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Atomic Dog

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Everything posted by Atomic Dog

  1. It transforms into a Shinra model Hardy-Daytona, and then a gunblade.
  2. Bash it with a rock until it works. That's how I fixed my red-lighted xbox.
  3. That's only true for Final Fantasy games. And maybe Shin Megami Tensei games.
  4. I really like the commerical for it. With Kobe, A-Rod, Tony Hawk, and Michael Phelps doing Guitar Hero, "Risky Business." I burst out laughing the first time I saw it.
  5. The comic prequel was pretty good. But admittedly, I'm a slut for anything Templesmith draws. I'm actually kind of psyched about the way they've set this up. Read the comic, watch the movie, play the game. That's a really kind of cool, interactive way to get into the whole thing. Edit: Also, lol - "there's just too much survival and way too much horror in Dead Space for these countries to handle."
  6. When I had my jeep, it used to have a pair of twin 10 Punch's, and a 1300w amp drilled to the back of the box. It hit pretty hard, especially because the jeep doesn't have a "trunk" - just that open "rear cargo area." Box doesn't fit in my BMW though - and if I tried to make it, it'd kill most of my trunk space. So, I sold it off.
  7. Why on Earth would you spite IE? It's the best browser out there. Trust in Gates man. He never leads you wrong. I am not being sarcastic. <3 Microsoft.
  8. OMG this is gendisc you can't do that here ul get in truble!!!!!!
  9. Guys, come on. This is SO an elaborate setup for April 1, 2009. You gotta see these things coming. Like EA Remix.
  10. I'll tell you what ticks me off... people who don't know how to properly say P's and B's into a microphone. You have to soften them, or else you get that loud "PUH" through the speakers. Which just irks me when I hear it. Public speaking jackasses. Learn it, or else stay away from microphones/bullhorns.
  11. Except for the fact that they're communists. Truth.
  12. I like the part in Hitman where he busts through the window and the kids are playing Hitman.
  13. Me? No way. I'm DJP's right hand man.
  14. Well, I appreciate that your heart was in the right place. And I agree with your points about keeping tabs on your physical health and trying to keep further driving to a minimum. I just... well, don't call your insurance carrier if you don't need to. That's almost never a good thing. The reality is (again, if they were in America - I don't know how they do things in Mapletown), unless he's a named policy holder on the vehicle, it's really not his problem. And even if he WANTED to do something, the insurance companies wouldn't talk to him - at least, not without talking to his mom first. Because it's HER car. She's the claimant in the event of damages. Like when my brother wrecked my Chevy - I wasn't in the car, but it was still my car, and therefore my problem. They'll probably want to talk to him - but the reality is in modern insurance investigation is, they'll look at the circumstances to determine fault, and they'll look at the car to determine damages (FYI, if you have an undamaged high-end stereo/speakers in there, pull it out before they come and replace it with the stock deck.) and that's about as far as your involvement will go. You'll tell your carrier your side, they'll tell their carrier their side - and they'll battle it out themselves. If I can offer future advice - in an age of cell phone cameras, take pictures of the scene IMMEDIATELY. Even if it's completely your fault.
  15. OK idiots, stop. I know you're trying to help, but you're misrepresenting the law on this shit. I'm even wary of commenting on it because he's a Canuck - but I'll do the best I can from an American legal perspective. First thing's first. Tell me about the policy. Is it a joint policy? Are they same carrier/different policies (like I used to have, when I first started driving - where it was the same insurance company, but my name was on a completely separate policy than my parents?) Tell me about the car registration. Is your name on it? Or does mom just lend the car to you? If you and your mom have different insurance policies then - contrary to what's been said - DO NOT file a claim. DO NOT call your carrier about this. If they're separate, then your carrier has nothing to do with it. It's your mom's car, it's your mom's policy - it's her problem. Literally. The only thing that'll happen if you file a claim, is they'll red flag your policy. How could that have possibly been your fault? What, did you perpendicularly sideswipe a parked car? The only way I can even imagine it is, if they were backing up - and backed into you. The simple presumption in America is, if they're backing - you have the right of way. It's a bitch to prove that it's your fault, when someone backs into you. OK, that changes things. See, because you're not the owner of the car, you're not liable for damages in it. It's not your car, it's not "your" insurance carrier, really - it's not your problem. It's your mom's problem. (FYI, this is why you shouldn't loan your car to your friends. I had the same exact problem when my brother wrecked my car.) Your mom needs to call and file a claim. Technically, you don't need to do a damn thing. Realistically, you need to call up mom and have her file a claim. And since you were driving - when she calls to file, she'll give all the personal detail and then turn the phone over to you to explain the circumstances. I don't know what the Toyota Collision Center is - but I'm assuming that's like a repair center. No, you don't need to call them for purposes of the claim. When you go to get the car fixed, they'll take up the payment for repairs with your mom's insurance company. No, you don't NEED to file a police report. But you can, if you want. It's nice to get your version of the story on official public record (in case they file some kind of civil charge), but with just property damage and the other party not really raising a fuss, it's probably just a waste of time. Still, a lot of people do it just for peace of mind. But if you DO decide to file one - be careful of what you write. It's a public record, and it WILL be used in a civil action. No. That's your carrier's job. Don't even THINK of contacting the other party anymore. Some free advice - never ever talk to someone you might be getting into a legal battle with. Unless your policy has some explicit claim to that effect ("This policy only covers the named policy holder..." - and some do, so read the policy top to bottom) then no. The car would be covered under your mom's policy, just as if it had been parked somewhere with nobody in it, and someone hit it. Chill out. Take a deep breath and relax. This shit happens all the time. This is WHY WE HAVE automobile insurance. You'll be fine. At best, this sounds like it's the other person's fault. At worse, it sounds like it's no fault. (But that's only an evaluation based on the very limited details about the accident. If you give me more, I can try and give a better analysis.) Either way, in the grand scheme, this isn't a big deal. Trust me. Also: Seriously guys, I know you want to help - but you really need to come to me, or IronKnuckle (at least, I think it's IK) about this kind of stuff. I mean, I know you mean well, but you're not giving them the right advice about this. I don't have all the time in the world - but I'll help ya'll out with this kind of shit when I can.
  16. Nah. I'm just going to pray that my god does something about it.
  17. I like this one: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html oh, and this one! http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/betamaxhd.html
  18. They're not saying that music pirates are necessarily hardcore criminals - they're saying that they can use that as a basis for probable cause to get a warrant for someone the might not otherwise be able to get a warrant for. Suppose they know there's a crack den, but they can't get any hard proof for a warrant. If they can get PC for a music piracy bust, they can get in the door and the other stuff will be a legitmate bust. Also, don't laugh at the whole "hiding drugs in the CD cases." That's actually a very common practice. My roommate used to get cocaine sent to him via good 'ol US Mail from his friend who would hide it in the insert.
  19. It doesn't match your sig. Also, Larry doesn't cut. He banishes you to GenDisc.
  20. Yea, stupid.
  21. I think people are bringing it up because there's word he tried it before.
  22. Yea... don't get me started.
  23. You gotta go to OffTop for that sorta thing, son.
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