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Everything posted by CSmith

  1. Just gonna go ahead and add Jet Set Radio to the list. You need that game.
  2. Teknobunny posted in the Street Fighter IV thread a few days ago.
  3. I'd say that made sense, except that I have never had a problem doing supers. Not since Street Fighter Alpha. And also like I said, all my ultras came out just fine, and the only difference is that the super requires less buttons. Ryu's super and ultra are the same motion, just one is one punch, and the other is all three. I know I'll get better with practice, but my supers not working couldn't have anything to do with panicking, otherwise the ultras wouldn't come out either, right?
  4. So, I've been playing a lot lately and trying to get better. I went back to ranked matches to see if I could do any better than before. I played 2 matches and lost both badly. They had between 6 and 800 BP and I had 112 when I started (at 65 now). Does the search usually come up with people that much higher than you even when you specify same level? On player match, I usually get someone who's close to my skill (or lack of) level. But even doing player matches, I lost 11 out of 13 fights. And something I noticed is that I couldn't do supers. Anything else I wanted to do came out just fine including ultras (except Guile's, but that's another story). But I never got a super to fire off even once. And yes, the super meter was full. There was no noticeable lag so I can't imagine what was going on, but the people I was playing against never used supers either. After I finished playing online, I went to training mode and pulled out every super I tried, first time, no problem. Any help here? Also, I'd love to get stomped by anyone from here who has the PS3 version.
  5. Speaking of cheap wins, the other day I played someone who picked Zangief. Counterpicked my Ryu, I think, just to lariat through fireballs. Well, he's the first Zangief I've played against, so I actually lost just as I realized how to beat him. We played another match with the same characters and I just got in and crouched under the lariat. I swept him about 5 times in a row, then overheaded him, threw him, hit him out of a focus attack and hit him with a Metsu Hadouken for the win. I felt cheap for being all up in his face the whole time, but if you're going to spam one move over and over again, you've got it coming. Also, the guy disconnected just as the results screen came up.
  6. Yeah, I meant to ask. Did Kano Eiko actually listen to the song, like it says in the video description? That's cool. I always thought he was a rather funny guy.
  7. Ah, sorry. I should have actually wrote in my post that I'm on PSN. Sorry about that. For anyone that has the PS3 version though, my psn id is craig2a03.
  8. I'd love to play some people from OCR and maybe get some tips from better players, but I'm so bad right now it's embarrassing. Last fighting game I played seriously was Capcom vs SNK 2 around 6 years ago. Back then I was one of the best in my area at that game and stuff like Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3, but none of us was ever tournament-level. I've played around 120 matches online so far and I have a 24% win rate. I thought it might have something to do with lag, because a lot of times moves don't come out right online and it generally feels slower than arcade mode, but if I'm feeling lag then the person I'm playing against is having the same issue against me, right?
  9. When I was a kid I had a record of songs for kids called Ronald McDonald's All Stars or something like that. The sleeve art had Ronald McDonald, Strawberry Shortcake, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and stuff like that on it, and there were songs by the Chipmunks and a bunch of others, including one by Shamu which I thought was strange because Shamu was female right? But the person singing "the sea is my world~~" was a deep male voice. I have no idea where the record even came from. I mostly just listened to my dad's records of stuff from the 60s.
  10. I had a PS1 DexDrive, kind of late in the game though, but I bought it so I could back up all my old PS1 saves. I had a similar device for PS2 called SharkPort. For the N64, and this was after the Gamecube came out, I believe, my brother bought an N64-USB adapter online called the Adaptoid for using N64 controllers on a PC. The software for it had the additional function of being able to manage save files from the memory card.
  11. Hanafuda are Japanese playing cards. It's what Nintendo started out doing over 100 years ago. They still make these and other playing cards sold at regular stores here.
  12. 38/69 I feel bad because I knew there were Neo Geo and TurboGrafx portables but I couldn't remember their names. Also, I hate the test because my dad had an Odyssey 300 and I kept trying to put that in but it's not in the list. But the 100, 200, and 400 that I didn't know existed are. And were the Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color never released in the US?
  13. Yo! Noid or Super Adventure Island 2. Just games I happened to rent with friends back when we were kids and I have a lot of good memories from them.
  14. While I can't say anything in particular about the composition courses at those schools, I know people who have attended and/or taught at MTSU and their percussion program is top notch.
  15. Finally played the Confrontation demo. 18/20, no deaths. I had 80 missiles, 4 super missiles, the speed booster, spazer beam, hi jump, spider ball, spring ball, and 2 E tanks. But that's only 17 things, so either I had 90 missiles or something else that I'm forgetting. I wonder what the other two are though. Edit: oh, I forgot that you don't start with bombs. That's the other one, heh.
  16. The online graphic novels are usually pretty boring to me, but occasionally characters show up and get introduced there before they appear on the show. http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/downloads/Heroes_novel_097.pdf is where she first shows up. Maybe it alienates the viewers who don't also read the comics online, but there ya go.
  17. Huh, I used to live near Misawa, for two years actually. And yeah, the bikes + snow and ice = death trap observation is spot on. A guy I knew was delivering newspapers by scooter one winter and ended up in the hospital for over a month.
  18. Thank you so much for posting that! A year or so ago I found a bunch of his videos and loved the music but I couldn't remember his name a few months ago when I went looking around again. Unfortunately, he's not listed under "crazy good keyboard skills" so I couldn't find him again until now. Thanks again!
  19. I can do it in Japanese if you don't have anyone to do that one yet.
  20. A friend of mine who lives in San Diego went to see Ellegarden when they were on tour in the area. If anyone could do it, I'd say Ellegarden could make it in English-speaking countries. Maybe they aren't trying hard enough to get their name out? I dunno.
  21. Yeah, Doug, it's me. I hardly ever post anymore, but I'm still around.
  22. Nice songs! One thing: Part of the Street Fighter one's background music is Alive by Soul'd Out. Still good, though.
  23. Solid Snake was on the NES.
  24. Most of Japan is out for New Year's until the 4th. Guess Nintendo gets that Friday off too.
  25. I use FL Studio so I know about using a joystick as a MIDI controller, but is there any way to set this up without a computer? A MalletKat or an electric bass is about as technological as indoor drumline shows get and he said he would much rather not have a computer in the setup. We just don't know if there is a way to use the raw electric signals from a DDR pad to trigger pads on a drumset(like a Yamaha DTXpress). I don't know the kids he's working with, but I'm sure his plan is to have them on several pads at some point in the show to play a complex drumset pattern by stepping on the arrows in time. Maybe the pads can be rigged up inside the outer cover of a DDR pad and they can just step on the drum pad directly, but I'm not sure if they could handle that much weight, since they're designed only to withstand the force of a drumstick. I hope that's not the only solution though.
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