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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. First, calm your tits, I'm not taking a dig at you, I'm assessing the facts as they are presented. You said you would sell your x360 and never stated you own two. I don't consider that a stupid statement at all, even more so since microsoft already took down their servers for the x360, and companies like gamespy also shut down theirs after a few years. Microsoft, as many other companies, drop support on their products after a few years, it's the natural thing to do, only this time it has the inconvenience of fucking up the consumer in the process and they haven't shown the slightest hint of caring about what the consumer wants. I understand the concept behind online authentication. I am an IT engineer. They could use future xbox's authentication infrastructure to authenticate xb1 users, and they could not. They could keep the servers forever so you can play your physical games, or they can shut them down and sell them to you again in retro bundles and make a shitty excuse for it. You have absolutely zero guarantee that microsoft will keep their promise of not shutting down their authentication servers a few years from now. (well, not like they have even promised that, they are just telling people and the press not to worry about it) If we're talking about making sense and doing things to keep people happy and not call upon themselves the wrath of the consumer, well we wouldn't be talking about this if microsoft was working with that mentality now, would we? Also, why would you put servers in quotes, I have no idea, since they are actual servers. People are pissed off by a reason, and everybody from press to xbox owners and non owners alike are calling them on their anti-consumer policy for a reason. Because they ARE anti-consumer.
  2. e3 in 3 simple pannels. They should take down every youtube video ranting about e3 and replace it with this.
  3. You sound like you would buy an xb1 no matter what, so go ahead and buy it! it's your money, and if none of the issues affect you then more power to you. However keep in mind that you will most likely be unable to play your xb1 games a few years from now when microsoft inevitably shuts the servers down. EDIT: but then again if you're selling your x360 it means you aren't the type of person that goes back to play 15 year old games on his console so I guess that's a non-issue as well. Well seems like Microsoft really has a market out there for the xb1.
  4. Yo add me so I can join the server UN: Macronaso
  5. well I've read somewhere that there a re gazillion preorders now so yeah.
  6. I can say that option C is a good business decision to bet on.
  7. Been living under a rock all this time have you? as this fact has been confirmed by both Sakurai and Kojima as well as Miyamoto and Reggie. I am just going to assume you're a troll or an idiot by now and stop paying attention.
  8. Their home still continues to be with nintendo in the handheld side of things, as well as the occasional release on the wii like Castlevania Rebirth (Which I liked quite a bunch). I could see a belmont but Konami isn't that close to nintendo nowadays to influence that. The main problem I see with people requesting characters like uh any main hero from any rpg is that they're mostly swordmen, and we have plenty of those in smash already. I don't think Sakurai would want to include more of those, he's always looking for different gameplay styles for each character. I think a belmont with his whip would bring new gameplay to the table. But again I doubt we'll see it.
  9. Geno would be a legitimate possibility if the relations between square and nintendo weren't so terrible. It would be awesome, yes, but at this point pretty far from reality. Don't think we'll ever see it honestly.
  10. I was just watching total biscuit and he mentioned something that made me chuckle but that at the same time is kinda mind-boggling. Poland is one of the countries that the xbox one won't be available at launch (and god knows when). Not only there are tons of gamers there, but there are also some videogame companies. Like CD Projekt Red. Makers of the witcher 3. An xbox one exclusive launch title. How awesome is that they won't be able to play their own title when it comes out? The only reason I don't find this completely hilarious is because those guys from CD Projekt Red are actually pretty cool guys and a very promising young studio who have been pretty advocate against DRM in the past.
  11. Those nintendo characters you mentioned may very well be in future smash bros installments, even this one. After characters such as mr game and watch and ice climbers made appereances anyo of the lesser known NINTENDO characters may have a chance. For the last time, here's why snake got included: 1-Sakurai and Kojima are friends 2-Kojima begged sakurai to do it. He had been begging him since melee. 3-he is Snake. 4-He is SNAKE. One of the most popular and recognizable characters in videogames alongside the likes of master chief and simon belmont. But yeah, let's all sit down to wait for what's his face from tales of whatever to show up. makes perfect sense indeed, such recognizable faces that are able to compete with the likes of pac man and mega man for a spot. Yup. Sigh, I'm out.
  12. http://kotaku.com/meet-four-new-pokemon-the-first-gym-leader-and-everyb-513367603 HYPE.
  13. Sometimes I think bleck is too blunt but really this just deserves it because it's so ridiculous. Do I even need to explain why Sonic was in smash brothers? I mean you have to have been born after sega went defunct as a console maker to not know why. And even then, people tlak about it all the time. Mega Man is there because he's goddamn Mega Man. 9 classic megaman games on nintendo consoles. 3 from the X series, all of them from MMBN, all of them from MMZ, and all of them from ZX. Not counting other spinoffs which also were in nintendo consoles. There is no other mascot outside of nintendo which represents better the nintendo brand. Snake was there because SNAKE. Kojima has been a fan of nintendo all his life but he doesn't make games for their consoles anymore because it's just not their market. He practically begged Sakurai for him to be included. Snake is one of the most popular characters in videogames and although he doesn't represent nintendo all that well nowadays, his popularity eclipses most other franchises. Now I want to aks you, who the fuck cares about tales? I mean seriously, I like the games a lot, but who the hell thinks of nintendo when they think of tales, moreover, none of their characters is famous enough to even be remotely considered. We're talking about competing with the likes of brand recognition such as pac-man, sonic and mega man. I mean, Why am I even explaining this? They were included because they are friken nintendo characters. Is this so hard to understand?
  14. Tripping is gone for this smash bros.
  15. Until it gets cocky and power drunk again and has to be humbled down That's the real circle of life in the console wars.
  16. I think it's safe to say microsoft is currently delusional enough not to see that Anonymous and similar groups are going to go after their servers as soon as they are up just to show people how fucked up is paying 500 dollars for a plastic brick. This kind of crap is what they live for.
  17. Retro on startropics would be awesome. A colorful adventure in the vein of zelda but with witty humor and modern setting. Auto Wii U get for me.
  18. SO, after the overwhelming positive response to sony at e3(seriously, I've never seen anything like it before), plus the majority of the press praising and supporting them while openly mocking microsoft, plus now EA coming out and publicly stating they didn't lobby MS on the used games/online requirement crap thus placing the blame on this stupid plan on them, who else thinks microsoft will change their policies before launch? Without the online requirement DRM for offline games and enabling used games, I feel a lot of gamers who decided to switch sides could come back. But the price point and the requirement of kinect which the overwhelming majority of gamers aren't interested in will still affect them a lot, specially the price point. I think Sony is in a great position to win this generation by far even if MS backs down on its bullshit. If they still go with this and don't change their policy before launch, well, I see them doing much, muuuch worse than the ps3 did at first in this generation. Remember Sony was just as cocky and delusional as microsoft is now, but they didn't have such a shitstorm around them at the time.
  19. Also look at Pit. Nobody cared about him, not even Miyamoto. But we kept buggint them about it until they decided to include him in smash and now he can be considered one of the main mascots along fox and the others, since his last game was fairly successful and pretty good as well. That's why I'm hoping for Mike Jones. We need another Startropics, dammit!
  20. I really don't want them to swarm it with characters from other franchises. Mega Man is perfect because there isn't any other mascot that has been more true to the nintendo brand than mega man. Sonic was there because everyone wanted to see the old rivals duking it out, and snake because well, Kojima basically begged for it. I would like to see sonic stay not because I like him a lot as a smash character but because sonic vs mega man is a thing now, but I have no problems whatsoever on snake not coming back, and not being replaced by any other 3rd party character. There are many nintendo characters that have yet to make an appereance. Golden Sun and Advance Wars really need representation.
  21. Personally I'm hoping for Mike Jones.
  22. New to the internet? Anyhoo the only things that interest me on the nintendo platforms are a new 3d mario (not this NSMB in 3d thing they are doing, I mean a real 3d Mario like galaxy or 64) and smash. A new star fox or f-zero would have caught my attention but nintendo seems to have forgotten about those.
  23. o noes something silly in a POKEMON GAME. I am HYPE about this game. Considering grabbing a 3ds for this.
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