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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. It's a scam and you're a sucker. Editing out link in first post. We don't need to be driving more people to these kinds of sites. Edit: actually you know what? Your posting history indicates that you had another points2shop thread a while ago, yet in your first post here you're acting like you've never done this before. You even said the same thing about getting $2.50 and "ordering a pair of headphones to see if it works." Seems to me that you're some kind of shill. Only warning: post another one of these threads again and you're banned.
  2. Mario is Missing. When I was little I would get very excited whenever I got to play a new game, because it was kind of rare that I'd get new games. I remember one day we were at Blockbuster renting some movies (which we didn't really do that often) and my dad let me pick a game to rent too. I was super excited about this, and I looked around the NES games and found Mario is Missing. For those of you unfamiliar with this game, it's basically a licensed geography edutainment title starring Luigi, who is looking for Mario. It's not very game-like at all; it's mostly just geography trivia with some very light platforming (if even). It wasn't made by Nintendo, and is from the era where Nintendo wasn't as protective of what their IP was associated with as they are now. Basically what I'm saying is that Mario is Missing is a total piece of shit. I didn't really know any of this going in. I just thought it was a new Mario game and I was good at Mario games so I wasted my rare chance in renting a game on it. I remember going home, popping it in, and being utterly confused, then angry, then disappointed. This was not a fun new Mario game with interesting worlds, power-ups, and enemies; it was a mean trick played by adults trying to fool kids into learning boring geography trivia. The depth of my hatred for this game and everything it stands for cannot be overstated.
  3. This whole thing with collabs has gotten me thinking. I think I have a good idea for a rule about collabs for the next time we do a tournament. I think I need to make a simple webpage where you can download the mixes individually.
  4. Glad to see you're good with the decision. Tournaments should be fun and fair; I don't want anyone to be upset.
  5. I don't really want to do a do-over with new tracks or different sources. I don't really want to disqualify anyone either, especially since it's my own fault for not being explicit with the rules. I've looked at everyone's feedback, and I think I have something that will work out for everyone. Here's what's happening: The voting stage for this week's X Bracket mixes is cancelled and we're going back into a mixing stage, which will end on November 4th. The Zero Bracket mixing stage is also extended to end on November 4th. Collaborations are allowed for the rest of this tournament. Prophecy and Phonetic Hero should use the extra time to extend and/or revise their current arrangements. Please do not make brand new ones. I think that's fair for everyone involved. It extends the timeline on the tournament a little bit, but it also helps line up the ends of the two brackets. I also realize that this technically gives the X Bracket folks a couple of extra days over the Zero Bracket guys, but I doubt anyone actually uses every single hour of every single available day anyway. Let's just chalk it up as lessons learned for next time.
  6. ... You know what, I didn't even notice that until just now. No, you're actually not allowed to collab with outside people in these compos. I'm sure I've said that somewhere once, but since it's not explicitly stated in the rules, I suppose PH thought it was okay. Two options here: 1) Let it go and let the voting continue as is. 2) Disqualify Phonetic Hero and give Prophecy the win. Not really sure what to do here, since the rule about collaborating is not actually explicitly stated. I'll make sure to do it in future compos, but for now, let me get some community feedback before I make a decision. What do you guys think?
  7. I know exactly what I was saying. There was a story a while ago saying that NSMBu was going to run in true 1080p, as in "not upscaled 720." I guess that's since been debunked/revised, but that was what was said.
  8. Well especially in light of Batman #0 with the Red Hood Gang. They teased some badass stuff at NYCC coming up with Joker and Jason in Outlaws.
  9. I love how Outlaws went from a hard-luck-heroes-on-the-run to big-damn-space-epic. Kory as the captain of a galactic warship? Yes please.
  10. Glad to see Lobdell shaking it up. Superman in the New 52 has been interesting. Action Comics has been very cool, but the main Superman book I feel is still trying to find its rhythm. They've been weirdly tying it into a lot of the old Wildstorm stuff that got rolled into the DCU post-Flashpoint, with Helspont and stuff. A little odd, but if Lobdell and Rocafort bring the same kind of BIG ACTION to this book that they did with Red Hood and the Outlaws, I think it'll be great. The preview they ran in last week's books looks incredible. Rocafort is killing it on the art. As for Clark leaving The Planet, it's about time. I love this new "Clark Kent with a backbone" DC's pursuing, rather than the timid, nebbish, "Golly Lois!" Clark persona that was around for years pre-Flashpoint.
  11. That's not really the same. You can easily tell the difference between Mario Galaxy and NSMB. They look completely different. Super Mario 3D Land also looks distinct; you can tell it's a different game. With the NSMB games, they all look the same. You really can't tell them apart aesthetically unless you look for specifics like power-ups or screenshot resolution. They don't look different, they don't feel different; they are essentially interchangeable. Cut this kind of shit out right now or you're banned.
  12. I believe he's looking for OC ReMixes, not just regular funk.
  13. Can you do a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 mix? Or Pokemon BW2?
  14. Monster Hunter Tri is for Wii, and yes, it supports Wii Speak, but Wii Speak is not very good. It's a room mic, rather than a headset. Monster Hunter 3 is the new game for Wii U. Anyway, my point was that a cooperative game like Monster Hunter is exactly the kind of game where voice chat is necessary. Cooperative games without efficient communication are difficult. You see it all the time with PC games; it's so much easier to just say "let's go around the side" or "I'm going to CC the guy on the left" than it is to take your hands off your mouse/controller and type it. Add to that the fact that the Wii U doesn't have a keyboard, and communication becomes even harder. People are saying stuff like "just use Skype!" Well, Skype is great, but what if I'm playing a game and I don't have some of the people I'm playing with on my contacts list? It's nicer to to just have integrated voice chat. The people I'm playing with are all automatically on the call. It's effortless. This kind of thing is great for co-op games and fighting game lobbies where there's a lot of spectating. I get that people have bad experiences with voice chat in games like CoD, but that's not really the point. Integrated voice chat is a thing that 360 and PS3 have had for years, and 3rd-party developers simply should not be required to roll their own solution after all this time. The console should provide a standardized voice chat infrastructure that all developers can utilize. It's just extra work that the developer shouldn't have to do. Does Wii U suck for not having it? No, definitely not. But it's just one of those things that the console really should have, and just another thing that Nintendo is behind on.
  15. If you folks would forgive a little offtopic posting, I have a request. I really need music for this project that I'm working on, and I need it fast. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41277 It's an album that OCR is doing for a fighting game tournament in January. If anyone can contribute anything of quality, please grab a track. Thanks.
  16. Not shovelware at all. Definitely party games though.
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