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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. You wrote in my project thread (Hylian Melodies) almost a year ago saying you'd want to join after clearing your todo-list a bit. I remember these things. So, are you interested? Could use a bit more experienced musical talent on there. Let me know!

  2. Yes, this is true. He does spin around some, but like crazy, but whatever. About the timed text, that is also true. I noticed it first when Darunia is dancing and says "HOT!" right when the camera comes behind a flame. This timing is now a bit off. Someone asked when I last beat the game, and I think it was a couple of years ago, but I've done it dozens of times and still enjoy it. OoT is just great that way.
  3. Yes indeed! I'm loving it, all the little graphical updates are great, and the 3D effect is pretty good. Especially in moments like when Navi flies around the Kokiri village in the beginning. Controls feel nice and smooth, but playing the ocarina doesn't feel as intuitive as it did on the N64. Apparently you have to beat the regular game before you can play Master Quest and the Boss Rush mode, but I don't mind. I'm enjoying every minute of it. I recommend it to anyone who is still having doubts!
  4. I'm picking up a 3DS and Ocarina of Time 3D today (yay for Europe) and possibly also Ghost Recon. I'm even able to get them at a special bundle price, which pretty gives me OoT for free with the 3DS. I'm off to the store in about an hour!
  5. Ah, I understand, and with that I definitely agree. The story could have made much more sense if it skipped the Alessa part, and kept all connections to his own story with his family, and maybe kept other SH characters as cameos. Actually, when I play it I pretty much disregard those bits because they are pretty uninteresting.
  6. THANK YOU!!! I'm glad somebody else said it. I have to disagree. I enjoyed it immensely, more so than both SH4 and Homecoming. It had great atmosphere, much like the first game IMO, and the "levels" were well designed, which was something I was really disappointed in with Homecoming. I was also impressed that it could actually be scary on a handheld device.
  7. If you want, you can still send it to me. It could be a bonus track perhaps (or backup if the current remixer doesn't deliver).
  8. Do that, I'm pretty much always available.
  9. A bit more has been decided, a location and time, on Saturday May 7th at 13:00 (1:00 PM). We meet at the subway station in Gamla stan. It's still open to anyone else who wants to show up, but it'd be great if you could let us know beforehand.
  10. A game I can't believe I had missed, and just discovered recently is Another World (or Out Of This World, in the US). It was released and re-released for many platforms, but I got it for the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis). Man, it's an amazing game with incredible graphics for its time. Difficult though, but I'm loving every second of it. EDIT: Also, Colonization (by Sid Meier) is one of those games few seem to have played, but I beat that game atleast a dozen times. Great great fun. I prefer it over the Civ games.
  11. It's about a week left now, and we haven't really decided on anything specific to do. Maybe we should just start by meeting at a café in Gamla stan? Also, anyone else wanting to join us is very welcome.
  12. And I just started playing Arkham Asylum for the first time yesterday (finally). Perfect! Happy B-day Bats!
  13. I was just about to donate $20, but then I changed my mind. ...and donated $40 instead. Go OCR! Also, Happy Easter!
  14. So much fun. I love these kind of things. http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=6g607k618t1b10881m2m75
  15. Free show? Or do you need tickets for when the show is on? I have to admit I've never heard Beardyman, but it might be cool to go see if you can get in for free. Otherwise we could meet the day after, I'm still open for suggestions. We could just go and fika in Gamla stan or something, I suppose.
  16. Cool, then we just have to decide the details. I'll add the dates to the thread title.
  17. How about some time during the first weekend of may? 6-8th of may, that is. Not sure which day.
  18. Alright, cool. Maybe we should set a preliminary date? I guess on some weekend or something, a weekday might be difficult.
  19. I must say I'm a bit disappointed. I thought there would be much more interest in this. Alright... How about this... First round of cake/beer is on me. Try to say no to THAT!
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty surprised about this actually. So there is noone that wants to meet up that actually CAN meet up, in the near future?
  21. A European meetup would be cool, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's just have a meetup in Stockholm with anyone who can come. Btw, I think the kladdkaka in Gamla stan is a lot better.
  22. Come on, there must be more interest than this. Although, I don't really care if there are only 2-3 that meet up, or if we're 20, but the more the merrier, right?
  23. It's always time for cake!
  24. Well, you know, according to google maps you can cross the atlantic with a canoe. I might be able to provide that for you?
  25. Hehe, well, a beer was just a suggestion. If you have any suggestions on what you'd be interested in doing, and find worth coming here for. I want as many ideas as possible.
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