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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. well ToN said he was up for it, so we would just need one more for the team I guess. If im joining this I'll have to take the last week for mixing since im pretty busy atm
  2. I owe OCR many things. Friends, Music, a great hobby, and too many fun and memorable times to count. Been part of it for more than a decade now, it's amazing how the time goes by so quickly. Happy Birthday OCR, and thank you.
  3. Dont worry dude I havent forgotten about you, I just have an important project I have to work on but I'll be free soon!

  4. I would post a WIP but I dont have enough pieces to build a coherent WIP, when I get them together to fit how I picture them in my mind I will post something. It's coming along well tho!
  5. I have worked on mine too. Right now it's not much but maybe next week I'll have a substantial wip to show.
  6. Sorry about that, maybe its because I encode in 24 bit?
  7. uh, my song was bad, but it wasn't a lot of static o_0 EDIT: yeah just listened, seems like something went wrong with the encoding or something.
  8. Bionic Commando is a game I hold dear because I played it so much as a kid. When i want to remember what it was like when I was a kid, I just have to play Bionic commando or Mega Man 2 and it's like I travel back to the 80s, as I played those games so much with my friends back then. This game along with mega man 2 bring back the most memories to me. So I feel I have to do my part in this little tribute. I hope I can do a decent job!
  9. Oh I know what you mean. Most of my songs haven't been the product of inspiration (although the ones I consider to be my best work have), but for me sometimes I just can't for the life of me get a song to work. it doesn't happen very often, but after all these years I've become familiar enough with this musician block to be able to recognize it when it shows up.
  10. Well as for me, I submitted an unfinished track, and I apologize to ToN. I wasn't able to grasp the slightest hint of inspiration these past two weeks, as the title of the song suggests. The last two days I sat here trying to get something good out but I found myself rewriting entire sections over and over, rebuilding synths from scratch over and over again, and in the end the result was not satisfactory. So sorry for not putting up a good fight, but musician's block is a bitch. I do look forward to your track, as I've enjoyed every single track you've submitted for this compo.
  11. Wow, I missed all this. I would have let this one go and not Dq PH, we've had many dropouts this compo and another autowin wouldn't have been nice. I did use Mae's vocals in an unfinished song I submitted for the GRMRB, Like PH I thought it was ok to add other elements as long as the arrangement was mine. EDIT: oh and I started my song yesterday, and it went towards funkiness real quick, which was surprising for me, and interesting too since I'm going against ToN this time around.
  12. Sorry Darke, been sick all week and i hadn't checked these threads. I will listen to both soundtracks tonight and I'll see what I like.
  13. Well I'm just coming down from the nastiest virus I've had in ages. Kept me in bed for 2 days and feeling like crap for more than a week. What else could happen in this compo? geez. Anyhoo I'll do my best to deliver a solid track by the end of the week, starting today. I only lost 3 days so it's not too bad.
  14. High Energy? Groove based? Those are my last names dude. I'll help.
  15. Glad you liked it! I know dubstep is very polarizing so it's kind of a risk to do something in that style, but for these compos I just do what I feel like would be fun to do, and boy do I have fun with dubstep! The screaming synth you speak of was the simplest one to make, I made it in about 10-15 mins. It's just a thor unit with slightly detuned saw and squarewaves routed through a stardar lp and one of the waves routed through a comb filter (just for some grittiness) the magic was done with LFO's, one modulates the pitch down everytime the key is pressed, the other modulates the comb synth filter up. Then just some EQ and compression. Here's how it looks like, if you're curious: http://imageshack.us/a/img526/5733/screamerd.png The Main bass though, is VERY complicated and took me several hours (i'd guess around 5) to build it to what it sounds like in the song. synths audio outputs running into thor's inputs, then splitted frequencies to several different distortion algorithms, massive eq'ing and lots of automation and LFO's on filters, FM amounts, etc. It's a mess. I'm planning on sharing a collection of the dubstep sounds I've created for these compos in the future just like how I did with the Italo disco patches, I just want to make more to have something substantial to share. But enough about that! short reviews for this round: -Theory of N vs ProjectSpam : GO MEGA MAN! Absolutely love the vocal samples, they're so quirky and funky, I loved them to death. If you're planning on updating this, don't take the samples out! they're the charm of the song. Loved the whole arrangement, funky as always. As for projectspam's, it sounded less The Police and more depeche mode to me... which is good! I actually liked what you did but Theory of N's was more developed, I think this would've been a harder choice if you had worked more on yours. -Hakstok: I bet voting will be close on our matchup, i liked your song very much! it develops very well from a soft ballad to a rocking solo, both themes were well integrated, I liked it! -As for my own song: I think I talked enough about the production already, so about the arrangement there's plenty of both themes in there but the underlying progression for most of the song is Storm Owl's, i found myself liking this theme more than I thought I would. I had tons of fun working on this song, making the most aggressive dubstep I could was exciting. I love these compos!
  16. patch 1.05 hits today folks! I stopped playing but I'm planning on checking it out again, lots of new stuff coming.
  17. Good luck dude, seems like Theory of N didn't have much time either. I just hope hakstok shows up...
  18. Song's done, just mastering left to do, I'll be submitting in a few hours. EDIT: Mix sent, all done!
  19. Hey. If you meant the italo disco presets I made, here they are: http://www.mediafire.com/?9lk1554ine43q3b . It's only a couple for synth1 but there are others for tal-u-no and gtg jp-1

  20. Track almost finished, sounds really good so far! I'm liking Storm Owl theme more than I thought I would.
  21. someone actually noticed HBD shnab, love your stuff.
  22. Oh what the hell. It always feels good to help the community. Count me in.
  23. I was kind of disappointed at first because I thought I would be mixing storm owl (and I spent an hour or so mixing Storm Eagle because of this mistake). But Now i'm having a lot of fun with it. My mix is coming along pretty nicely. No problem buddy!, here's a shameless plug to help you get started! My budget music producer kit
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