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Everything posted by !Nekko!

  1. Apologies. Here's a more complete/polished version with some added panning and brighter synths. Go Nathaniel! Go!
  2. Here's a remix I'm working of a song from Goonies 2 on the NES. The source can be found on Track 0004 in the NSF file and is also used on this site: http://enteryourname.ytmnd.com/. The challenge with this song is that the source music is very short and simple, so I've been putting a lot of effort into adding variety through some of the instruments, drum beat, and composition. The song is a mix of drum and bass music along with pop and ambient rock. If you have any suggestions of songs of a similar style, I'd love to listen to them for some ideas. Any advice on what this song is missing or what can be improved is greatly appreciated. - Also, listen to it while watching my sig for added effect. Version as of 1/17/2010 -
  3. What did Tails add to Sonic 2? Sonic 3 special stages are just Sonic 2 pseudo 3D special stages with another dimension of movement. Giant rings were in Sonic 1. Was it how they were hidden that bothered you? I'm not saying S3&K is better, but it seems like some of your beefs with S3&K apply to Sonic 2 as well.
  4. Bizarro. A song I'm working on was in C-minor and I didn't realize it.
  5. This is funny because I had this same issue a few years ago, so I feel like chiming in. Don't worry about other people or their skills. They're not you and don't impact you or your work. There is ALWAYS going to be someone better. If you really love what you're doing, then you'll keep pushing yourself. If you want to get better - keep mixing, post stuff on here for others to critique, look at as many tutorials as you can (plenty on here that have helped me out), take classes, or critically listen to songs you like. And I mean listen the shit out of songs, analyze what you like about them, how they're structured, how they keep it varied, and try to emulate that. Probably a quarter of songs in my folder are just exercises trying to imitate and emulate different songs I've heard. You should check out my WIP folder. I have 130 wips over the years, and only about 15-25 of them are anywhere near a full composition. I still love doing it, though. Don't let it get you down. Now post that mix for us to look at.
  6. Here's a remix-ish of a remix of the first Zelda commercial. The reason it's "Did you see the laser?" is because some of the audio got deleted when I was trying to pull the audio for my first remix. Instead of "Did you see the latest Nintendo newsletter" it turned into "Did you see the laser?" I'm more posting it for enjoyment, but some tips on mastering and balancing would be much appreciated. I wasn't really as much concerned about composition as much as keeping it entertaining and varied. All made in FL Studio 8. SONG LINK : http://rapidshare.com/files/173167149/DidYouSeeTheLaserREMIXFinalish.mp3.html Also, if you're interested, here is the original remix. http://rapidshare.com/files/173168555/The_Lazer.mp3.html
  7. The moment you start basing your opinion of cartoons on "objective" reasons, you cross the line from being a idiot to being a tool with a stick up his ass. Objectively speaking.
  8. Ah yes. The "I'm obviously a closet homosexual" justification.
  9. Well. I'm glad they at least gave Toonami a somewhat formal good bye, compared to a lot of the other stuff they've canceled.
  10. !Nekko!


    Yeah! Fuck capitalism!
  11. I thought Advance Wars: Days of Ruin had some pretty solid traditional Japanese music.
  12. I inspired Captain Falcon
  13. I'm trying to figure out whether I should RMA my hard drive or not, so here is the situation. I'm trying to explain everything I did so I can better determine what happened or what I can do. My computer: ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 w/ AM2CPU Bridge Card AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ AM2 G.Skill 2x1GB DDR2 800 RAM Sapphire ATI Radeon X1950XT 256MB PCI-e x16 Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Western Digital Caviar SE 160GB 7200 IDE I just installed a Western Digital 320GB SATA2 hard drive (WD3200AAJS) into my computer. It didn't work right away until I installed the SATA drivers for my MoBo. I formatted the HDD using the Windows XP's Disk Management (Rightclick My Computer > Manage > Disk Manager) using quick format. After that I tried moving my main personal folder over to the new hard drive. Half way through moving, my computer locks up. I let it go just a while, but it didn't budge. So I had to do a hard restart. I delete the partition and reformat it again. I try copying my entire original hard drive to the new one using Acronis True Image 11. This doesn't have any problems during the copy. I boot from the new disk and works fine until it locks up while I'm playing a game. I switch back to booting from my original HD and tried error checking the new HD by using Windows Error Checking program. I select the "Detect and Fix bad sectors" option. Computer locks up mid check. I then used Western Digital's diagnostic tool and checked for bad sectors. Did an extended test. Locked up. I also tried zeroing out the hard drive with the same tool and locked up then, too. So I'm wondering if anyone knows anything else I can do or whether my hard drive is kaput and should be RMA'd. I was also tossing around the idea of reformatting my computer so the SATA drivers get installed with the rest of the computer, but that seems unlikely to work. EDIT: Looks like I connected my hard drive to the STA 1.5 Gb/s port and not the 3.0 one. It sounds like those should be compatible, but I'll see if it does anything when I switch. EDIT 2 : I'm having no trouble yet on transferring files. Usually it locks up at 10% the way through, but I'm at 50% now. I noticed that, for my mobo, there are 2 sata 1.5 ports that are used for RAID and a 3.0 that was not part of that RAID set up. I never set up the RAID, so I figured it wasn't a problem. I guess we'll see how this works out. EDIT 3 : Files transferred without a problem. Doing an error check /w Bed Sector Scan and Recovery to see if it still freezes. EDIT 4 : Seems it's working now. Delleeete
  14. Mustin got sued by the RIAA
  15. I pulled it off like... twice. I never knew if I was doing it too fast, not fast enough, the right rhythm. Best part was seeing the list of levels that weren't in the game until the next one.
  16. Coop and I are going to get crunked and collaborate on various Photoshooping projects.
  17. Whatever happened to the master birthday thread that used to be in Unmod, anyway? Probably answered my own question, right there.
  18. WAT?!?!?!? also july
  19. Happy Birthday, Coop. You make me envious in my pants. On a neater note, we share our birthday with Leonardo da Vinci and Emma Watson (OH SHIT, SHE'S 18 NOW!). And also Abraham Lincoln's death and the Titanic Sinking. Woohoo!
  20. Whee! Whats up with everyone having their birthdays around this time, anyway? Apparently our parents like to get nasty near the middle of (*@#$&Y@(*$@IJE.
  21. Aight, you guys successfully defused that problem. Here is an orangutan who wants to give you a hug.
  22. I'm toying around with the idea of switching to XP x64 and need some advice on whether I should go through with it or not. (Computer Specs below) I'm toying around with the prospect of adding 2x2GB of RAM on top of my 2 GBs that I have already (my Mobo supports 8GB). I can't use more than 3.5 with the XP 32-bit, which is why I might switch to 64-bit. It also seems like 64-bit is the upcoming standard. A few concerns I have... How reliable are the drivers for XP 64-bit? I know I can get compatible drivers, but I don't want them to gimp my system. Also, how well does Fruity Loops run under a x64 environment? I have FL5 right now. I know x64 can emulate 32-bit, but it sounds like the performance takes a hit when it does that. Does anyone know how significant this supposed drop is? I also usually use my computer for gaming, so I'm wondering about performance issues with that. The two highest end games I'm likely to play the most are Team Fortress 2 and Hellgate London, but I also throw on older games now and then. Are there possible issues that might arise? I also have access to Vista 64-bit. Does anyone recommend that instead of XP? My system specs: ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 w/ AM2CPU Bridge Card AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ AM2 G.Skill 2x1GB DDR2 800 RAM Sapphire ATI Radeon X1950XT 256MB PCI-e x16 Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Western Digital Caviar SE 160GB 7200 IDE
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