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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Got 4 more in the works. About to start inking/coloring as we speak.
  2. Your compliments are appreciated. Now shoo. (http://www.unmod.org)
  3. Ok, I can't keep up with all the awesome SA submissions, so here's a link to the thread. Enjoy the Kirby goodness. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2267314&perpage=40&pagenumber=1
  4. I may do some more tomorrow if I have any downtime at work. Any good requests?
  5. I think I could find much better than those if I tried google.
  6. So most of us have seen Kirby take on many cute little forms as he consumes his opposition. But what might he look like if he expanded his diet to movies, television, celebrities and just about anyone else you can think of? My own sketch-to-photoshop pipeline is flawed at best, but here are a few ideas to kick us off: and and my personal favorite: I started a similar thread at SomethingAwful, so I'll share any good results they come up with here as well. Have fun, artists.
  7. Actually, tweek did most of the work before I joined in. I just wrote the Opening part and added some flourishes here and there to the Bombing Run section.
  8. Played it for a couple years. Finally stopped when I realized it wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be.
  9. Some nice work in here guys. High e-fives all around. EDIT: Tricklozen, I'll be darned if that isn't the cutest Barret theme I've ever heard in my life. Awesome.
  10. Finally found time to log back in for a bit. I'll be present far more often once the expansion releases.
  11. When's the official "zero hour?" Is it like midnight on Sunday or midnight tomorrow?
  12. File doesn't work for me. The curiosity is killing me.
  13. Final Fantasy has been around far longer and has ten times as many tracks to choose from. The newer a game is, the less time remixers have had to remix its music.
  14. Never got my hands on the DS version, but Trauma Center Wii rocks. It's one of my favorite three so far along with Twilight Princess and Wii Sports. And although Elebits may not be the greatest game ever, I adore the music. Must find soundtrack...
  15. You caught me. That track was my inspiration for the whole mix.
  16. Carol of the Bells More or less finished. May tweak it once more if need be.
  17. I couldn't pick out any Advent Children melodies. Where were they?
  18. Sad, I know. I originally wanted to have it done for a christmas OCR release, but that deadline came and went some time ago. It'll be finished, I promise.
  19. He's an alt, right? He has to be an alt.
  20. Kickin. The second part is sounding good so far. I recognize a good deal of the original in there. The intro sounds awkward, but that can be fixed. Good start. I'll send you a PM on this shortly.
  21. I've decided if I don't hear from Myf by January, I'll start seeking a replacement for him. This WIP has been in limbo quite long enough,
  22. It turns out my family will be out of town from the 17th to the 22nd, so I'll try and have my track done this week. Here's the concept I've been tinkering around with. Carol of the Bells (concept) More people need to jump aboard this project. It has serious potential.
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