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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. Hey everyone, I was thinking recently how difficult it can be to come across people who really love games and their music. I mostly meet people who perhaps play Halo, but have never heard of Monkey Island for example. I'd like to meet some people who love all games, and especially someone who likes OCRemixes. Haven't found even ONE yet. So... Where better to look than OCRemix? I'm calling out to all the Swedes here on the forum (I know there are quite a few of you) or maybe even some from other neighboring countries, who knows, to get together and maybe have a beer together or something. Something simple, just to meet and talk and have fun. So, anyone out there interested? UPDATE: Okay, we've decided preliminarily that we'll meet sometime during the weekend of May 6-8th. Anyone wanting to come should write in the thread, and we're open for suggestions on what to do when we meet.
  2. I thought these kind of threads weren't allowed in this forum? Back in the day you got a lot of shit for creating a favorites-thread. Also, Soul Reaver was a great sequel, and then Soul Reaver 2 as well!
  3. I have to disagree with this. IMO Double Dash is the best in the series. Mario Kart 64 was a huge let down to me though. Other than that, Resistance 2 was a big disappointment, but only because my girlfriend and I really liked the co-op single player mode in the first game, so we bought the second game and... where did the co-op single player mode go? Just some other crappy co-op mode that we didn't really care about at all.
  4. Those facebook comments are horrible. A reply to all of them: Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  5. Holy shit. I just saw live a car trying to outrun a black wave of mud and buildings, but was flipped over by it. I hope they are alright.
  6. We are in awe of you, sir.
  7. I got all the 120 gold cards om normal, and started on Hard but I never got close to getting it all under 3 hours. I might be able to beat the game on Hard under that time, but not get all the gold cards at the same time. I'd also love to see that. I love that game. EDIT: This is what it looks like
  8. Well, after passing the first WiP deadline, several tracks have opened up. So if you've been interested in contributing before, but just thought "Aww, shucks, my favorite track is taken!" then here's your chance! Take another look at that there tracklist and see if you find anything to your liking.
  9. Wh... huh? This is... I don't know. I don't think I'll look at my Wii the same way again.
  10. Holy fucking shitballs! I don't think I've ever been so awestruck in my entire life! The more I scrolled down, the more awesome it got. Just.... wow. Happy B-day LoZ!
  11. Moar plz! Seriously, good stuff. Makes me want to play Pokémon again. But which one!? Oh noes!
  12. Sweden is also great. I can't be completely sure but I think there are more Swedish OCRemixers than Norweigan ones. If you plan on visiting Stockholm, I'll hook you up with any info you need. Might not be what you needed, but if you're set on Scandinavia, we're there too.
  13. Grattis på födelsedagen, din lurk!
  14. Wow, thanks for the great and thorough tips! I really hope I'll have time to play it soon. Love this game!
  15. Woo! I remember a friend of mine playing this once, and showing it to me, I was hooked. I couldn't get it to run on my computer of that time, so I could only play it at my friends house. We played it for hours upon hours, but I can't remember many details of the game. Just that we had a ton of fun! I'm gonna have to get this and finally play it on my own, to see if I can be a Master of Orion myself. I heard that the third game wasn't as good, but that's pretty much all I've heard about it. So, for you guys who know the game by heart... Any tips on things I should be aware of when starting, so I won't get crushed right away? Strategy games aren't my strong side, but I love them anyway.
  16. I always think of this movie first when I see Dennis Hopper or Bob Hoskins somewhere.
  17. I believe SEGA did this only to create a tidalwave of more puns on the internets. I mean, just look at this thread, and also every comment posted in the article. SEGA wants to weaken our minds with too many puns, and then when we're all laughing and pissing all over the place, they STRIKE!
  18. Hey!

    Checking in on how it's going. Any new WiPs I could listen to? How is everything otherwise?



  19. Hey! Yeah, sure, send it to me. Send it to starzander@gmail.com and I'll give it a listen. For it to fit the project though, it cannot be only Bolero of Fire, it has to be mixed with something more.

  20. If you, like me, have seen pictures and trailers for the super sweet and wonderful ilomilo, for the XBOX360, then you might want to know that you can actually get and play this game right now! If you look on XBLA then you'll just find a trailer for it and some info. But... If you go to this site: http://wp7supersecretaccess.ilomilo.com/ Then you can get a redeem code to download the trial game! And this trial game can be unlocked so that you can get the full game as well! If you don't know what ilomilo is, then I suggest you check out these links: Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-ilomilo/101201 Gameplay video: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/floral-level-ilomilo/708030?type=flv This game is made by the Swedish game studio SouthEnd Interactive, and is just filled with love. Check it out if you haven't!
  21. Aaaaaand... feedback posted. :) Still trying to get more people on those boards, because I feel that my feedback alone will not cut it.

  22. Sorry for the hiatus, everyone! I've been swamped with work and whatnot, but now I'm ready to put in a lot more work into this project! I will be checking in with all the people signed up to see what the status is shortly. I also updated the list remixes and removed the ones that haven't been able to produce a good enough sample/WiP. I would also like ask all of you who are signed up to register at http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/ (if you haven't already) and check out our forum there. We are starting to get WiPs there, and I would appreciate as much feedback as possible. Please feel free to post your own WiPs there as well.
  23. Cool, I'm gonna check it out and post some feedback for it. :)

  24. You forgot to mention that it was a remix of a ReMix too. The "Chill out" mix by SEDUCTiON, right? I think that's cool. Anyway, been waiting for this to be posted since I saw the WiP, and I'm still loving it. Great job!
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