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Atomic Dog

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Everything posted by Atomic Dog

  1. PSP. Duh.
  2. In this thread, we now try to convert maha back to heterosexuality - if only so she'll breed with me and we can create this Earth's future ruler.
  3. She bats for the other team Edge. Give it up.
  4. His weakness isn't loud noises. It's being threatend with a foot up his ass.
  5. Evil Capitalists. Enjoying Spiderman 3 Means You Support The War In Iraq.
  6. How do I get on this show?
  7. You DO realize that's a plastic toy meant for large-scale commercial distribution and not a model to be used in the movie, right? Or, are you a moron?
  8. You look like a stoned idiot, and your date has obnoxiously large teeth. Like a fuckin' beaver or something. Also, tell her to try BRUSHING them once in awhile. Or get some Crest Whitestrips or something. Good god man.
  9. I will say, the hardest boss I've fought in a while was the Lord of the Black Abyss from Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits. That fucker took me over an hour to beat, because it was so much patience and strategy... and it didn't help that I had no protection against Dark. Fun game though.
  10. You know it. Oh my, no nested quotes. That's going to take some getting used to.
  11. I don't know if it's been mentioned I did a cursory look at the thread and I used the new search thread feature (neat!) - but it seems like a lot of posts are showing up as unread when, in fact, they have been read. Like, I just posted in PPR, viewed it - and in the forum page, it said it was read, but in the forum index it was showing new posts in PPR when there weren't any.
  12. I think everyone should resolve to quit bitching about the new vBulletin. Because it's fucking awesome. AWESOME. Good work DJP! I am quite pleased. Also, my resolution is to never live in Washington State ever again. My lease ends today, I'm staying with la familia for a few days, and then I'm leaving this fucking horrible state in the dust forever.
  13. I don't know if this falls under "problems" - but something the new forums do is limit post size replies. I tried to post a PM that exceeded 5000 characters and it wouldn't let me - had to break it up into two posts with a minute delay in between. Is this something hardwired into the forum, or is that a changeable preference? I haven't tested one of my megaposts in PPR yet.
  14. Get a pair of sharp scissors that can cut through denim, and then cut in a saw-fashion (eg. like this: \/\/\/\/\/), about mid-tibia, and then fray them at the end.
  15. Maybe he thought he could do drive-thru Christmas shopping?
  16. Thanks nineko. I wasn't sure where to put this. It's gotta have the suit. It doesn't make sense without the suit.
  17. What's up dude, we all knew GL was off to bigger and better things. Don't weep for the guy and long for his presence. Be glad he's out doing what he's doing.
  18. This is just a badass song, plain and simple. This remix is so superb, you'd think it came straight off a brand spankin' new PS2 soundtrack, and not off an SNES game that's as old as some of the folks that frequent OCR. GL, you never fail to impress me with your work.
  19. Oh, tricky. The beginning sets you up for something, and then totally shifts on you. The turn towards metal is pretty good, but almost a little lacking in some respects. The overall gist of the piece gets a little repetitive, picks up a bit at the halfway point to lead you into a crescendo that you're anticipating and anticipating and then it hits that 3:30 mark and gives you a bit of a weak payoff. Kind of like you're waiting for that BOOM! like the song is going to bring the sky down. It's not a bad piece in any respect - but I do wish it had a little more oomph to it.
  20. Pretty bitchin' The last 40sec especially are captivating. The Castlevania theme that we all know and love, done really well. I don't know if it's my speakers or what, but I DID notice a little grainyness to it, but not enough to distract from the piece at all. It shifts gears really fast, which is nice. It's one of those pieces you can close your eyes to and kind of follow in your head. The flute especially at the very end... your mind just dances with it. Well done.
  21. I tell you what.. I haven't been posting reviews lately because I haven't been listening to ReMixes lately - but when I feel the urge to play a couple of them, I always find this in my list. Well well well well done. It's one of the best Kingdom Hearts tracks to mix, and you did an awesome job with it. Ethereal and captivating.
  22. I really like this song. My system is tweaked in a special fashion that, imho, makes music sound the way I want it to sound - and this piece hits it perfectly. Good strong bass, nice familiar melody... I like it. A+
  23. Gato That silver coin hoarding mother fucker.
  24. I've been slacking when it comes to reviewing lately. I really like this. Really downtempo, which is so ideal for the mood I'm in at the moment - that kind of, getting late on a Saturday night, had a few beers, just sitting in the dark enjoying the setting mood. I don't know if it's my familiarity with the MM2 soundtrack that's doing it, but this song is really easy to follow in your head. When I heard it for the first time, I could almost predict what sounds would be coming up. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the choral part, not because it sounds bad, but because it's kind of a tease. You know, you get that really rippin' bit at the beginning and you're left wanting to hear it throughout the song, and all you get is a little more towards the end. But listening to the piece a few times, it makes sense, and all in all, it comes out really nice. Gold star.
  25. All I can say is: WOW. It's one of the best evolutions I've ever heard in a mix. Every part builds to the next. The flow, the dynamics, the whole thing is just awesome. 12/10.
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