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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. i'm trained, though i'm not as much a soloist as i am a choir vocalist. baritone.
  2. I just sent in my wav to kyle, that's one less to be completed.
  3. generally depending on the size of the project. though i will say this is true for most productions.
  4. i learned how to sync the same as analoq here and agree that you can do it that way. thought the results may not be as good as seeing actual footage, you can still get the job done. heck i wrote a bid for a large candy commercial (read snickers) a few months ago, and i didn't see a cut or a cue sheet. i was only given a small description of what was happening in the commercial and a "should sound like this/shouldn't sound like this list" (in genres). i think really this all comes down to the kind of director you have. an ass or a considerate one.
  5. that's exactly how i take that...it happens every once in a while. i was a cal-i CS player at one point.
  6. pwhahaha, people accused me of hacking my 2nd time playing tf2. steam acct: romantaker@yahoo.com id: Hemophiliac
  7. hey guys i just posted stuff over on the forum, go get.
  8. well i've had a few people express interest and told me to post it here so whatever.
  9. oh that's right hayter, i saw him sitting a few rows behind where wingless and i were.
  10. they were supposed to be selling them on a cd starting on this last performance in LA, but none were available. they were supposed to be available for order too on the 15th but still none available. we'll see.
  11. yeah i had thought that either the high violins were either not mixed loud enough, not enough were present or the cellos and basses played too strong. <-oh well now. highlights for me: -Liberali Fatali - Final Fantasy 8, they haven't done this in LA yet so it's new to me. -BIO FREAKIN SHOCK -Contra by VortexGuy (Chris Kline) -STARCRAFT II STOOD OUT AS SOME IMPRESSIVE WORK OF MUSIC, that i look forward to hearing more of. -meeting the wingless, dale north, jayson napolitano, and getting to chat with them and mazedude again. -oh yeah and i almost forgot...the soup nazi.
  12. i just bought my tickets, i will be in orchestra. so anyone want to meetup?
  13. could we at least know what you want, so we can get an idea?
  14. i'm going, i need to purchase my tix though. if anyone wants to meetup i'm down edit: i might need to take you up on that offer too wingless.
  15. i realize that he says it in the video description on youtube, but this isn't his own arrangement. the arrangement is from an album called Dracula Battle Perfect Selection, and he's just playing over the top of it, and then soloing at the end. why is this in wip? also for an actual comment on the playing, it's actually kinda sloppy; the timing is off a lot. keep practicing.
  16. arrangement originally written for big band but can be adapted for other groups, as i thought was implied by my privious post where i said what was absolutely necessary.
  17. i don't know why it is necessary to use the beginning of "Cloud Smiles" from Advent Children in the beginning of this. yes i know that you did not rip an mp3 of that directly, but you are using the song itself. once it gets to the aeris part it's still the original aeris theme, and no new arrangement going on. 0:33-0:38 silence as a transistion, not sure what to say about that. also there's a lot of empty space in here that needs filling, add more parts to fill out the texture. the crash cymbol and the trumpet both feel way too loud and in the front of the mix. i really wish i had something nice to say other then the samples sound nice, but there isn't much arrangement actually going on here.
  18. so i have a jazzy/big-bandish arrangement of a castlevania tune if you guys are interested in playing it it has up to: 4 trumpet parts (minimum 1) 2 alto saxes (minimum 1) 2 tenor saxes (minimum 1) 4 trombone parts (minimum 1) guitar or keys bass instrument (bass, bari sax, bass trombone or any combination of these) and percussion <--this is always flexible in my book though
  19. or just turn snap to "None" also better samples will give more realistic results...that's about all i could say about that, aside from portamento for fake sliding.
  20. yeah you don't want to drink tea because tea is a diuretic and it will only dry out the vocal folds and nodules. also the head/chest voice switch is different for every person.
  21. just recently i had travelled to Miami to be a part of the 2 year college national honor choir. i had a red eye flight from california, and when i got there i had pretty much been awake for more then 24 hours. the stress on my body from travel and lack of sleep caused me to get sick...i proceeded to lose my voice. so i drank A LOT of water. by the time of the performance a few days later, i was still sick but i was still able to obtain my full singing range. SO moral of the story, drink a lot of water.
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