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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Anyone looking forward to valve's DOTA? I just started playing TF2 after it went f2p (yeah yeah I know, late to the party) and I'm totally hooked to it. Riot should be worried.
  2. I just read the notes. A slight (but important) buff for cassiopeia, yay!. She is my 2nd favorite AP carry (my favorite being brand) and although making miasma permanently uncover grass, it is actually something I've wanted for a long time to help ease laning phase. Also: new animation and models for Janna. <3
  3. Sure her passive can deal a decent amount of damage, specially with a sheen, but early game is kind of dificult to set up and late game it means getting in the fight, which IMO is only worth it if you're going to Ulti. You have to think if it's worth it to get so close to the enemy just to land 1 blow in a teamfight. Sona is the #1 priority kill and as such she should stay as far away from the fight as the range of her aura allows. The point of Sona isn't only her heals, her point is to keep the speed, magic resist and damage buff running at the same time, all the time in late game.
  4. I'm fine with jungling as it is now. It's part of the basic things you need for a solid team. You can't say tanking is overpowered because you always need a tank, it's just something you need in your team to be effective. Plus it adds taht element of tension to laning. Laning is pretty boring already, if they nerf jungling so you have to fear less that jungler gank then it will take away some fun from that phase of the game.
  5. Kind of a tanky week with Morde, Rumble, Maokai, Malphite and Poppy. And yes Rumble in every match.
  6. There are only a handful of champions that can survive being focused, and every support character in this game is squishy as hell and made to be that way. That said, unless you make a horrible mistake there's no way that you can get focused as Sona, Soraka, Janna, Lux, or Zil in a teamfight. These characters are always the last to die because you are always hanging down in the back and most champions don't have a quick way to reach you from the front lines. I always manage to build Mejals with all these characters even if my team isn't doing very well, because you will rarely die. I'd rank soraka over Janna for the sole reason that 2 of Janna's skills are basically skill shots (her ulti requires correct positioning to distrupt the other team) and skill shots can miss no matter how good you are. On the other hand soraka's skills are all on-cast, and she has a silence that can interrupt many important ultis. She's a better defensive support than sona in lane phase as well, coupled with a mana user. That said I prefer to play more as Sona, Janna or Lux because their skill shots make them more fun to play.
  7. Pretty accurate for the most part but here are some of my opinions: -Twisted Fate really belongs in the S-List at this moment. -Blitz should go one tier below -Teemo should be in the A-List BECAUSE HES TOO CUTE. -Brand definitively on the A-list. -Cass is a hard one to define because her Ulti is a big game changer but depends on too many variables to be puled off right. She can be in the A or B list imo. -Karma is definitely bottom of the barrel at this point. Her utility is almost nil in team fights unless she was carried HARD early, which is even harder to pull off. I like playing her a lot but just like sivir she doesn't contribute much in the practical sense. -As I said before, Kayle belongs in a high tier, maybe in the A-List. She has trouble early game because she has to melee to farm, but mid to late game she never has to melee at all. She can dish out decent damage, more than most support classes (After guinsoo's she is a beast), she can slow, she can heal and she has a game-changing ulti. -Nidalee and Oriana Belong in high tiers as well. Played carefully these two can change the game. Oriana's ulti in particular is more disrupting and easier to use than janna's. -Rumble zomg OP. S-List. -Yorick is still horrible and useless (He's kinda fun tho). EDIT: As tensei pointed out, Shen also belongs much lower and Rammus goes straight to the S-List imo. Corki is S to A Material as well. But really a tier list with this game will never be correct because some champions work better with certain setups and are useless against some other setups. Teemo for example excels or sucks depending on the team he's up against.
  8. Actually, Kayle after the buffs is a pretty good champ now. Plus he has a pretty strong on-cast immunity.
  9. Please add my lvl 15-something smurf "Un Cagon" to the list. And if you guys are playing any games, invite me!
  10. This. I love the tribunal more for the entertainment factor than for the meager IP it offers.
  11. Well if you're not of the "gotta catch them all" nature you won't really need to force play to get the champs you want to play, you will get enough points to get them naturally as you play. Personally I haven't played or bought every champion there is, and I'm not really interested in doing it. Just by playing as normal I get enough points to get every new champ that caughts my attention. If you are a completionist though, you might want to shell some dough.
  12. Yorick got some buffs yesterday as well. I tried it and he definitely feels better and more fun to play, but still lacks some kind of burst. His ulti is kinda useful though.
  13. There are items like rabadon's that are very popular and useful for anyone, but aside from a really small minority of items (like hauting guise) ALL items have their place in someone's build, as far as I've seen.
  14. Actually you do have heroes who are very cookie-cutter or that excel at one thing only. For example, you have Cassiopeia (which I play a lot actually) which centers solely around poisons and slows, like Slither. There are others like Brand who is only an AP caster centered around doing massive aoe damage. And you have others like Tryndamere who are basically AD champions and nothing else. I do love the multitude of options you have regarding to items. It's another layer that separates good players from bad players. A bad player would look at some guide and go by it, a good player adapts its items to the situation at hand. As for accesibility, there is a list of recommended items for every champion that you can see as soon as you enter shop, and that generally works for all of them, so you don't really have to skim trhough all of them if you are a total noob. Indeed HoN has the edge on that aspect but I guess Riot decided to go the WoW route and have an engine that could work in practically any computer on decent settings so they could grab a wider audience. I certainly wouldn't mind if they changed the engine to offer a better graphical experience. Battles look more epic in HoN no doubt about it. Regarding denying, I agree that's another layer of complexity that could be missing, but still I think they didn't do a bad decision by removing denying because the game works pretty well without it.
  15. Riot tries to go off the beaten track when it comes to characters designs, and I like them for that. In the Yi example, since he can't lane properly due to being squishy as hell, the self heal is useful when laning (rarely does a yi lanes) and when jungling. In the case of Ezreal, there are several other champions who have a mix of AP and AD abilities, so you can pick which one fits your playstyle more. For example, You can play an AD Teemo or an AP teemo, AD hits harder and faster on the autoattack but AD Teemo's poisons, blind and mushrooms pack more of a punch. In the Kass case, it makes less sense since he has a hit and run playstyle, so yeah it's pretty useless. EDIT: BTW my summoner name is Cagonaso, if someone wants to play a match just hit me up if you see me online.
  16. I know. but it was different in the Superman - Batman Generations universe, which is what I was talking about. In that universe Alan Scott's ring is just a normal green lantern ring. Also, in this universe it's explained that The ring has no real weakness and the weakness to yellow and wood were merely psychological.
  17. I like more the explanation they did in the Batman-superman Generations offshoot, in which they explained that Yellow wasn't really a weakness for the green lantern's power. It was rather a psychological thing. They were beaten by a yellow lantern (sinestro) so they automatically thought that yellow was their weakness, just like how alan scott thought that wood was his weakness because he got hit by a wooden club when he got hold of his own ring (which in this universe is more or less the same as a normal green lantern corps ring). BTW Alan Scott is my favorite green lantern.
  18. You do know there were many human green lanterns before John, right? Hal Jordan is THE Green Lantern. Even more if you count Alan Scott which was also a green lantern but a whole another deal.
  19. I've been watching the S1 tournament. Some very entertaining fights. Also very useful for learning how to play better .
  20. Yeah I agree. I HATED getting a free pass on one round, but when you have to run a competition you have to lay down some rules and go with them, otherwise things can get pretty disorganized. Even more in a competition as big as this one.
  21. I will probably do this since I will be at home all day.
  22. Yeah I submitted what I have, I don't want to feel like I'm cheating. Good luck everyone! (HI MAE!)
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