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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Quick! Come and listen to my new release, before Larry plays it!!!
  2. Sounds kind of...BGMish. That bassline is reminding me of my .mid writing days, and not in that fuzzy, nostalgic way. Sounds almost WinGroovish. You might want to take a look at another sample or something. That wish-wash-wah-wah synth is annoying too. It does sound pretty out of place. It doesn't mesh well with the other sounds in the piece. Also, that flute around the end sounds really out of tune and harsh. Nice arrangement though. Good development throughout the piece. Interesting ideas. With some cleaning up, I think this could make it onto OCR. Not yet though. NO
  3. Prot, are you sure you didn't listen to the lo-fi stream on soundclick? It doesn't sound really lo-fi to me in the MP3. THIS RAWKS OUT MAAAAAN Yeah. I like it. It's awesome. I especially like the acousticky ending. Rock. YEAH OK SURE
  4. Man, I love Iwadare's stuff. Let's see about this mix, eh? Wow. You need a better piano sample. In fact, you really need some better samples altogether. Those brass samples are really whiny. A lot of these samples are kind of "meh." I feel like I'm playing a PC game from the early 90's. The arrangement is crazy good though. Very nice interpretation of the melody, and some really awesome highs and lows. My issue is crappy sounds vs. great arrangement. That's a tough decision to make. For me, there are parts where the piece suffers because the idea's you've presented are great, but the sounds you're using don't convey the emotion you're trying to get across. I find myself cringing at the sounds more than I am enjoying your arrangement. This sounds like you wrote the song as a .mid file, and just recorded it to waveform. NO, but I strongly encourage you to take a look at the sounds you've used and try to fix things up. The arrangement is great, the execution is not. I want to see this piece on OCR eventually. Good luck.
  5. Given the repetetiveness of the source material, this isn't a bad piece. The instrumentation is pretty good, but some of those sounds around halfway through get on my nerves. Pretty good variation throughout; there's still some repetetiveness there, and I wish this was a bit shorter. This has a kind of robotic weird-intervals quality to it. I don't particularly enjoy this piece, but that's really based on my personal preference of music. I don't see any reason to reject it. It's a good mix. YES
  6. I agree with Vig and Prot. This is almost there. Almost. I really like that triplet feel you kept from the original; the drum beat is pretty hot, although a bit busy at times. The timpani's are cool and make a nice addition to the texture of the song. Pretty good development there too. Like Vig said though, it's pretty in your face most of the time. It needs a bit more subtlety to it. Take a look at your levels and try to balance things out a bit more. What really struck me about this mix was that the percussion was king of loud. It's also a bit sparse, consider some nice smooth pads or something to add harmonic support and balance out the harsher sounds of the mix. I like what you've got here, but I think that this mix could be a lot better with a little more work. NO, for now.
  7. I'm pretty borderline on this one. On one hand, the piano arrangement is pretty nice; like Prot said, things change and evolve throughout the whole mix. However, I'm inclined to agree with Israfel. The piece is very mechanical sounding. Attention needs to be paid to dynamics and velocities on the piano. It comes off sounding quite mechanical and quantized. There are good ideas here, but the execution leaves something to be desired. I'd suggest getting in contact with a piano player to play this for you. OCR has a few of them that frequent the boards, shouldn't be hard to find one that's willing. NO, for now, but I strongly urge you to work on making this piece more organic and humanized, and then trying for a resubmit.
  8. Actually...that wasn't Suteki da Ne from FFX. That was some completely different Japanese song, probably with the same name. I still thought it was decent, though. :/ Goddamit! Oh yeah I forgot to mention to Paige: GIRL, YOU NEED SOME FUCKIn' TASTE!!! Succubus laid the smackdown. O_O
  9. Yeah, I agree with Coma. Seems to just build stuff around the original. Sounds nice, but try actually rearranging the song, instead of just putting your own stuff around it. NO
  10. Great show Larry. I think everyone had a lot of fun, despite technical difficulties. Also: <3 Succubus Looking forward to originals show. Should be hot.
  11. Actually I haven't done it again. This was my first mix with FL, and my first mix posted to OC. XD
  12. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/wocDK64JMC.mid MIDI RIP NO
  13. Wow. Whiteboy. Very whiteboy. Pretty unoriginal. Not much arrangement going on in terms of the Prelude theme. You've got that bassline Vanilla Ice ripped off that other song, and the percussion's weak and boring. Lyrics are also VERY corny, and performed pretty badly. The voice just doesn't sound very much like a hip-hop voice should. I'm gonna say NO.
  14. Coma has the original from SA on his FTP . We're still trying to track down the SA2 original the guy used.
  15. I agree with the other judges. Pretty much a straight cover of the original. Some more interpretation would be nice. Bring some new rhythmic ideas to the piece; trade off, change up styles, something. You guys are guitar players rocking out, let's hear some solos! In fact this is only a minute long, and leaves me wanting more. I like what you have, it's a nice cover of the song, but it needs more rearrangement and more length. NO
  16. Those drums are so loopy. Nice effects on the drums. Like analoq said, triggering and filter automation is nice. It seems to me though, that the drumwork is the focus of this mix, with little arrangement on the source tune. A melodic breakdown would have been nice; some more exploration and interpretation of the source tune could have made this mix really sweet. Work more on arrangement. NO
  17. Wow, pretty boring. The melodic parts are sparse and unsupported, and the mix continues in the same vein for about 4:00. Drumbeats change it up a bit, but not enough. Nice ambience, yeah, but I'm gonna say that this was pretty boring. A lot of the mix is just the low ambient wooshy beepmap sounds; similar to Prot's gripe, I think that the melodic aspects of this song are very weak. The song is gimmicky. There's not much to this. NO
  18. Great interpretation. Really high quality stuff here. Synths are pleasing and mesh well together. Great texture. YES
  19. I swear I'm also hearing just a tiny bit of influence from Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. Mabey it's just my imagination. *listens again* I think you may be right, but its only for a few seconds, so I don't think he intended that. There is no 'IceCap influence' in this song, although I know what you're talking about. I used some similar chords for when the latin styled bass comes in; that's what you're hearing. It's not IceCap Zone. It's just vi, V, VI, V.
  20. Blind was kind enough to provide the original. He also wanted me to mention that this track he submitted is NOT the version that will be on the PMM album, but a preview track. I'll vote later or something.
  21. I agree with the others. Also, it seems like there's little attention paid to balance and levels here. Everything is vying for my attention. When you're writing music, make sure you put the idea you want the listener to focus on at the forefront, and try to keep everything else slightly farther back, so that it doesn't get in the way. NO
  22. Sounds pretty empty in the first half; in fact it sounds a lot like an NES song with some new instruments. The sounds are alright, but they don't seem to mesh well together. A lot of things are at the same volume level; they seem to be vying for my attention all at the same time. A pretty boring arrangement, with little development. NO
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