4. I agree with this. Locked down mixes should not be replaced. However, what if we treat this as a removal of an old mix, and a posting of a new mix? In effect, OCR00664 would be removed as any other track is removed (because mixers always have the right to have their tracks removed from the site), but Infectious Oldskool would be posted as OCR011xx (whatever we're upto). Or we could just not post this and recommend to people in this decision to check it out anyway, so that we don't set a bad precedent that could eventually lead to a lot of replacement headaches. Just a few thoughts.
  5. What the hell? I definitely already voted on this one. Where'd my vote go? Bah. Anyway, this is what the kids call 'tite.' SURE
  6. Whoa kick. Too damn loud; those low freqs are killing my ears. Everything is drowned out buy that kick; what's there is fairly repetitive and inorganic sounding. Beats aren't particularly compelling eiher; they most certainly are not phat. NO
  7. As early as 1:55 this mix is just too repetitive. It's very boring; that drumline is the same thing over and over again. Not much melodic play or interpretation going on either. Overall, a good sound, but it's pretty weak arrangement-wise. NO
  8. Whoa...what a crappy guitar synth. All of those sounds are pretty bad. There goes the drumloop. Boring, repetitive, uneffective. There's clipping too. Sounds like you used a MIDI file and cut and paste parts. NO
  9. Not much else to say. Minimal and repetitive is the name of game here. Flute's too damn loud too. No balance! Work on making this more interesting and balanced. NO
  10. Good thing we have more than just Prot judging mixes then, right? Anyway, those horns are terrible, and the percussion is ridiculously weak in the context...actually in any context. TAP TAP TAP TAP. NO
  11. We're gonna catch a lot of flak on this for being uncultured yokels or some stupid shit people like to say, but I'm gonna close this out with NO, basically for the reasons already mentioned. That horn halfway in is SO unnatural compared to the stronger sounds throughout the mix. Work on it and resubmit.
  12. What exactly IS the policy regarding mixes in 'lockdown'? Won't this potentially mess up the bittorrent download? I think it's a great mix; I vote YES for replacement, but because SID of Rage is so similar, I vote NO for new mix, on the grounds that it would violate some kind of policy. I mean, it's just two versions of the same, mix, right? Tricky. EDIT: I just want to clarify that I'm only voting YES if DJP allows for replacements. So don't consider this passed yet, unless we get the final word on the policy.
  13. Messy, amateurish, no production values, plus its a cover. NO
  14. It's a rip. Can't we just override this? Oh well. In agreement. Touched up original, with drums. NO
  15. I think it's got a nice atmosphere. There's a cool texture going on with the dirty guitar synths + the slick hip-hop beat. Things stay varied throughout, though not overly so. Pretty solid sound all around, no glaring problems at all. I enjoyed. YES
  16. You're posting in it. The 'Remixing' forum used to be called Remixing 101.
  17. Just wanna throw in that those vocal clips are ridiculously funny. I wish more people were as enthusiastic about their music as this guy. Kudos. I'm not contending the NO here; just throwing that in.
  18. I don't think there's anything particularly glaringly-bad about this remix. It's got a nice sound and a nice texture. I didn't catch many of the off notes, etc. Everything seems pretty solid to me. It's close to the original, but there's still arrrangement there, and I think that there's a great texture going on. All of the sounds really mesh together well, and there's balance and separation between the elements of the mix. Not the most amazing piece of work, but I think it's over the bar. I enjoyed this. YES
  19. Not a bad interpretation at all; it comes off quite pretty, aside from the fact that those synth strings really start grating on one's ears after a while. There's some repetition issues too, but I think you can work on that too. Try to go for some more highs and lows, rather than just establishing the atmosphere and going with it. This doesn't seem like a tone-poem. So yeah, samples and arrangement, but DEFINITELY not a lost cause at all. Fix stuff and go for a resubmit! NO
  20. This is ridiculously harsh sounding. Everything is just tracked way too loud, and it's filling up my ears in that painful turn-it-off way (aka too much resonance). This is also too damn repetitive to be enjoyable at all. That flute(?) just doesn't let up. NO
  21. Interesting concept, but this ultimately comes off sounding pretty empty. Its just melody, bass, and percussion. I could have done with some more serious development rather than just a soundeffects mix. Scattershot is the word; this mix is all over the place too. Little in the way of cohesion. As stated, more of a novelty than a remix. Creative, but NO.
  22. Arrangement is pretty strong, and quite varied; however, I have to agree that the execution is severely lacking. This piece fills up my ears with reverbed strings; everything is meshed together so tightly its hard to make sense of what's happening sometimes. Its just like a wall of string sound coming at you. Think about how your samples interact with eachother (not just the violin, but the violin sample); samples need to be treated as instruments on their own, not as the instruments they represent. This is the essence of making the most out of your samples. Cool concept, lacking execution. NO, for now.
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