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Atomic Dog

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Everything posted by Atomic Dog

  1. Ehh.... Aesthetically, I don't like those little "uh!"s that are infused in the song. I really like the take on the melody, but I think skull got it right when he said "too cluttered". In the creative effort, the feel of the piece is lost. Not a keeper, by any means. Sorry.
  2. Yea, I saved this one. The whole thing is just pleasant through and through. For some reason, I'm having a hard time remembering the game, and where the song came from in it, so I can't give you a review (YET!) about how well I think it captures the games' spirit, but I've got it on emulator, so I'll go play a little later today and post again.
  3. I kept this one after I listened. I like the piano riff you use. Fits really well. Makes me want to make a martini.
  4. You know, when I decided to start reviewing, I kind of agreed to myself, as to not just pound the forum with 100+ reviews out of nowhere, that I'd only reply to stuff that comes up new in the forums. If an old song gets brought up, I'd review, and of course, I'd contribute to anything new. But, I couldn't help myself and I had to give acclaim to DJ Crono for this song. It's EASILY in my Top 5 on all of OCR. Oh man, stuff like at 2:20... that's what separates the men from the boys. More than once, I've had my neighbors complain when I'm blasting this. It's simply awesome. Words cannot express.
  5. Taking the minority position here... I didn't keep this one when I originally downloaded it, so that's indicative of my gut reaction. But, I downloaded it again since the review came up again. At first, I was like, "Wait, why did I not like this?" And then at 1:50, I remembered. I think if you had toned down (or maybe went with something different alltogehter) the drum-beat harmony, I would have liked it more. I think the guitar take on the song is genius, and that REALLY had me beside myself, but like I said.. the harmony is just too pervasive.
  6. This was one of my first downloads at OCR, and I was REALLY selective back then, because I was severely limited in HDD space. I personally love the Schala/Zeal remixes and so long as the artist is capable of making his/her stand out from the others, I never get tired of it. (Seriously, analogize it to eating pizza... remember when Pizza Hut came out with stuffed-crust that you eat backwards? It was STILL the same 'ol pizza, you just had a new, different, exciting take on it.) This is a really impressive piece, and the fact that it's been on my HDD for months really says soemthing about it. You capture the essence of the piece really well, and I consider it one of the best on the site.
  7. <-- likes it. Like I told Disco Dan, a really good Megaman remix IS a work of art. It's not something that can just be thrown together. If you've read my other reviews, you've probably gotten the sense that I'm really really picky, especially when it comes to pieces that are really complicated to mix. But this is really well done. I, for one, love the intro. It's the appropriate way to set up the rest of the song, and once it serves its purpose, the piece really takes off. Again, well done. And btw... don't listen to the philistines that say "this has been overdone". There's no such thing.
  8. Wow, thanks for the link to the higher bitrate version! I downloaded all the others too! Megaman remixes, I think, are pretty tough jobs to do. They're fairly tinny-sounding to begin with, and to do a really good job, you have to do quite a bit more than just throwing same random beat on top of it. Blue Lightning is an example of a job well done. It gets my whole body flowing with rhythm and I think of what a bitchin' lasershow it would make with this as the motivation (seriously, get a good beat-tracking Sonique/Winamp plugin, full screen it, and watch this baby go. It's pretty good.) While it strays a little bit from the "story" the music goes to, it doesn't do it enough to be totally detached. Really, it's only when you sack the melody for the transitional beats. As soon as the melody comes back, I see that little blue guy daring across the screen. So, I agree with Ginnsu a little bit, in that you could probably shorten it by getting rid of the overly-long indepedant synths.
  9. I fell in love with this track from the outset. It does a good job of allowing me to close my eyes and visualize the game as it plays. That's always the mark of a really stellar remix. It kind of makes me want to revert to age 18, do some amphetamines, and dance with hot chicks. Speaking of dancing, I have caught myself dancing to this song while I'm doing the dishes and stuff. Anything that can evoke that kind of reaction gets an A+ in my book. Great job.
  10. *ahem*shaddup*cough*
  11. I definetly definetly like the pipe/flute (sorry for my lack of technical knowledge) introduction. Sets up the song very well, and as you bring in the light cymbal, it's the perfect seque into the melody. That transition at the 4 mintue mark, although a strange jump when listened to objectively, makes sense considering the original song. Plus, the guitar work it goes through, awesome. <-- keepin' it.
  12. Very nice. It captures the essence of the song you were mixing and gives it a really somber, yet upbeat take on it. Definately a job well done.
  13. btw... hardest boss... Metal Gear Solid 2. Play it on hard and you have to face like 50 mechs at once, in intervals of 3.
  14. What!? He was a pussy! I raped him with Kou in like 3 minutes.
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