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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I'll say that backing up from this deal is a bit, tiny mite more significant than taking out support for linux which only an almost insignificant minority of the playerbase even used. I mean, this promise is only tipping the odds in their favor by absurd amounts and gaining them millions of new fans.
  2. Everyone likes to harp on EA because it's what the cool kids do, but their published games actually usually rank from decent to very good (with exceptions such as the last medal of honor and others). Yes, they publish the same sports games over and over again each year with minor differences between them but someone has to do it. There are sports videogames fans out there (quite a lot of them in fact) and you can't really do much when you're developing a baseball simulator. It's friken baseball, it hasn't changed in a century. I don't see this as a bad thing at all.
  3. For those excited about the new KI, give this a read: http://www.destructoid.com/killer-instinct-is-combo-tastic-and-it-s-free-to-play-255989.phtml Is like there's somebody at microsoft that goes "hey guys, I thought of a good idea, let's find out how to completely fuck it up!"
  4. Loving the apologists. The mandatory cloud usage is a bunch of BS. The behavioral calculations aren't done in the cloud. They are done in your console and the results are stored in a database in the cloud. You don't need these to play Forza, just as you didn't need to get online in spore just to get other creatures from other players. Does it make the experience better? indeed. Does the game NEEDS it for functioning properly? hell no. Not every game needs server power to run, and those that do are mostly Massively Multiplayer Online games.
  5. It's Final Fantasy. There will be whine. But my problem with FF13 weren't the characters as much. It's the much deeper issues with it. I even wrote a huge analysis *coughrantcough* back then. As I said, trailer looks very nice, but my excitement level is currently sitting at zero. I would love final fantasy to go back to its roots gameplay wise, but that seems impossible now.
  6. Trailer looked impressive. Not touching this game though. After playing through one of the worst games I've played in my life (FFXIII) I lost all hope on FF long ago. Pretty trailers won't convince me. I could be wrong and I hope I am but my hopes of being wrong are near zero. KH3 a much, MUCH more exciting announcement.
  7. This was actually a very fun song to remix back in the other PRC and I don't mind it being twice on the competition. I would have given it another try but I had other things to do.
  8. I really don't think we're talking about a vocal minority here. Most xbox360 owners are hardcore gamers. The casuals I'll guess own a wii or a playstation. Most of the time people getting pissed off on the internet amounts to nothing, but this is a pretty big shitstorm and actually a huge deal that will change consoles forever. I don't think this is the end of the xbox I still think it will sell millions as I've said before, but I've seen shit hitting the fan before, and this seems like one of those times. (reminds me of the shitstorm when blizzard wanted people to use real names in the forums and their accounts, and they actually had to back out on that) I think they can possibly lose a pretty large playerbase from this. Again, Most xbox users are hardcore gamers, the type who follow news and care about their games more than the casual wii sports, just dance player.
  9. I think it got good reviews because, as no one will deny, the game is the most fun at the start, and that's what most reviewers got to play. I don't think any of those reviewers even got to inferno. As for the expansion being a very big success, I highly doubt that too. Judging from my friend list, everyone stopped playing the game long ago and the only person from my friend list that I think will be buying that is you (well, at least I think you will from what I can tell). All I've heard from everyone else is they will probably stay away from it. Expansions very rarely bring new users in so yeah, I don't think we should expect the numbers only to go far down than what the original pulled off. I personally had my fun with the game while it lasted but I'm not buying the expansion. The problems with the game can't be resolved why just an expansion, they run very very deep. Maybe for diablo 4!
  10. The thing with what happened with simc city and to a lesser extent diablo 3, is that A LOT of people bought it because hey, it's a NEW sim city (or diablo)! we've been waiting this for years now!. I think the sim city brand suffered a lot of damage and it won't be easy to recover from it. Same with Diablo 3, I enjoyed the game for a while but I see no reason to play that ever again, while I will be more likely to boot up diablo 2 sometime in the future. A LOT of people will be much more cautious with future diablo releases, and some will even ignore it due to disapointment. As for the XBOX One I think it will still sell millions because dumb people are dumb. Also omfghalo.
  11. For Diablo 3 the Online requirement actually makes a bit of sense, unlike sim city. I'm against this kind of crap of online only for offline games but for D3 it worked and solved quite a few problems D2 had. As for the Xbox one, I wasn't going to buy it or any console anyways, but this debacle is just an extra deterrent for me. Why would anyone buy an Xbox one over building up a decent PC now that they are the same thing is beyond me. (well the xbox one is way worse since it doesn't offer the many other advantages of having a good PC) I don't really mind no used games because hey, we all use steam.
  12. This seems to me like the same theme as the Battlefield 3 theme, for which there was a PRC already that I participated in. It has the exact same melodies and motifs, with some minor differences in the way it's arranged.
  13. Hey Usa, long time no see. Fantastic stuff, and I'm glad you're still rocking the candy candy sig.
  14. Yeha I got Reaper a few years ago, it's one of the best DAWs out there and the price is just unbeatable. I prefer it over some other commercial DAWs myself. As far as this compo goes, I'm afraid I'll pass in order to be responsible about other stuff I have to work in. But if all goes according to plan, it will be worth it for me and everyone who would like some more good tunes from me. I'll keep a close eye over this compo though.
  15. I've been listening to my mix and I might do a second pass this week, gotta get more second opinions. But I didn't get back to you with a new version by the end of the week I probably won't change it.
  16. Thanks for the tracks, I enjoyed them! sorry you didn't get any competition V, this is the curse of Sir_NutS PRC picks.
  17. No! I got a gazillion projects going ATM! But... how in the world can I possibly let this one pass by? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. A Mega Man AND Sonic compo. Thats like my first and last name. I must join... what will I tell my children? that I wasn't brave enough? Decisions, decisions...
  18. include the master of jives and this project's awesomeness will increase approximately 250%.
  19. If someone actually creates this compo soon, it might break me. I can't possibly resist not joining a sonic/megaman compo, but I have so much in my hands right now that I would probably go NutS.
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