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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. First off it sounds like the guitar is recorded poorly; I wish it was clearer. The clearer percussion and bassline make up for it a bit. Things get too sloppy in the latter half though. The high screechy sounds up top layered over the melody layered of the solo just sounds so crowded it's hard to make sense of anything. That ending is weak as hell too. This song lays down the basic groove, but doesn't really develop from its beginning. It goes through the motions. You've got a nice groove; I'd like to see a more cohesive, variating arrangement though. As it stands, I think this is too short and lacks development. Nice start; let's hear some more. NO
  2. Much too similar to the source tune. Awkward reverb. Little balance. Nothing really clicks with this piece. The arrangement progresses similarly to the original. A lot of your samples lack definition in the attacks. Very weak sounding woodwinds. Try for an actual arrangement with some more creativity next time. NO
  3. Be prepared for a call-in from the VGF All Star, kthx.
  4. Yeah I figured; it's just that his was rejected so recently that I wasn't sure. Oh well. voteplz fgt
  5. Old decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=41999 Wasn't sure whether to drag that other thread out of Decisions or just make a new one, so I decided to just make a new one. I liked the initial submission, and any issues I had with it were resolved. This mix has a great beat, cool sounds, and is very fun. Reminds me a bit of Willed Assault by Ziwtra. Good stuff from BGC. YES
  6. I've done that, it just reverts back to "Nineteen" next time I load the program. Did you buy the soundfont player? If you didn't, then that's what happens.
  7. Extremely lo-fi sound; those samples sound really GM too. Plantman's theme is a straight cover. Come on dude, that's like one of the best songs in all of MegaMan 6, and you didn't even give it any groove at all. What the hell? Pretty piano comes in for the last FIVE SECONDS? DUDE. Arrangement is unoriginal, uninspired, and incohesive. Production is terrible, with GENERIC midi samples, little balance, and crappy encode. NO
  8. Piano delays are annoying as hell, as is the massive amounts of reverb on everything. After the rain drops out, there's still waaaay to much hissing as a result of reverb. Ridiculously amateurish dude. TONE BACK THE REVERB. It's absolutely INSANE how much reverb is on this thing. That piano is overused too; bring more elements into this mix. NO
  9. Okay, here's the deal. This is, by far, NOT my best work. However, I still enjoyed working on this mix a lot. It was over a year in the making (on and off), and I think it came out nicely. Here's the voice breakdown. The opening voice is Wily from X6 talking about how Zero is his greatest robot or something. All of the other voice samples of the guy you hear are Zero in X4, from various cutscenes. In response to others in the thread, yeah it's generic techno, but you're talking to the guy who has THE MOST generic techno song on the site (Gundam Wing Endless Duel). As for the comparison to Prot's Brainsick Metal, don't even compare please. This mix doesn't attain the same level as an awesome mix like that. Anyway this mix was mostly for the MM fans out there, so I hope that they, if anyone, enjoy it.
  10. Whoa. Messy all around. What's up with the beat? Everything is falling hard on 1 and 3; gives a very plodding feel. There's not much in the way of balance either; stuff gets crowded sometimes, and the sounds are lo-quality. NO
  11. Yeah you really need to master this puppy. It's way too loud, and everything fills out my ears in that oft-mentioned not-so-pleasant-way. Everything sounds dead center, and those loud booms mess up the sound. The arrangement on the first half is really weak. It basically follows the source tune's phrasing verbatim. Same with TFAT; it's on the order of a rip. Shoddy arrangement, shoddy production. NO
  12. Can't we just override this out? I won't; I can't listen to PSFs for some reason right now, but if it's a rip just OR it.
  13. This is very boring. It follows the original quite closely, and there's nothing really new that catches my attention. Sounds pretty muffley. Nice atmosphere, but there's really not much going on here. NO
  14. Yeah this IS very interesting. A few of weird transitions choices, but I can get past them because what's in between is really nice. Cool and unique coverage of the source tune. WHOA acoustic solo. Cool. YEAH!1~
  15. I don't have a problem with the guitars. The flute however, is a different story. It's quite lifeless and mechanical. There's little expression there. Interesting whooshy sounds though; I like those. Vig is right though; this really meanders throughout the piece. It does function nicely as background music. I just think it lacks direction. Borderline NO. If anyone can convince me otherwise, I'll change my vote.
  16. Prot, I gotta ask you, what the hell do you mean all the time by the notation? Do you have the sheet music in front of you or something? Noob. Anyway, onto the mix. Where's the bass? This thing needs something more than just kick. It sounds so unsupported like that. Nice percussion work though. Audio deformation at 2:25. Nice interpretation, to be sure, and personally I don't have a problem with the structure. However I DO think you need a meatier bassline and some more accompniment throughout. There's an emptiness that pervades this mix (LIKE THE EMPTINESS IN MY SOUL or something). Nice ideas, flawed execution. Work more on this. NO
  17. I kept waiting for a guitar solo, but it never came. Anyway, the guitars are a bit muffley. Drums sound really lo-fi too. Everything is just smack dab in the middle too. Fills up the ears in a not so nice way. It is a unique apporach; unfortunately your execution comes off a bit lifeless. There's mastering issues, and the arrangement is pretty repetitive and quite boring. NO
  18. Okay Bhai-sahib. Here's the verdict. This piece doesn't go anywhere. It's very flatline in terms of development. Things start out one way and they don't REALLY change. There's a nice texture here with all the different sounds, but the song itself kind of boring throughout. Also, the melody is never really iterated. It sounds a lot like you just took the chord progression and wrote the song based on that. I could have done with a clearer arrangement of the source tune. Don't worry Bhai-Sahib. You've come a long way in a short time. Just keep going. NO
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