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Everything posted by Synth

  1. I don't know either of you, but congrats!
  2. OMG yes time is finally here. I've waited for this day for quite some time. Honestly, I thought it would never come out. Problem after problem
  3. I'm going to miss xplay. I remember when it first came out, when it used to only be adam. What was the network called then? Techtv? And what happened to adam? I don't see him anywhere on G4 anymore.
  4. Im ignoring it because I don't know that I believe it. Like I said all those posts are people complaining that they got banned because they didn't follow the rules. I have yet to see a SINGLE place where it asks for SSN
  5. Maybe I threw around the word free to much. But you are actually earning your money towards it. I ordered a pair of cheap headphones just to see if they will come.
  6. I'm quite serious. I've chatted with probably a good 50 or so people who have all said they've gotten their orders now. I'll keep you guys posted.
  7. Interesting read, but if you read the comments the people talk about how they were banned from signing into multiple accounts which is says is a no no in the rules. I personally think its a dumb rule as im sure everyone else has. Anyways I made an account, and got the $2.50 for completing the email verifacation like it said. And I agree it would just be better to spend the $60 bucks to get the game, but right now thats nowhere possible with my bills
  8. [link removed by moderator] Obviously nothing in life is for free. Instead of free it should of said Earn because the site claims that p2s will allow you to earn this for free. The site is correct when it says there are many pictures of proof, and everyone in the chat I talked to all said they have got their order. What do you guys think? I really don't want to even start until i'm 100% sure im not wasting my time.
  9. What do yall think about a Mass effect movie. I think It could hold its own.
  10. Not sure if its been mentioned but I liked Witch Hunter Robin. The story can be slow at points but many twist and turns.
  11. The Mass effect series also had a lot of sad parts, but nothing to cry over lol.
  12. Oh yeah, I didn't cry but I was sad at the end of halo reach
  13. After hearing everyone's thoughts about the ending im still going to get it since 1 and 2 we so good IMO. Not to de-rail thread but I will be getting it for free like the first two if interested see my sig.
  14. Very nice guitars Fishy, how long have you been playing?
  15. So how about it? Has a game ever gotten you to tears? I remember when I was younger Final Fantasy 10 got me teary around the end of the game.
  16. I will definitely be getting it. I just hope its more diablo than world of warcraft.
  17. Just got deus ex 2 for $6.69
  18. Just stumbled on this awesomeness today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8fEDEGcLig
  19. While were on the subject.... alter bridge > creeed
  20. Here is a live video thats not quite as fast as the cd version just to 0:45 in im still hearing 3 8th notes then 2 triplets
  21. But 3 8th notes 2 16th 1 8th 2 16ths and 1 8th is only 7 8ths notes. were missing a beat or a rest or something. Even when I put that into a squencer it dosnt come out right. Anyone else have any ideas?
  22. Ok. Im trying to learn how to put songs into notation. I am a guitar player and I picked this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEmci2P9BzM I know how to play the song, but im confused. The first bar is all 8th notes. The second bar with the triplets/gallop picking is what I dont get. What I hear in my head is 3 8th notes then 2 groups of 8th note tuplets(or is it 16th tuplets?), but that dosnt fit into the bar. The guitar tabs ( http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/t/trivium/fugue_ver2_tab.htm )say 2 8th notes and 3 triplets, but thats not what im hearing. I am hearing it wrong? The song is in 4/4,about 210bmp, and in e minor I think. Im still a noob when it comes to theory, can anyone help me out?
  23. I have a Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty guitar. http://www.slappyto.net/Tests/images_tests/502.jpg As you can see it has 3 humbuckers. I've heard that have 3 pickups drowns the tone of all 3 pickups. And plus the third pickup is in the way of my picking. So Im trying to remove the pickup as a whole and just have a cavity there. I plan on replacing the neck and bridge pickups with something wtih more output, as im trying to get a metal tone. How Would I go about doing this? I've searching on googled and came up with nothing. I Know that after removing the pick up, Im going to have to rewire the connections so that it runs for 2 pick ups instead of three.
  24. I'm thinking about buying a pod xt for a good computer recording system. Is their anything out there thats cheaper? I don't want anything like guitar rig, I want to use my hardware tones. I'm just looking for something I can plug my guitar into(with amp) that goes into my computer for recording. Thanks. My budget is 200-300, but I'd like to keep it cheap as possible.
  25. http://www.jasonsuecof.com/ i've googled for lyrics and got nothing
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