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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/29/keiji-inafune-leaves-capcom/ I had tears in my eyes when I read this. I just have one final request... DON'T LET THIS KILL MEGAMAN LEGENDS 3!
  2. It shouldn't be a problem, the first wip date will probably be around february next year or something. Maybe even later. I'm not going to rush this.

  3. No, not yet. When we pass the recruitment phase, there will be a first WIP deadline. This doesn't mean you can't work on it already, though. :)

  4. Hey! Welcome to the project. :) If you want to post your wips, or questions privately, you can register at http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/ and then PM me there, and I'll invite you to the private group. :)

  5. PM me about what tracks you might be interested in.
  6. Sure, send me a PM with the name of the song or songs you want to mix it with, and also one of the following: - A sample of any previous work, and an explanation of your idea with the mix OR - A smaller WIP of your remix, so that I can get a rough idea of that you're going to do, along with a more detailed explanation of the mix According to the rules, you have two weeks to deliver something that will qualify you to the project. As for the scarecrow idea, it could be interesting, but it would have to mean that everyone has time (and interest) for an extra mix. We'll have to wait and see what people think.
  7. Okay, here's a small rule update that's been requested by a few of you: You can mix as many songs as you like with the ocarina song of your choice, as long as the ocarina song is still apparent in the remix. So, if you've felt that the theme you chose to mix with just isn't enough, feel free to add another!
  8. YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Finally! This is extremely wonderful. Here is a translated video of Keiji Inafune talking about it all: http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2010/09/28/mega_man_legends_3_project_announced_for_the_nintendo_3ds
  9. Alright, I'll add you to the main post, saying you are available with male vocals and drums.
  10. I can't listen to any of the free songs, their links seem to be broken or something. Do you have them anywhere else?
  11. If you can show me some sample of your singing, I can add you to the main thread as a possible vocals collab, if anyone's interested. PM me about it!
  12. Okay! So, with the help of KyleJCrB we now have our own forum over at his site, where we can discuss the project more openly, and also post WIPs without the general public being able to listen in. This way, we can all help eachother out with tips, ideas and support. blackguitar and Lashmush were already members on the forum so you guys already have access to the private forums, but the rest of you need to register there, and then PM me about it so that I can add you to the usergroup required for access. Go register now! http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=87
  13. Damn, I always get that wrong when searching for him in my iTunes as well. Well, I fixed it now. Which reminds me, I don't know what handles the non-posted remixers want to use in this project, so unless anyone tells me otherwise, I'll use the forum handles.
  14. Yes, all I'm asking for is a sample so that they can be accepted into the project. I do this mostly by PM, and it's got to do with the recruitment. Yeah, I've been thinking about that, but I haven't known what forums I could use. Thanks! Could you link to those sites?
  15. A message to all of you, I'm starting to get some WIPs, but they are a bit all over the place. I'd prefer if you send them via PM here on OCR, or send them to me over MSN if I'm online. For those of you who haven't sent me a sample/WIP song yet, and are awaiting approval, you have about a week left.
  16. Hey! I don't mind the WIPiness, I think it sounded like it has a lot of potential. :) Consider yourself officially on the project!

  17. This is better, now the speed feels more consistent. Still needs more arrangement though, as it's still very close to the source.
  18. I agree that everything sounds awesome and badass in Swedish. Although, if it were to be spoken in Skånska, it would just be fucked up. Also! The Seiken Densetsu series has already used Swedish in it! Legend of Mana had a Swedish theme song, remember?
  19. Yes, this is to everyone interested in the project really (and I'll put it in the main post), for your participation to be accepted I either need to hear something you've done in the past (both WIPs and completed tracks are fine), and I'd like to hear your ideas on what you want to do with the source material. A short wip of the song for this project i also good, as that covers both those things. If there is enough potential, I'll sign you up. I don't like saying no to people, but the project needs to hold a certain degree of quality, so that we can become an official album on OCR. But if you're new to the scene, don't fret, I don't need to hear anything amazing at first, just something with good potential. A good idea can take you far! EDIT: I will sign you up primarily for a track, and you can be there for a maximum of two weeks, and in this time I need to hear something of your so that you can secure the place. Otherwise it will be up for grabs again.
  20. Hey!

    I listened to your Astral Observatory remix, in the workshop forum, and it was great! This made me want to invite you to my remix project, Hylian Melodies. You can read more about it in the official thread, here http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30903, but here is a quick summation of it all:

    The goal is to take all the ocarina songs from Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask, and using them as basis for the project. The remixers must then choose a second song, from ANY game in the Entire Franchise and mix them together. The ocarina song should be recognizable in the remix as well.

    We're recruiting right now, so if you want to claim a track, then now is the time. Check it out, and let me know if you're interested!

  21. Hey, this is great. Wonderful chillout, and it's for Majora's Mask! That game sure needs more love on OCR. Great job on this song. Can't hear anything wrong with it, other than maybe that it is pretty much the same thing throughout the whole song, which might seem repetative to the judges panel, but I think that's alright when it's a chillout song. I know I'll be listening to it at least.
  22. I find myself listening to this over and over, and I have never played anything in the Battle Network series, or heard anything of it's music. I think you'll have a great chance of getting YES's from the judges panel.
  23. In the Russian ReMix Roulette, the links to the remixers don't work. They still link to the old structure, which just doesn't work anymore.
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