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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. So, after the confirmation, allow me to repost this: This applies perfectly since the kinect requirement and price point are still there. Thoughts?
  2. Yep it's official now. But seriously who didn't see this coming? you have to be really, REALLY dumb not to. The response was overwhelming, and it was clear the xbox would have been DOA with these policies. So, customers won this time, yay.
  3. Yes but here's the thing. The same stuff that you experience, everyone else does as well. The lose streak because of afkers, the bad games, etc. It applies to everyone. What is equal is not an advantage, and the proof that the system works is that platinum/diamond players create smurf accounts only to climb up to their level of play again. As I said, some games will be unwinnable. That's just fact and its part of the statistics. But if you win the games that CAN be won, you will definitely rise. About Duos: if you are platinum and you duo with a bronze, the system will average the level of the players it needs to make the match fair, and so the platinum/bronze duo will end up with people of adequate level for the people they will be against. If they are against silver players, you bet the duo team will get bronze players as teammates. This has been explained by the devs several times, the system will always try to average the odds. I wasn't talking about the quality of the people you find that are duo'ing, I was talking about how the matchmaking works.
  4. lol @ the animaniacs one. Damn those cartoons were funny.
  5. No, it just so happens that Splash Woman is the only Mega Man song that Brandon Knows. I had to tell him there's no Butt Man, but he still doesn't believe me so get ready for some Butt Man mixes.
  6. yeah they will have "selected partners". That possibly means gamestop. The ones who are realy fucked are the small guys with a small store on your neighborhood.
  7. That is how it works people. In order to rank up you need to defeat people oh a higher league than you. It doesn't make sense that you beat people of your own level in order to progress to a higher league, you need to show you can beat people on the league you're going to e promoted. Sometimes it isn't as simple as that, and you may be pitted against a team who has a platinum player wihle you're at silver level. This only means that he's probably duo-queing with a lower level than you, and also the other members of the team are lower level. If you find yourself unable to rank up after hundreds of games, it means you belong at the level you're at.
  8. That is just sad I have 100% winrate with teemo in ranked. I shit you not. And no, I haven't played just one game
  9. ah but see, the point of jungling at low ELOs is not to help your team. It's to feed yourself into an unstoppable monster Really, you have to be selfish to win in those elos, I generally feed myself the kills from ganks. As Vi after you are 2 kills up you can pretty much gank any lane for a guaranteed kill. Of course, after a sucessful gank you ALWAYS must force your team to go for objectives be it dragon or a turret. Ping that shit like crazy until they go. I think I'm much more successful as a jungler, support and mid because I can take a leading role over the team. I only give out kills from ganks if I notice that the laner is particulary good (has a cs advantage over the other laner, has traded well and reacts quickly to my gank)
  10. 1-Stone Man 2-Gravity Man 3-Splash Woman 4-Plug Man 5-Tornado Man It seems like I'll be joining up with Brandon Strader and Jivemaster for this one.
  11. Yeah I've tried it before, Viktor is one of my faves. But Jg Viktor really doesn't work XD. I once saw snoopeh from Evil Geniuses trying to make it work and failing miserably as well, so yeah. Problem is, your clear is crap, being a burst champion your spells have too long a cd, no sustain, slow movespeed and squishy.
  12. Tank Teemo and AP Caytlin LET'S GO. edit: We just need a jungle viktor and a support Fiora and we have our league-climbing team.
  13. I got from bronze 3 to silver V in a secondary account playing 90% of the games as Leona, so its certainly possible to get out of there even if playing only supports. In my main account I mostly play junglers, my favorite champ is Vi and I have a 60% win ratio with her if I remember correcly, then I play other junglers like j4 and sejuani. If I get to play mid I pick karthus or fizz. I'm a very good Fizz, it's one of my most successful champions. For some reason I'm a terrible adc and can't carry with those most of the time. On top I go even most of the time.
  14. Yeah those are very common. Out of the 40 or 50 ranked games I've done I'd say around 8 had an afk or leaver or just someone who went 20 cs by 10 minutes. The thing with ranked games is that you'll probably get some unwinnable games now and then, but it gets less crappy as you go up, or so I've heard.
  15. I am currently silver IV I think, I haven't played many games but I think I can reach at least gold if I played regularily since my win ratio is pretty good. Most of the losses I got were because I had to play ADC which I suck at, or support which has almost no impact in such a low level of play. Rarely lose as jungler.
  16. I think calling the x360 a great console from a hardware standpoint while also saying it just has this tiny, unfortunate overheating problem that rendered a large portion of the products unusable is a bit silly. It wasn't just a minor problem, this problem made a brick out of a large percentage of the x360 consoles. Read this article, it's an eye opener on how "great" the architecture and the hardware planning for the x360 was: http://venturebeat.com/2008/09/05/xbox-360-defects-an-inside-history-of-microsofts-video-game-console-woes/ Of course, they later (much later) fixed it but still. Also, one thing I'd like to mention is why multiplatform titles were generally better on the xbox. First, Xbox had the largest market over sony for years since launch. We know sony made a lot of mistakes back then that made people not give two shits about the ps3 at launch. This made the x360 the main platform to develop for. Games were developed with xbox's architecture in mind first, then ported to the ps3 architecture. Second, the ps3 architecture was a mess and several articles from developers account for that. There's a reason Sony dropped its silly idea of going with the cell. Don't get me wrong the Cell was much more powerful than the x360's processor, and the ps3 was the mot powerful of the two as exclusive titles can show. Third, consoles having less overhead than a regular PC isn't that true anymore. the xb1 is basically running on windows 8, and the OS takes up 3 gb of memory to be able to run in the background with all the apps and stuff, along with what I assume a sizeable part of the processing power.
  17. oh and a freebie Leak from Darke on the next WCRG date. Excellent.
  18. I don't need to change your mind, because there's no point to it. Every single reason why someone shouldn't get an xb1 doesn't affect you, moreover, you favor microsoft's exclusives and favor microsoft's design. So I don't see any reason why you should even consider a ps4, and I don't know why you're looking for people to change your mind anyways. They can't. Some people aren't buying an xb1 because although most of the issues don't affect them, they want to make a statement against the stuff MS is trying to pull off, but you don't seem to be caring about that either, so yeah, your decision is not even a decision. Honestly, I'm not a console gamer, I stopped being one when the last generation launched. The PC gaming benefits greatly outweight any console exclusive I might miss (not many anyways) so who wins or who is anti-ms or anti-sony is just amusement for me at this point. Both consoles are just the same for me except for MS's stupid policies. Also I didn't mention anything about grandmas.
  19. What is a Gario and what can it do for me? hbd to you two.
  20. I hope for the sake of everyone whos buying an xb1 that they aren't rushing the hardware out like with the x360. Because we all know how that turned out.
  21. I hereby declare my interest in this. I have some free time now that I finished some project stuff.
  22. Now that you mention it, Zero indeed does the same thing in MMZ2. Touche.
  23. Can somebody tell me why master chief was wearing a ragged full-body robe to take a walk in the desert? Isn't he using an armor? wouldn't that protect him from the harshness of the desert? or is the armor his actual skin and we find out in this game that master chief has always been running around naked? I dunno, I thought the trailer for halo 5 was incredibly dumb. The alien thingy looked cool though.
  24. In all honestly I don't know why you even made this thread. You obviously don't care about the ps4. You didn't mention the Wii U, and Microsoft policies are non-issues for you. You love their games, love their console, love their online infrastructure and love their controller. Why is this a hard decision now. It comes off more as if you're trying to justify your decision in spite of all the negativeness around the console. And as I said, it's your money, and you do whatever you want with it.
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