well now, witch hunt much?
yes, i can be a jerk.
does that mean i shouldn't be an admin? no.
the only thing that i do that would warrant using my admin access for my own gain is to put up mapvotes, and that's usually to gage interest in a mapchange.
i do my job in terms of keeping things under control and ban people when necessary. i use kicks as warnings if need be as well.
to tensei: why do you not believe that i kicked the 2nd guy that one time on accident? the admin menu stays open after a kick or ban, and this was right after we switched mods so i was still getting used to it...again, ever since then you seem to see every little thing i do with admin and like to point it out negatively. the ("Do you have a problem with my authority?") came because you constantly seemed to keep questioning why i did things. i've told you this before on irc.
as far as the spawn camping tonight, i killed two people at the badwater spawn, both at least a minute apart. after i killed the first person i ran away and let people get through, then i went back. i was aware that i was in a gray area for this, so i didn't constantly just spam stickies until i died there. edit: make that three, a pyro saw me running around and i killed him in self-defense (not at the spawn doors).
Bahamut hasn't told me not to do anything i have been doing, and i'm sure he knows i can be a jerk at times.