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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. They take a fair amount of memory. That's the deal with any kind of sample. A general rule: Samples need RAM. Synths need processor power.
  2. Yeah they're good. Right, so I updated the soundfont site yesterday with two new fonts. If you guys have any requests for sounds that you've heard in my particular remixes, I'll post them up there. http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/
  4. http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ has Squidfont and a Tubular Bells soundfont. Squidfont has a decent orch kit. Here's a mix that I used it in for an example of the percussion. The timpani and gong are not part of the orch kit in Squidfont. I'll update the site today with those two fonts.
  5. Not bad, but not great either. The equalizing between the sampling and the added in stuff is way better than Krakenphonic at VGMix.com, an Earthbound remix done by Spekeosaurus which sampled extremely heavily from the original theme but added a whole bunch of industrial loops and other stuff. A definate keeper even though it breaks one big rule in the remixing community. What rule is that?
  6. The beginning is really boring. Doesn't go anywhere. I also agree about the percussion. It's pretty bad. It sounds very amateurish. There's no groove, no accenting, no pulse. Very basic. The panning effects are annoying too. Can't say I enjoyed this much. NO
  7. Excellent work, but please get better samples for next time. YES
  8. NO, for reasons indicated in the above note and in PM's with the author.
  9. Hello Darkesword. My name is Kevin Sisk, aka Kevin "Lorenzo" Sisk. I contributed the one and only Terminator2 remix on OCR . I submitted a Sonic 3 remix entitled “Remixed Carnie” around November/December of 2003, receiving a confirmation email afterwards. Suffice it to say, I am beginning to worry a little. I know this asking a pretty big favor, but I was wondering if there is anyway possible to ask DjPreztle if he remembers coming across the submission for “Remixed Carnie” and the link just didn’t work, and if so could please you send him this? I think I know why this link didn’t work. I had forgotten that I created a subfolder for my remixes. You have no idea how much of an ass I felt like after realizing this. Anyway, thanks for your time and hopefully you’ll let me know where my submission stands. If things don’t work out, it’s ok. I can just resubmit it. I’m pretty patient anyway. Thanks again Stay cool. Kevin “Lorenzo” Sisk p.s. congrats on becoming a judge. [DS Note: I talked to Kevin about this mix, telling him that it probably wouldn't pass, because it was too similar to the original in the first half, and almost an original in the second half. He asked if I could fall this through anyway, just so he could get feedback from the judges about his mix; I hope that's fine.]
  10. That continuo synth sounds really cool, but needs to be less verby; it's filling up a bit. Also, drums sound a bit loopy, but they've got some nice retriggering, and the loops change up a lot. Nice coverage of the menu theme, pretty groovy beats, and interesting sounds. Nice arrangement too. Not the best thing since sliced bread (but hey; What is?), but I think we can give this one a ?. *changing my vote* Okay, upon further reviewal, I'm going to change my vote; I can see what Vig and Gray are saying about the lack of low end now that I listen to it a few more times. I still think that the whole song could be a bit less verby too. NO, but I did like it; fix up some stuff and resubmit.
  11. There's something really weird going on with that xylophone instrument. Something about the harmony rubs me the wrong way. There seem to be some really weird note choices. Interesting expansion. The guitar is such an abrupt change; I'm not sure I like it. Plus you've got this thing you keep doing, playing those notes really loud to break up the pretty guitar. Sequenced to guitar to sequenced don't really have transitions; they just sound concatenated together. Interesting, but I'm gonna say NO.
  12. Haha, thanks for the musical shout out man. As for the mix, it's pretty nice, but I've always felt that for the length you've made this, it's a bit repetitive to stand on its own. It's a nice groove, but there are a lot of dead spaces in here that could really be filled out by lyrics. I know for a fact that you've got lyrics hookups, so make use of them. This could really shine if you you just had some rapping over it. As it stands, NO, but give the lyrics idea a shot and resubmit because the airiness of the pads and the general groove is something I dig. Peace bro.
  13. Pretty repetitive. There was this huge anticlimactic build in the beginning too. I was waiting for some kind of hot trance beat or something, but nothing happened. This actually doesn't seem to cover Magus's them so much as it uses magus's chord progression. There's some background stuff, but mostly it's just that same annoying lead over and over again. NO
  14. Not a bad arrangement; this is a nice texture in the beginning. What really kills the song is that your samples seem to all be set at 100% velocity. It's clipping all over the place. Chords don't match the melody either. =( Have I seen your lantern? NO
  15. Sounds pretty much like the track from the game, except it lacks emotion. And it's got some pads, and some shaker instruments. Oh yeah! And some drums! Those pads are flooding out everything else. Sorry, but this isn't much of an arrangement. It's nice sounding, but I'd rather listen to the original. NO
  16. I'm kind of borderline on this. There's nothing technically wrong with this; sounds a bit low, that's all. I think though, that the arrrangement plods a bit. The percussion is really nice, but everything else is pretty average. The melody repeats for a long time, and when other bits of ocarina songs come in, they sound obligatory. That's the problem with mixing the ocarina songs; you need to find a way to make it not boring. I enjoyed bits of this; mostly the percussion track, but apart from that, it's a bit lifeless. Sounds more like backing to something with lyrics than its own song. Borderline NO
  17. Wow. Super natural articulation in the intro. Great opening. Oooooh...very nice strings. Simple and effective. I really love the meshing of the instruments. Water sound is a bit much, but works. Very nice work. Wish the piano wasn't so bombastic at the end though. Whatever. YES
  18. Wow...this goes on for 8 minutes?! Pretty low fi, and extremely repetitive for it's length. Actually extremely repetitive for any length. Those brass hits are getting on my nerves. Took you three whole minutes to get to a new idea. This just seems like some original piece with Zelda stuff dropped in there. And it goes on FOREVER. Kind of like time. A fitting title, at least. NO
  19. There's not much I can really say about this piece, aside from the fact that it's incredible. You really show off your virtosity on the piano in this piece. There's plenty of emotion and expressiveness that's absolutly necessary in piano pieces; this piece has it in spades. I absolutly love the arrangement, and for me, the best part comes around 1:43. The flowing piano really gives a sense of liquid momentum; I can feel a lot of motion at that point. The way this arrangement changes and evolves is really something amazing. Fantastic work. YES
  20. Ah, I remember this from the WIP board. A pretty nice sound; too bad it sounds almost exactly like the original, except with a nice drum track on it. There's also an original breakdown in the beginning that seems to have nothing to do with the source material. It doesn't show any kind of understanding of Rainbow Road at all. Seems gratuitous. The actual remix part isn't very different from the original either. Try for some actual arrangement. NO
  21. Opening was pretty cool, but the levels get kinda crowded when everything comes in. Everything is vying for my attention. Drums, synth, flute, every thing is pushed right to the forefront. The drums are pretty repetitive too, and sound pretty unnatural for the kit you used. Much too short too. It could use a lot of development. The groove you have right now is pretty cool; just work on your levels, expanding the arrangement a bit more, and fixing up those drums. NO
  22. This seems really straightforward and a bit too simple. A lot of the chords/harmonies you're using don't seem to mesh well with the song; also, the melody and accompany sounds are much to similar, and the fact that they're played together makes the weird harmony really clash. That key change is kinda weird too. As for the sound effects, they're boring. Show me some cool rhythmic stuff with the SFX; not just consecutive 8th notes. Pretty average track. NO
  23. I'm totally diggin' this one. Nice groove throughout, and the ambient sounds really add to the atmosphere. This is great chill music, with really dark qualities. There's a pulse to it that I really like. No technical issues, aside from maybe a bit too much reverb. There are parts where I feel like the song's going to start clipping, but it doesn't. Cool. I enjoyed this. YES
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