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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I agree with Danny B for the most part. This piece really lacks intesity; the transition into the chorus at around 1:20 could have done with some more build up and climax; instead, it just sort of happened. Kind of annoying. However, I believe that was probably the only part where the development was in question for me. Like GL said, it works for the genre. Also, can't ignore the really nice sounds and textures going on. Pretty neat. It may not be way up there, but it's certainly above the bar. Enjoyable piece. YES
  2. It's rather sparse in the beginning. I think that the bassline could do with being brought up. Most of it sounds very similar to the original with some really well done drums. They're even on square leads and stuff. Guitar part is neat, and I like the whole minor dissonant section. All in all, this never fills out in the way it could, and I think it relies more on reverb than voicing than for depth. NO, but not a lost cause. Work on and resubmit.
  3. You can't use a soundfont in cooledit pro. CEP is not a sequencer. It's a mixer that lets you mix together waveform files. It doesn't generate tones, or utilize any kind of algorithm to manipulate samples so that you can actually write music with.
  4. Pretty nice, but it gets a bit boring. I would have liked to hear some more momentum later on in the piece, but what you have isn't bad. Some of the percussion sounds a bit unnatural; builds are too quick at times. Otherwise though, the string and harp work is pretty good. So-so samples, but used pretty well. I like it. Borderline YES.
  5. WHOOOOOOOAAAAA REVERRRRRRBBBBBBBBBBBBbbbbbbbbb........... x( Okay tone it back a little (A LOT), PLEASE!! This is pretty nice, but everything gets drowned in reverb. Also, a less bright piano would be nice. Try NS piano or something. Personally I don't think the length is an issue, but maybe another minute or so would help. NO! But work on and resubmit.
  6. Gonna chime in here. First, lemme say that this is some good rapping. I don't care much for the language in the context, but to each his own. I think that overall, its a really nice song. However, I must agree with Prot on this one. I sat down and listened to the original NSF file for this game, and noticed that the track continues for about a minute and a half before repeating; it's got a fair amount of material. I think that what you've got just isn't enough. I find myself wishing thoughout the song that you could have worked more of the original's music into this piece; it's a neat little track with some cool syncopation. Seems to me you just lifted the chord progression and about 8 bars of the original and dropped in the back of some good vocalizations. I'm going to say NO, but I want you to know that this piece was really cool, and I really enjoyed it personally. It's just that as far as guidelines go, it may be too loose an interpretation of the source music. Nice work, to be sure; please don't be discouraged, and remember, it's not personal.
  7. Samples are kinda bleh. The levels around 2:15 are poop, when everything comes in. This sounds very GM; not much attention paid to the actual mixing of the sounds. What am I supposed to pay attention to? It's confusing. The percussion part is too busy when it comes in, and makes no appearance prior; things come out sounding empty. Fade-out in this particular context is a pretty cheap way to end things. NO
  8. Never phase/flange every single channel with the same damned preset. UGGGGHGHHHHHHHGHHHHHhhhhhh.........
  9. Hahaha, this is great. Certainly groovy and funkalicious. Nicewerk Pretz.
  10. FruityLoops doesn't automatically assign all of your tracks to MIDI channels. In order to export to MIDI you need every channel to be a MIDI out channel. There's a macro for this. Tools>Misc Macros>Prepare for MIDI Export. This will change all of your channels to MIDI out channels. DON'T SAVE THE FLP FILE THIS WAY, OTHERWISE YOU WILL LOSE ALL OF YOUR AUTOMATION AND SAMPLE SPECIFIC SETTINGS. Just export to MIDI from there.
  11. It's a rip of Track 10 from the Tekken 2 arranged album. I just grabbed the same exact track off Direct Connect. NO OVERRIDE
  12. This is so slooooooooooowwwww.............uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhh....... That gated synth comes in at 1:17 and I'm sitting here like this: ... Yeah, like that. It does nothing for me. This mix just lacks any kind of energy. It's so boring. The kick drum just thunks along and the rest of the drums don't really do anything but play basic builds. There's no depth to the sound here either. Sounds flat. Try some reverb or delay. And that ending sucks. NO
  13. Not bad, but not great either. Drums, like Prot said, are loopy. Also, there are a few portions where the drums have an annoying phaser preset on them. Be more subtle with your phasing and flange effects. I had a similar issue with your Gerudo Valley remix. This also basically switches back and forth between two drum loops. Samples are pretty average; sfx seem kinda gratuitous. NO
  14. I agree. The actual remix portion sounds a lot like FL preset sounds, and aren't mixed well. The whole gimmick to this is the vocal samples, and they aren't used well at all. The drum track is repetitive and boring, and any melodic parts are just too sparsely arranged and boring. Submit remixes please, not poorly assembled drama tracks. NO
  15. Anyway, I should judge this. Personally I don't believe it sounds too similar to the source tune. The form may be there, but it has some excellent playing and a good, moving interpretation of what is essentially a battle theme. As for the Black Mages comment, it's not transcribed from the Black Mages song; its just that the ending part is an arrangement of the outro from the Black Mages track. I think it's a good enough interpretation pulled off quite nicely. YES
  16. Hey I know that drumloop! ... Nice drumwork, but not much of an arrangement, you know? Very sparse; exactly as Prot said. Single-lead over a loop won't cut it. For the love of God man, some pads would be nice! NO
  17. It seems to me that you don't really have an understanding of how percussion sounds work together to create a beat. The percussion is very boring... ...as is the rest of the mix. Sounds like Sytrus presets assigned to a MIDI file. I can't say if this is a MIDI rip or not, but the way it's arranged seems to indicate as much. Try to actually write an arrangement, rather than cutting, pasting, and rearranging. NO
  18. [EDIT I AM DUMB] Here's the Black Mages version: http://www.darkesword.com/jenova-bm.mp3
  19. Whoa nice beats. Wish they'd change up once in a while though. Oh wait there it goes! Groovy, yeah. Percussion's kinda repetitive, but the other cool stuff makes up for it. YES
  20. Gecko really loves his Streets of Rage, doesn't he? Samples are cheesy, but good in context. Very groovy too, good development. Not much else to say here. TRES BIEN!!! OUI
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