I'm trying to identify what elements of the FFXII plot are different from the FF norm. Something about the story seems much bigger than just the characters. The world of Ivalice is writhing in political chaos and the team is bunch of individuals swept into the fray. They band together and struggle to prevent their world from tearing itself apart.
Beacause the central conflict of the story isn't wrapped around a single character's thoughts, emotions or history, the plot feels much more grandiose in scale. However, we do miss out on some of the emotional, character-driven themes that formed the foundation of previous Final Fantasies. That's not to say the characters aren't interesting. Fran and Balthier alone are two of the most interesting characters to come out of FF in years. But because the story doesn't seem to focus too closely on any one character in the cast, certain elements of that classic FF storytelling style do seem to be missing. I'm not sure that it's a good or bad thing. But I'm glad to see Square-Enix mix up the storytelling formula for once.