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Everything posted by !Nekko!

  1. I think it is. I've seen the movie and I'm still not 100% sure.
  2. Damn fucked up
  3. Maybe its brain was in its ass.
  4. I liked it a lot. Plot was a little janky and unbelievable, but it was a really good suspense movie. Like the Blair Witch project, I was putting myself into that situation and trying to think of how I would feel moreso than concerning myself with the plot. If you plan on seeing it, try to sit far away from the screen. My girlfriend and I were about 4-6 row and we definitely regret that. Kind of a spoiler, but best part of the movie for me....
  5. Some classmates and I were playing counter-strike during one of my computer classes in high-school and I realized I didn't have a suitable gaming name. My nickname in Spanish Class was Nico and had been my personal nickname for a while. Nico was kinda boring, so I wanted it to be iNico!. I didn't realize I could just use a lower case i as the first exclamation point, so I just used another exclamation point. !Nico! still felt kinda boring and conventional, so I made it !Neko!. Knowing that Neko meant cat in japanese, I threw on another K for good measure so it would be more unique. Since then, I've been !Nekko!. If I can't use exclamation points on a site or in a game, my name will be either Nekko_Chavez or Nekko_Suarez, keeping up with the spirit of my Spanish nickname.
  6. I like turtles!
  7. I'm glad to see Onett back. That stage and my Captain Falcon's knee make great love sex. Also, I call it "Oh-Knee" for the reason stated above.
  8. I supposed there is a possibility of Sonic being a new character that I might use more often than others, but I will not know for sure as Brawl has not been released yet.
  9. Guys, he's getting better. He's not making 4 posts in a row anymore.
  10. Son of a bitch. I'm going to be spending the next 3 months trying to remember that its 2008. 2007 was a hell of a year for me, so I kinda hope 2008 chills out a bit. Anyway, the kid in my sig and I wish everyone a Happy New Year.
  11. Well I was pretty close.
  12. Its awesomeness is so awesome, it looks like it sucks to the average mild mannered film goer.
  13. Adventure on the Atari was the first adventure game. Whodathunk
  14. I just started going through Super Mario RPG and I just got Geno. Why do people like him so much? Will I find out later in the game? Does he transform into Jenova or something?
  15. Nice creative twist. I dig it.
  16. Amazon had it for 35 bucks, so I picked it up. If anyone wants to pick it up to play with me, heres the link! http://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Arts-Hellgate-London-DVD/dp/B000QB058U/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1196894346&sr=8-1
  17. I hope you can turn pity off, because sometimes when you beat the shit out of someone, they deserve it.
  18. Who the fuck are those annoying girls talking in the background?
  19. fucking wabbuffet
  20. Atma has a point. This is pretty much the same shit Nintendo has been pulling on us for a while now.
  21. Skinny legs + skinny arms + HUGE ASS = no
  22. The only problem I've been having is that my video card (X1950XT) sometimes slows down a bit. They also recommend 3GB of RAM, when I have only 2, though I don't know how big a part that plays with my predicament. I got no problem dumbing down the settings as long as I can play smoothly. I was wondering, game play wise, how long does it take to level up or travel from place to place? Is it fairly similar to Diablo2? I don't mind repetitive tasks, but I don't want to take days to level up or to get from one place to the next. I just want to try out different builds and go item hunting for the most part.
  23. Hate to revive this thread, but I've been playing the demo for this game a bit and I'm undecided whether I should pick it up or not. Since the game is out, does anyone have any opinions either way? Reviews have been lukewarm, but I would probably get my money's worth from it since it seems like they're fixing a lot of stuff and I don't mind repetitive game play.
  24. The movies that are coming out are being split into the new episodes. They're adding new content for when it comes on TV, but you can get the idea of what it's going to be like. I got Bender's Big Score waiting for me to watch with my buddies, so I'm stoked.
  25. I thought you were having girl problems a week or so ago.
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