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Everything posted by phill

  1. Just checking, I have fixed a lot of problems just by downloading the latest drivers from the respective website because people assume the driver disk is up to date or that the generic drivers are good enough.... and...sure its not a bad cable or heaven forbid your monitor reacting poorly to colors/blacks/whites?
  2. got the latest and greatest drivers installed?
  3. The more I think about it, the more I think I could use a pair of these. I tossed out the boxes a while back and although I don't move the LCDs to often, some sort of carrying case could come in handy. Since I'm student poor at the moment, I may just hunt down a large piece of cardboard and some thin foam and make something out of that.
  4. Took a couple of minutes of googling different combination's of words before anything other then heavy duty cases and monitor/case combos came up. Really doesn't look like there is much more out there then that. There is always your mom, assuming she can do that sort of thing
  5. were you looking for something like this? http://www.cyberguys.com/templates/SearchDetail.asp?productID=12074&return=12075&core_cross=SEARCH_DETAIL_COMPARISON
  6. mmmm, easy solution unless you start calling it that colour thingy that goes in your printer bit, I don't think anyone but the most anal will care.
  7. As far as I have heard, changing the printer region code should be fairly easy, hell HP tech support has helped others with it. You may need to call back and hope you get someone that knows what they are doing.
  8. Maybe I'm being a little cynical, but that seems like a pretty optimistic reaction.
  9. That makes for sense, I wanted to make sure before I called you nuts... and yes, more info
  10. I also would like to see what cards he got going on, but why is having them both plugged in a bad thing? or have I misinterpreted your comment?
  11. Pfft, avatars are so yesterday, its all about keeping it simple and clean now.
  12. This is where I would try a different browser, a new firefox profile, a different windows profile and finally different machine. If the problem persists you can go back to your host/codemonkey and tell them your site be busted. If it works on one or more of these scenarios, it will give a clue into where its broken.
  13. In firefox, a couple of things to try in about:config Change 'browser.cache.check_doc_frequency' to 0(once per session), 1(every time a page loads) or 3(when the page is out of date) Change Browser.cache.offline.enable to false. Still shooting in the dark since I can't recreate the problem.
  14. This is kind of a shot in the dark but I assume you are logged on to the website, try logging off and see if the problem occur.
  15. Other then being broken in IE7(<div class="longText"> does not display correctly), I see no other problems with regards to some sort of cached version being displayed. Is this a problem only you are having or have you had other people bring this to your attention?
  16. Create a new firefox profile and see if it works (do not delete the old one until you back up your bookmarks and related material) run firefox.exe -ProfileManager from the run dialog to do open the profile manager
  17. Dual booting XP and Vista is fine, just ignore Broken. There are a few hundred how to guides no less. Like these two http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_vista_and_xp_with_vista_installed_first__the_stepbystep_guide.htm http://www.syschat.com/dual-boot-vista-xp-vista-already-1946.html If you have the room, give XP atleast 12GB, one of those suggests 4 or 6 which is retarded....
  18. Does not look like the forum is set up to search by gamertag(correct me if Im wrong, but I just can't see that option). However, if it is a unique entry in the forum user database table (or related table), a little "special service" may get someone to create a sql query of username and gamertags.
  19. If you do not have a i386 folder on your harddrive somewhere, try downloading and installing the Global IME from the following link http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ie6/downloads/recommended/ime/install.mspx
  20. This is something that really needs to be added to the User CP or Profile, the question is asked enough.
  21. To be honest, I would still suggest eclipse, the default settings will get you through the easy programs and as you become a better programmer, the more advance settings will make sense on their own. However, if you want simple and straight forward, saving the class file as .java and compiling it with javac is about as easy as you will get. Or, there is Suns NetBeans IDE http://www.netbeans.org/
  22. 1) what do you need it for? Java, C, etc?
  23. sort of? I know I'm lazy but unless you have the equivalent of the sql call to search the back up...its more of a..."special favor" type of thing don't you think?
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