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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Because the music is good, "mainstream" games have many fans and we are free to remix what we please.
  2. Whenever a Kingdom Hearts project starts up, I will be there. But yeah, now is not the time. Maybe in a year or so. Await the opprotune moment, savvy?
  3. I'm late! This calls for pixiemix! http://www.sephfire.com/music/pixiemix.mp3
  4. I'll listen through the mix again to watch for those sudden/off-time entrances. And I did it by ear. I couldn't find any midis either.
  5. IT'S ALIVE!!! http://www.sephfire.com/music/snowfall.mp3 Now featuring the voice of newcomer Ceili softly contributing to the soundscape. We both apologize for such a lengthy delay on this mix. We put off recording for months out of laziness. But I think we all agree it's tim this sucker was finished and submitted. Before we submit, though, I'd like some feedback on the voice addition. I can't hear it objectively anymore and I want to be sure it's worked in there properly. Sorry again! (I wish I could change the thread title. Oh well.)
  6. So it's been a little while. Most of our lists look quite a bit different, I imagine. Post your updated remixing to-do list! sephfire's list (as of 3/1/07) In Progress: Pokemon - "Indigo Plateau" (feat. zyko) Shadow of the Colossus - "Intro" (feat. Ceili) Psychonauts - "Black Velvetopia" To-Do: (not necessarily in order) Okami - "Giving Kushinada a Ride" or "Northern Country Kamui II" Katamari Damacy - "Katamari on the Rocks" or "You Are Smart" God of War - "The Vengeful Spartan" or "The Great Sword Bridge of Athens" Kingdom Hearts 2 - "Passion/Sanctuary" Possibilities for the future: Escape from Monkey Island Perfect Dark Indigo Prophecy Metroid Prime - "Data Selection Screen"
  7. Too bad Jablonsky didn't step up. Guess I'll just keep listening to The Island soundtrack.
  8. It was an unfortunate conflict with OCR policy. Combined with the fact that the string stabs originally played a melody from Advent Children, the original remix just didn't meet OCR specifications.
  9. Tweek tried a big Ocarina song medley back when he was just starting out. It was so-so, but he was just getting started with Reason at the time. And honestly, trying to squeeze all of the different melodies into one mix can easily sound gimicky. I'm sure it could be done, it would just be easy to botch up.
  10. How's the music? I hear Steve Jablonsky composed it, so I expect good things.
  11. Psychonauts for $2. If you own an Xbox and haven't played this yet, now is your last chance before all excuses fall flat. I'll definitely be rushing my local Best Buy tomorrow afternoon.
  12. Yeah, the voice seems a tad broken, but it makes him more entertaining. It's like having the Colonel from MGS on the line, except he's a bit high. Nothing like running down the city street and hearing him say: "I can see my house from here!"
  13. Okay, so this one isn't that special, but good Psychonauts fanart is difficult to find, sadly. This, however, is quite good.
  14. Okay, add Crackdown to the list of Must-Haves. It is sandbox gaming bliss.
  15. We've all been around this internet enough to know that 90% of fanart is pure drivel at best and mind-rape at worst. Sure, we could post bad fanart here for sick amusement, but frankly, that's just too easy. No, what we're gonna do here is find the GOOD fanart. The rare gems that actually show artistic talent, originality and good technique. Maybe, if just for a moment, we can help each other forget the scars of fanart cruelty in years past. To start us off:
  16. Your lack of PS2 and Xbox have lost you a few awesome titles, sadly. Psychonauts, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus and Katamari Damacy, off the top of my head. I like this format of list you've laid out. I might make one for myself.
  17. I know nothing of the source, but this shows promise for a first attempt at remixing. All I can advise at this stage is: be sure to write in plenty of dynamic variation. The different drum beat toward the end is a good start. Dynamics are what keep a mix interesting from beginning to end. Good luck. Welcome to the community.
  18. I'm with Mustin here. It's an interesting approach, but this doesn't stray far from the source in terms of arrangement. And that wouldn't be quite so bad, but the dissonant, eerie thing you're trying just strains the ears. It sounds like you're trying for an orchestral genre, so I'd recommend browsing some of Russell Cox's remixes here, especially since he's done the eerie, dissonant style before. It might give you some ideas.
  19. I also recommend Tomb Raider: Legends if you haven't tried it for some other system yet. It's quite good. Here's a few I recommend: Gears of War Tomb Raider: Legends Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Viva Pinata Prey Dead Rising These others aren't "must-haves," but I enjoyed them anyway. Rent 'em sometime. Chromehounds Hitman: Blood Money Saint's Row Kameo DOA 4 Ninety-Nine Nights
  20. Has anyone found a way to move your channels around on the main menu? What I'd really love is if all the VC games from each console fit into a single grouped channel, which you could then select and choose a game within that channel. Much more tidy and space effective.
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