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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Yeah, 3 of my favorites do not have HoN equivalents.
  2. join us on irc if you want to draft #vgmmtg on esper.net
  3. Anyone interested in doing a draft tonight sometime???
  4. If you were playing poorly I didn't notice... Also U/W control seems pretty strong for standard, I created a block version yesterday to play out. Standard U/W would be even stronger OA.
  5. won 2 straight drafts 3-0 both times... this was the 2nd draft deck: http://ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=515840 2x Charmbreaker Devil 3x Brimstone Volley 2x Morkrut Banshee that right there alone is some ridiculousness.
  6. I can also help with anyone who needs help with cockatrice or anything else as far as this goes. Also if anyone wants to do sealed or draft as well, i'd think it was awesome if we got some of that going on Thursday as well.
  7. actually it depends on how your mana curve is... if i was playing quick agressive deck, i'll be closer to 20, probably 21 lands. the higher the curve the more lands you run.
  8. I realize that what you were just posting is a casual deck, but you do realize that it's a 71 card deck. You should really cut 11 and get it to 60 to maximize efficiency... You can easily cut a few lands imo aside from a few other cards, 27 lands is more then enough.
  9. Frankly this meta is pretty simple, it's easy to get grasp of everything...i've got a good handle of it in a few games. Also more people need to be idling on irc in #vgmmtg...more games!
  10. they should've just made them like the flip legends from the kamigawa block, most of them are vanilla enough to work.
  11. I gotcha, I do like that they at least made something like that for a proxy...overall feels really bleh to me though...btw i'm very much looking forward to playing some games
  12. After taking a look through the cardset for the current set, I can say it's fairly vanilla with nothing super exciting...it should be easy for older players to grasp new cards and set concepts. How do these double sided cards work in a deck though?? You know what you're going to draw before you get it...this I don't understand why they would. Obviously opaque sleeves prevents this, but was it part of the design concept to know when it's coming?
  13. Transform is the new mechanic? Are they two sided cards that get flipped when requirements are met? Also, can certain cards transform back and forth?? A few of them seem like they have transform on both sides of their card.
  14. What sets are currently in block? I need to do some research.
  15. Is it possible to do the limited formats, draft and sealed deck; in cockatrice? I'm highly interested in draft, and just so everyone knows...the last time I played competitively was around Ravnica.
  16. Being a former competitive player like palpable, i'm highly interested in this...what is cocatrice, i'm assuming some sort of mtg client?
  17. the one thing i'm hoping is improvement in the shop from dota, both lol and hon improved...tbh this is a dealbreaker for me.
  18. YES!!! That'd be it, thanks. edit: i'm noticing a lot of overlapping now, night stalker is the same as dragon knight.
  19. I think Dragon Knight is one of the characters from the Half Life series...one of the half life 2 episodes...i can't recall which one or which character. Can anyone identify him?
  20. Once again, here we are one year later...happy birthday sir.

  21. there's your video tensei, you do also realize that Lucifer has a farming ability right? edit: he had appx 100 cs in 15 mins.
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