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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Cool I'll hold up on posting my mix till I read the post, hope its some good news.
  2. Too bad the project got cancelled I was looking forwards to it. I did a remix for this project, should I post it here for everyone to see or something, if anyone is interested at all...
  3. To put it bluntly, you can't fix what's left. From what I witnessed, there's only one alternative, to destroy what's left and rebuild from scratch. Actually that's pretty much the plan at the moment. The buildings that weren't destroyed were left in a poor state, they aren't safe, at least in port au prince. The earthquake today caused some of those buildings to finish collapsing.
  4. Hello to everyone who would read this thread. As you may know, I live in the Dominican Republic, the country which Haiti shares its border with. We the dominican people have witnessed more than anyone else the misery and hardships that the Haitian people have to live with every day. After the earthquake, Haitians lost what little they had to hold dear. Their families, their own life, and the complete city of port au prince has been leveled. I witnessed the disaster first-hand, as I went there with an aid group and believe me when I say it's something not even your worst nightmares could tell. So I'm asking everyone who can, to send help, visit some of the pages already linked above, the redcross is your best bet. Don't think that only a couple of dollars won't help, because they will. It's not only haitian people that are still trapped in the disaster, but also hundreds of people from different countries who were in haiti helping with non-profit organizations. As for those who cared and were worried, I am ok, the earthquake was felt pretty hard over here, with some minor damage to buildings but nothing too bad, I don't have internet at home at the moment but hopefully I will have this week.
  5. Oh wow, how did I miss this one? I remember participating in these a few years ago. I'll be around if there's another one.
  6. Sent my pick for the next competition, sorry for the delay, Iblame it on new years' eve
  7. bah, i hate wins by default, you get no feedback, oh well, I predict that the next one will also be a pretty dead PRC, with the Christmas celebrations still going, but I hope some people get interested and drop a mix or two.
  8. Well I went back to it, and came up with the rest of the mix, cuz I only had like the first minute when I tried to work with it the first time. Anyhoo.. its not very good, but at least you will have a remix.
  9. I tried my hand at this but I got stuck pretty early on, I hope other remixers have better luck heh.
  10. I've been around here from the start (first as just a listener from before the orange ocr days and then as a remixer) and I have a lot to thank ocr for, it gives me awesome music for free, it gave me one of my favorite hobbies, and it also gave me some good friends. Long live OCR, and /hug and big thanks to djp.
  11. Thanks for the votes, I send my choice, I hope it's good for all! See you next time!
  12. Hello everyone, I'm back! I submitted my remix of lifeforce song, I now am a little afraid that people will not recognice the original because I halved the tempo XD aside from this I hope its enjoyable!.
  13. Thank all for the comments. About the influences for this one, I started to make a basic, kraftwerk-like electro song at the beginning of my mixing, hence the basic bassline and spacey and pitch-change effects. As I worked on this, I want to turn it into something more happy and fuller sounding, like old school dance electro and for that I used model 500, I-F and others as a reference. In the end it ended up sounding more full than a kraftwerk song but less dancey than old school danceclub electro like, so I decided to add an ending that was true to my kraftwerk inspiration. Sorry if all that sounds confusing! Many people didn't like the ending, but I'm happy they liked the rest of song . Thank you very much all. And no my last name isnt Schneider, but my name is Ralf . Sorry for the bad english!
  14. HOLY CRAP!!! I fucking LOVE this song. Sadly its not something I think i can remix, I don't think I can do the original justice. Still, great choice, I'll keep an eye on this one.
  15. de Blob So many pretty colors... I can't stop playing this; It warms my heart.
  16. Yeah I was about to say that. And HOLY CRAP someone brought in Xenogears, run for your sanity.
  17. o...k... o_0And NJ I can't argue that people think that chrono trigger didn't turned out ok because of lavos, because I think it turned out AWESOME. Like I can't argue that final fantasy 5 didn't turn out ok because Exdeath was just TEH BIG BAD EVIL. However I can argue that the idea of a big bad evil that wants to destroy the world just because, is kinda trivial, overdone and unoriginal. I like the stories more when the characters on it have a reason to do what they do, they feel more real that way.
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