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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Post Your Remixes is the place for this thread. Looks like a cool album. Looking forward to it.
  2. We already have a requests forum for this kind of thing, so I've moved the thread here. Just poke around for suggestions. Furthermore, OC ReMix is a fan community that provides a constant stream of free video game remixes. I don't see how you asking for suggestions for an album that people will have to pay for jives with what we're dong here (are you even getting the proper licenses in order to sell?). You haven't even posted any examples of your work. Sorry, but no thanks.
  3. E3 is an industry event for game developers and publishers, specifically businesses, and geared towards press, not the general public. OCR would have to do a lot of things before we'd be eligible to exhibit anything at E3. Our con presences are geared towards fans and general public. MAGFest, PAX East, Otakon, etc., those are the kinds of conventions that are a good fit for us. Tournaments like Apex 2013 are also nice, albeit different from what we normally do (we had a vendor table in the vendor area/artist alley and sold merch, rather than doing a panel or performance). Anime conventions are good because there's a lot of crossover in those fan communities.
  4. You didn't use it wrong. Stevo is just really really stupid.
  5. I wouldn't worry too much that it's not related. It's super good.
  6. Sounds like a puzzle game. It sounds like I'm trying to fit boxes into a cube or something. I like the syncopated synths but that lead is BOOOOOORING. It's a very straightforward, mechanical lead synth sound. Not really feeling it at all. The second lead that comes in after 3:04 feels a little better, but I don't understand why it's sitting so far to the right without anything on the left to balance it. Some of the improvisation in the second half of the piece meanders a bit too. Overall the soundscape is really lacking something meaty in the lower-range. The bassline writing is killer but it's so hard to really get into because your bass sample is so weak. You should check out the freely available Kore Player from NI, and try out their upright bass sound. It's a really plucky bass sound with great articulations that could really highlight the writing your have here. Drums also vary but they feel a bit anemic; maybe try out some other kits, get something that's a bit sharper or cuts through a bit more. Really nice arrangement but there are some textural/production issues that need to be looked at. NO, resub
  7. This has a lot of potential. It's a really kickin' arrangement; I'm bopping in my seat listening to it. Love the claps in the first half of the mix. My main issue here is that the mixing is just not there. Your sound design is filled with lot of similar sounding buzzy saw synths and stuff and it all sort of mooshes together. Claps kind get overused in the end; you should be careful about using them too much. Think about the balance and make sure there are clearly defined leads and accompaniment. Really REALLY feeling this arrangement hard, especially Sonic 2 boss theme, but I think you need to take this to the workshop and get some help with mixing and sound design. Also I don't know how you feel about it, but I mentioned to Larry earlier that this would actually be really great with some good rap over it. NO, resub
  8. I feel like there isn't actually much to this track. I mean if you take out the syncopated dub stuff running over the top of this, I feel like there isn't much the way of arrangement going on. Drums are similarly on auto-pilot the whole time; the wubs mask the fact that they are very simple and repetitive. Not really feeling this track at all; needs some more arrangement beyond a simple "wubgrade." NO, resub
  9. Once we get through the intro, the piece really comes together. Once you hit the groovier syncopated lines and get out of the dubsteppy retriggered percussion stuff, this really takes off; I like your effects starting around 1:40 and that fake-guitar is a great touch. Arrangement is sufficiently groovy and keeps things fresh. I like it! YES
  10. Xenoblade has nothing to do with Xenogears actually. It's made by Monolithsoft, not Square Enix.
  11. There is no need to make multiple threads about this. Also I don't know how this ended up in the music production forum when it should be in recruit & collaborate. Moved.
  12. You should post links to existing content. It's not only allowed, it's encouraged, and essentially required if you want anyone to take you seriously.
  13. Closing this. I know I'm going to sound like a jerk saying this, but I'm just going to say it anyway because I can't figure out a way to say it without sounding like a jerk (and this is totally rhetorical): Who are you? I mean honestly, from your post history I can see that you have around 50 posts to your name and you've only been registered here at OCR for like a year. Last thread in Workshop was in August? That's not really "gone for a long time." You're asking people here whether or not they want YOU to make more remixes, but unless I'm mistaken and have really been missing out on your work, most people here aren't familiar with you or your work anyway, so they don't care; and I don't mean "don't care" in malicious way, just in a totally indifferent way. Just make the music you want to make, and post it if you want to post it. Asking people if they want to hear it just feels like you're trying to draw attention to yourself without actually doing something worth paying attention to.
  14. I did get it, I will PM you back when I have some comments.

  15. Alright folks, I'm gonna close this up. For the past few months it's basically just been someone posting his latest review in the thread with barely any actual discussion going on. A forum thread on OC ReMix should not simply be a feed of another site's content.
  16. Just to clarify, the KoF XIII version of Good Bye Esaka was not part of the initial release of KoF XIII. It was included as a part of the NESTS Kyo DLC. That's probably where some of the confusion comes from.
  17. Same basic colors. More contrast though. Greys are darker.
  18. v6 is not a mockup. What you saw at Mag was a screenshot of the existing dev copy. We are currrently using v5 right now. v4 was the initial changeover to the white and orange, but the site has changed so much since then; forum software change, no more sidebar, lots of subtle stylistic tweaks, etc.
  19. Just wanna chime in here. I was at Apex and saw the game these guys were demoing. These guys are legit; they have a really great looking game on their hands. You should all check it out.
  20. Video game music isn't "more real" than any other kind of music. Saying that is just as bad as those folks who write-off VGM because it's from video games, saying things like "it's not real music" or "it's not legitimate." There is also a lot of music from video games that is totally boring, formulaic, and forgettable. I love VGM, but there is literally SO MUCH music out there that is brilliant and worth listening to that isn't VGM. All you have to do is look around for 5 minutes on the internet and you will find some really amazing stuff.
  21. Mike I just want to let you know that your remix in particular was a BIG HIT with Apex staff.
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