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Atomic Dog

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Everything posted by Atomic Dog

  2. That's right bitch. Now get back out on the porch.
  3. I'd wish you happy birthday, but it'd be insincere. You'll always be 12yrs old to me.
  4. HEY. What the hell man!? He said I shouldn't read it!
  5. Meh. Vonnegut. Overrated and not too bright - a fan among impressionable young children and left-wingers trying to fellate themselves, but still... sorry to see him go. His writing was mostly tripe, but at least it was fun to read.
  6. See you tomorrow.
  7. This is so unfair. Now there are actually Atomic Dog posts in General. I believe that's one the signs of the apocalypse. I'll have to check my bible...
  8. The ones I REALLY hate are the ones with static background images that obscure anything written on the page. Not that it'd be worth reading even if you could.
  9. What the heck? A thread moving from Offtopic to General? That's gotta be a first. Can't say I approve of the title change though. Shame on you mods... removing my particularly chosen and well-thought out words. Shame shame shame on you.
  10. At least it's pleasant to look at. Which is more than I can say for pretty much every other myspace page on the planet.
  11. Because I've seen commericals for both.
  12. I would rather there be elitism and snobbery parsing out the crap rather than letting in everything under the moon, regardless of how good it is.
  13. View > Text Size. This answer brought to you by AD - as all answers are when the Christian God is nowhere to be found.
  14. Usually around 100-115. I only have minimal needs for a portable mp3 player - and it's basically for plugging into my car stereo when I have songs I haven't burned to an mp3 disc yet. Incidentally, I find the whole "plug your ipod into your car" to be very tacky. My brother does that and it's... it's just not cool. It reminds me of people who used to use one of those tape converters to plug their CD player in their cars' stock AM/FM/Cassette deck because they were too poor or cheap to put in a decent deck. It's just trashy.
  15. That's too bad. BT is probably my single most favorite artist in the techno/electronica genre. Been listening to him since before I could drive.
  16. I say we sue him anyway!
  17. I never ever get tired of seeing this:
  18. At the moment, three. I can usually deal with silly annoying twerpism (especially in OffTopic). But when I find my time wasted by reading a reply in PPR that is basically a combination of canned idiocy and backhanded (if not direct) insults, I get a little annoyed. Now they don't even have to show up on the screen. It's very nice.
  19. Shut up dhsu. DJP made this all possible. You will love and respect him.
  20. Thank you DJP, for this forum change. Thank you DJP, for this new and wonderful way of bringing our thoughts to the public. Thank you DJP, for giving us easier, simpler controls to convey our thoughts. Thank you DJP, for giving us the ability to block certain people. I think I love that feature most of all. Of course, I suspect you have blocked my posts, because I'm an asshole that you disagree with on pretty much everything I say. But I RESPECT that, and I love the ability that you don't have to see me if you don't want to. Life is so much better knowing that I can ignore the posts of people I don't even care to hear from. Especially in PPR. PPR is so much better now that I've ignored some of the particularly trollish trolls. The only thing I think the new forms is missing is - a sidebar (yea, I kinda got used to it). DJP - A+ brother. A+
  21. I don't know if it was "better" per se - but it was different, in a very very good way. They both had great, but unique qualities, which made them (imho) equally awesome. BK and BKO are hands down my two favorite games for the Gamecube.
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