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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. They had a lot to live up to for Starcraft Ghost. Probably more than they could handle, so they put it on ice to avoid even more disappointment. The actual gameplay footage I've seen didn't look that amazing.
  2. There is really no "best" in the world of synthesizers. Sure, there are those that are widely acclaimed and used, but that's a different thing. The synthesizer doesn't get better than its user.
  3. Pretty much all of that is in WoW, don't be so quick on passing it off as another me-too LotR ripoff. The Draenei are aliens (As are the orcs in a sense), and their capital is a crashed spaceship. The gnomes and goblins have all sorts of high-tech stuff like guns, mechs and tanks. It's really more of a steampunkish game.
  4. I didn't buy my DS for passive reading/cutscene watching.
  5. Blizzard should reacquire the DC license. They made a Superman and Justice League game back in the day, though they weren't exactly stellar.
  6. Sorry, but this doesn't really excite me in the slightest. There's been more than enough me-too Virus wannabes the past few years with the same overused preset sounds. This one is no different.
  7. The fluid 2D art in the Castlevania games is very pretty to look at, and no doubt it has a considerable influence on how people value the games. I don't really get why people bring up 2D titles as a counter-argument. Metal Slug looks just as amazing as any high-end 3D title.
  8. Graphics have ALWAYS been a major selling point. In the 80s the Spectrum/Intellivision (Can't remember which) boasted about having cartoon-like quality instead of the blocky Atari standard.
  9. Hard compression does serve a purpose. The boss tunes for Streets of Rage Remake are heavily compressed, and it really helps keep the adrenaline high.
  10. Started exploring Outland with my main today. I was one of the few lucky ones who didn't have the rested exp taken away, probably because my character was inactive from months without touching WoW. I never got into endgame raiding either, which is a good thing considering I got superior equipment within a manner of minutes doing the first quests in Outland. Also, it just occured to me that almost all of the Blood Elf music sounds very similiar to the Blade Runner soundtrack, just less synthesized. There's also some Film Noir influences, but that was in Blade Runner too.
  11. What many people don't realize is that graphics envelope the whole visual experience, not just polygon amount and bloom lighting.
  12. Seems like everything Ghostbusters is bound to get the shaft. There was an excellent comic arc a few years back and they even promised an ongoing title, but it never happened.
  13. I swear, the Exodar was modeled after planet Krypton.
  14. Navigating Curse-Gaming is a bitch... I'm looking for an addon that simply removes all the art from the main bar. I know I had one before, but I reinstalled the game.
  15. The launch went better than expected. No server issues on this end. Other than that it's pretty much as I had predicted, the Alliance ratio has plummeted down to 40% and the Blood Elf start area is severly operpopulated.
  16. I created a YTMND for this, seeing as how much the site has grown in recent years it's a pretty effective way of spreading the word: http://timbalandtempest.ytmnd.com/
  17. Tempest DID make a statement about this: http://digg.com/music/Timbaland_ripped_off_a_track_from_my_buddy#c4713693
  18. Not a good idea to time stretch/resample that loop. Cut out the tick sample, load it in some sampler and reconstruct it manually in a step sequencer or something. Then automate the tempo.
  19. The original file should have a creation date in the file properties, and it probably exists on several web archives so it shouldn't be hard to prove.
  20. I take it most of the old scene chiptunes aren't copyrighted in any way? If so, the industry has a potential goldmine of tunes they can steal and get away with it at the same time.
  21. How's this? http://www.zshare.net/audio/crude-mp3.html
  22. If I had a cell with mp3 ringtones, it would be the tom/scratch intro from Herbie Hancock's Rockit
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