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Everything posted by ocre

  1. One of the coolest things about the Wii U browser is that you can open up some music or a podcast or something (on Youtube for instance), send it off the GamePad screen and keep browsing other sites in another tab. Makes a great little radio.
  2. Anyone else excited for Fire Emblem Awakening? It releases a month from now on February 4th here in North America. After being admittedly disappointed in the previous release, a meager remake of the first FE game, Shadow Dragon, I'm pretty excited about playing a new full featured Fire Emblem after all these years. The create-a-character thing seems very interesting, especially how your character figures into the story. New Fire Emblem!
  3. It's definitely a good start as far as my experiences too. Only going to get better and better.
  4. PSA- ZombiU is on sale at Target for $45 til the 5th. Good deal. It's my favorite launch title! Great for any fan of classic, true Survival Horror!
  5. Yeah, I'm usually in there. :3 you should pop in sometime. Hehe

  6. Just popping in to say hi, Kaleb. :)

  7. I can hook you up with a Dragon Scale. I'll trade you something with the scale attached then you can disconnect, put the scale on Seadra then I can trade you then you can trade back for Kingdra, deal? If you have a spare Tepig or Snivy that would be cool. If not, how about a elemental monkey or a Petilil. My friend code is 0433-6124-3556. PM me when you can trade. Thanks.
  8. I am playing Harvest Moon A New Beginning. I heard this game had a slow start and I'm definitely feeling that. I'm willing to give it a chance since the tutorial stuff isn't given to you in an overwhelming way, but slowly over the first season. They start you off with a huge house and a full kitchen and a humongous rucksack, so HM veterans can hit the ground running. Lots of areas are blocked off and there aren't many villagers around at first, so that might frustrate or bore some. At least you get a free cow!
  9. Happy birthdays!!!
  10. The only thing I asked for was the much sought after Resident Evil 2 Remake.
  11. As far as I know the Wii U version contains an exclusive level as well as the expansion pack levels. Don't know too much about it though, so I can say if its worth the extra bucks. At the very least off-tv GamePad play is a perk of that version. Edit: (From NeoGAF: "Well it does include the Goblin Menace expansion which retails for $8 on Steam (and isn't available at all on 360 and PS3), as well as a Wii U exclusive level. And better graphics and controls.") And at 10 bucks, I can now fully recommend Little Inferno.
  12. The Wii U eShop has three games on sale thru early January: - Trine 2 is $15.99 (normally $19.99) until January 7 - Little Inferno is $9.99 until January 4, down from $14.99 - Chasing Aurora is $7.49, half off until January 3. *These prices are for North America but apparently a similar deal is happening in Europe too.
  13. Yeah, I even saw people posting about it on Miiverse. Pretty cool to see all the excitement.
  14. Big thank you for the Steam Gift! :) Thanks Doul!

  15. I have a ton of Legendary and event pokemon in my Gen 3 and 4 games and I wonder if they would be safer if I transferred them permanently into the Gen V games... Are the DS game cards data going to corrupt one day? I know my GBA games clocks are starting to die. What do you think?
  16. I was listening to this yesterday and I have to say I genuinely love it. It's an ethereal journey that evolves in pleasant ways as you listen to it. Lots of catchy riffs. Recommended!
  17. Honestly I felt that the voice takes away from the trailer. Feels like it doesn't belong and indeed the only time I would've wanted to hear GlaDOS' voice at the movies would've been during the Joss Whedon-helmed/penned Portal movie***, but that's just me. As for the content of the trailer itself, I suppose the premise is as interesting as any other summer action/explosion film, though let me disclaim, I am a fan of Del Toro's works (and maybe not so secretly wish he had been in control of the Shadow of the Colossus film adaption****, if that has to be made.) *** This film is not rumored, confirmed nor denied to be in production in any way/shape and/or form. **** This one, unfortunately, is.
  18. Big fan of your works. Been a subscriber on YouTube for a while now. This is a cool idea.
  19. The Rayman Legends demo is available now on the Wii U eShop. Just search for it. :3 Very cool. Edit: Sonic Racing Transformed demo up too.
  20. You can find the soundtrack to enjoy on YouTube. Good luck!
  21. Nano Assault Neo is only 10 bucks and is said to be a great value. I bought 'Little Inferno' and it's certainly addictive yet mindless fun while it lasts. Burning things in an interactive digital fireplace has never been so captivating. The price is a bit high at $14.99 (though the devs can drop it at their discretion) but I would say it is worth getting.
  22. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/nintendo-blames-german-laws-for-wii-u-adult-content-download-restrictions/0107854 Uuuuuuuuh huh
  23. I have a 16GB card and have downloaded NSMB2 and Professor Layton and several eShop titles(Pushmo, Mighty Switch Force, Ketzal's Corridors, Pokedex 3D, Pokedex 3D Pro, Mutant Mudds + Granny Levels, VVVVVV, Dillon's Rilling Western, Bomb Monkey, The Denpa Men, Colors 3D art application + saved artwork playbacks, Cave Story+), DSiware- Shantae Risky's Revenge, Art Style: Box Life, Art Academy, Kirby's Dream Land VC, Link's Awakening DX, Mario Land 2 VC, Wario Land VC, Zelda Four Swords Anniversry Edition, Donkey Kong Original Edition, all 20 NES/GBA Ambassador titles, all the Preview Videos for upcoming 3DS titles (SM3DL, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, etc) and like 10 demos and still have PLENTY of room. And yeah, Dhsu, as long as you're using the 3DS you bought the game on, or you've transferred the data from that system to another, you can re-download stuff you've purchased if you delete the orginal download.
  24. Happy birthday to lukeyboy and Mr. freak.
  25. PSA: Scribblenauts Unlimited and Harvest Moon A New Beginning are now available as digital downloads on the 3DS eShop.
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