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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. I honestly don't see how you say it's only an investment for 3-4 games, and that its future isn't as bright as the PS3. There are at least 30 games out there this very second that are definitely worth buying for the Wii, and maybe 8 for the PS3. Most of the coming-soon PS3 games that were listed earlier are shooting for late 2010 at the EARLIEST, 2011 if they're lucky, and then there were some that don't even HAVE a release date. I honestly feel that the best way would have been to WAIT on the PS3 until its library is a bit more developed, because to be honest, there is NO way it's worth it at that price if you already have a 360. If anything, developers are abandoning the PS3 in droves, and the Wii's current and future lineup far and away is superior to the PS3 in every imaginable way. Also, enjoy spending $30 for movies. That's the bluray future. Don't say I didn't warn you
  2. I thought my post represented the Wii side of it pretty well. I even left off a lot of blockbusters like Mario Kart, Wii Sports Resort, and a lot of other first party Nintendo titles. I'd like to see someone throw together a list of justifiable PS3 purchases (keep in mind, PS3 games are more expensive than Wii games) to compare the number of titles worth buying. I'd bet the Wii comes far head.
  3. You should probably be less focused on "blockbusters" and more focused on a library that will sustain and justify the purchase.
  4. I should also mention that with the Wii, it's possible to pirate every single Wiiware, VC, and real release game, all without a modchip or anything like that. Not that I endorse this, but it makes gaming a lot cheaper for pirate losers.
  5. You haven't? Have you been paying attention to it? Galaxy is easily one of the best games of the last gen -- not MY personal favorite, but damn close. This coming from a guy that utterly DESPISED Sunshine, Galaxy blows almost every previous Mario game out of the freaking water. Here are a list of Wii games I think are worth purchasing: 1. Super Mario Galaxy - already explained 2. Super Paper Mario - Not NEARLY as good as The Thousand Year Door, but definitely worth it for the amazing and endearing story. 3. Twilight Princess - Great game, but also disappointing in that it's a me-too game 4. Resident Evil 4 - Hear me out on this, I bought this on launch day (had it preordered), played it at least 15 times over the years, and still bought it on the Wii. The wiimote makes this game one absolutely HEAVENLY experience, and it includes all of the PS2 extras. 5. Metroid Prime 3 - Loved that it wasn't entry #54354354 to put Samus alone on a dark planet all alone for the entirety of the game. Also did not play it much because I had not played the first two (well I did and stopped because, you know, console FPS controls are awful). That leads me to... 6. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 with wii controls - Now that these two are coming (on the same disc with 3, so MP1-2-3 all for the price of one) with Wii controls, I'll be sure to play through all of them. 7. Smash Bros. Brawl - Not my thing (never cared for ANY of the Smash Bros games) but I know it's huge to a lot of people 8. Zack and Wiki - Amazing, great little adventure title that got the critical acclaim but not the sales it deserved 9. Okami - Duh 10. Sin and Punishment - One of the best shooters of all time, an N64 game never released in the US was brought to the virtual console and released in the US. Now a Wii-sequel is on hte way. 11. Sin and Punishment 2 - Said sequel 12. Madworld - Hilariously over-the-top and great art design. 13. Punch-Out!! - Do I need to explain this one? An update to one of the most classic NES games of all time. 14. The Conduit - Standard FPS fare, but with the wiimote it's a lot more fun. I hate console shooters because of console controls, but wiimote + fps = fun. 15. Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People - Adventure gaming experienced a resurgence thanks to the Wii and the DS, and this title adds to the genre's prestige quite nicely. 16. Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Great remake of the DS title. Cheesy story but gameplay is tremendously fun. 17. Trauma Center: New Blood - Sequel to second opinion in name only, features new characters, story, and same great gameplay. 18. Trauma Team - The third entry in the Trauma Center series, slated for 2010. 19. de Blob - Released for a few systems, but a true sleeper hit on the Wii. THQ says more is coming for the Wii. 20. Lost Winds - Launch title for WiiWare, and a tremendously good platformer/puzzle hybrid (more platformer though). 21. Trace Memory R - Sequel to the DS title, another entry in the classicly-styled adventure game series. 22. Final Fantasy 4: The After Years - Direct sequel to Final Fantasy 4, how often do you get 16bit RPG goodness in this day and age? 23. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Direct sequel to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. GREAT if you're into strategy RPGs. 24. No More Heroes - Great off-the-wall game, with a good story and hilarious fourth-wall breaking dialogue and scenes. 25. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle - Not out yet, probably more of the above. 26. Final Fantasy: My Life as a King - Another WiiWare launch title, I was immersed in this thing for a long fucking time. Great sim-RPG which is getting a sequel soon, called "My Life as a Dark Lord" 27. Little King's Story - Similar to My Life as a King, but far more developed. Getting rave reviews. 28. Phantom Brave: We Meet Again - A port of the original Phantom Brave title, from the makers of Disgaea 29. Cursed Mountain - Survival horror game that takes place in a snow-coated setting on a mountain. Has good buzz. 30. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - A complete remake from top to bottom of the original PS1 game. This game looks fucking AMAZING, and looks to put the SURVIVAL back in Survival Horror (thanks for nothing, RE5...) 31. Dead Space: Extraction - Apparently tells the story of how the setting of Dead Space occurred. Has good buzz. 32. A Boy and his Blob - Remake of the NES original, looks absolutely FANTASTIC. I HIGHLY suggest checking out the videos of this game.(here for example) 33. Cave Story - Yes, the highly acclaimed independent title Cave Story is coming to the Wii, with redone graphics 34. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - It's losing one Tatsunoko character in the transition to the US, but gaining 5 bonus characters not in the Japanese version. A worthy tradeoff. Will have online play (Japanese version didn't). In the interest of fairness, I've left out titles that are far off, and virtual console titles.
  6. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/metalgearsolidrising/news.html?sid=6210623 New game
  7. The PS3 library, to be completely honest, doesn't look to have even a remote chance to look anywhere near as attractive as the PS2. That mantle has been passed to the DS this time around (and deservedly so). God of War 3 has no release date, Resistance is okay but there are better shooters, and the 360 is getting an MGS game eventually. Hell, even the PS3's only real exclusive killer RPG (Valk Chronicles) isn't getting the sequel, the PSP is.
  8. If you own a 360, your reasons for owning a PS3 before a Wii were almost all thrown out the window. For the PS3, you essentially have a small handful of games that you do not have access to -- the exclusives. For the Wii, you essentially have a small (but bigger) handful of games that you do not have access to -- the exlusives. Best thing to do is to take a look at the lineup and see what appeals to you more. I'd go with the Wii, if only because the PS3 still has no exclusive that holds any interest to me. Edit: RPGs? The PS3 is DEFINITELY not for you. Go look up "RPGs" on IGNs game list for PS3, and you'll get a grand total of 5. 3 of which I think are also available on the 360. You have the best system this gen for RPGs already, the next best would probably (arguably) be the Wii, but its RPG library isn't spectacular either. As for fighters, I can't think of a fighter that's worth playing on the PS3 that's ONLY AVAILABLE on the PS3. The Wii has Tatsunoko vs. Capcom which is coming out soon with online play in the US.
  9. I'd be able to play again if only my laptop keyboard wasn't stupid retarded. The biggest issue being that the CTRL key is completely misplaced making hotkeying almost impossible. Also windows key where the ctrl key is supposed to be means constantly hitting it by accident. Fuck this laptop keyboard.
  10. I'd seen all of Hyadain's stuff months ago, but somehow My First Friend managed to slip by. Talk about a kick in the chest :\
  11. A big issue with the whole "production values" and "fluidity of animation" lies in the simply fact that a LOT of catoons are simply done in flash these days, and it's MUCH more cheap and easy to animate things (especially more busy crowd scenes) thanks to things like flash. It's almost lazy animating.
  12. I quit when this was cancelled
  13. Also the super duper secret is super duper worth it
  14. Those back-alley bj's better pay off, or I'm going to be pissed.
  15. Yes, did that too, but it always reports dx software level as 9.0
  16. Everything low, windowed 640x480, still pretty much locked at 9 fps. I've read through various google searches other people who have this problem (who didn't used to, but through a random game update suddenly did) -- locked at 9 fps as well. I am wondering if it's a bug
  17. yes, everything absolutely low it might get lucky to get 12, but it always goes to 9 fairly quickly and seems locked there. Never goes under 9 fps
  18. Someone help me get a higher fps Pentium 4 @ 3GHz 2GB RAM ... ..................................................................................... radeon 9600 64MB I miiiiiiiiiiss the gaaaaaaaaaaaame
  19. Wow, sir! This song changed my life! Simply changed it!
  20. You cried while you made this? Baby
  21. I'm hurt, you guys. I really am.
  22. Michael is, was, and most defintely still is the man. I may joke about it, but I don't think for even one second that he ever touched a kid inappropriately. Strangely enough, Matt and Trey probably had it right in their Michael Jackson episode of South Park. Michael had an extremely fucked up childhood that consisted of him -- and remember this is at age FOUR -- either getting up on stage and sacrificing his entire youth to sing and dance, or getting the everloving SHIT beat out of him by his own father. This resulted in a man who, now having limitless access to an untold amount of riches, attempting to recreate the childhood he never experienced. Unfortunately, this was perverted by the fact that he just was not himself a child, but an adult, and in our society any adult who likes the company of a child is automatically a child molester. Hell, any guy sitting in a park just enjoying his own surroundings gets strange looks and assumptions of pedophilia. Our society is shit, to be honest. But we haven't even begun to scrape the tip of the iceberg, here. As the days, weeks, months, and years pass, we're probably going to see one of two things happen. His story will get even more bizarre and twisted as strange facts come out describing his later years, or he is going to be completely and publicly exonerated of all negative images and stereotypes. There are just TOO many people out there who were positively affected by him and his music for his later years to change any perception of him. There are a few defining generations of fans of Michael. Those who were around for his early years during the Jackson 5 days and who may or may not have continued following him during his career, and there are those of us who grew up idolizing the man during the 1980s and early 1990s. My generation experienced the flashy Michael Jackson who literally floated on the dance floor, who defied gravity and walked on the moon whilst still being anchored to our earth. And when we saw this, we wanted to do it too. We practiced and practiced, and most likely we were absolutely shit at it, but we were convinced that we could moonwalk like the master. And when we saw another kid doing it, we would immediately jump up and show him how it was truly done -- even though we were awful. Michael Jackson was a pop star that transcended nearly all generational divides. He REDEFINED pop music, acting as not just a singer, but co-producing a lot of his stuff. I won't sit here and act like he was responsible for all of his own music, but you're fucking dead wrong if you think all he did was sing. The way he moved captured the imagination of every kid who saw him around the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. Popular opinion of him may have shifted in the late 90s and 2000s in the US, but in the rest of the world he is just as loved now as he was the day he first moonwalked to Billy Jean. I believe that unless some crippling and damning evidence comes out soon that "Whacko Jacko" will be almost completely wiped from the memory of US pop history, as well. Stream of consciousness post over, maybe I'll organize it into something more presentable tomorrow.
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