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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. *looks at avatar* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43LKi75jO-8 *cough*
  2. Actually, in the old days (we're talking Renaissance or so), plagiarism was a form of flattery. If someone took your melody or whatever and put it in their piece, it was considered a great honor. But now, with copyright and money and all that shit, there's the people who sue you out the nose for 'stealing' two measures of their material, even if it sounds like everything else out there. Granted, we all want to get paid, but some just take it too far, to the point where it's more about the money than it is the music. And people have always exalted artists; that's really nothing new. Hell, even back in the ancient Greek times, the musical contests were more about the presentation of the artist rather than the quality of the music. But since OCR is free and people are generally dicks, that's why this thread exists!
  3. i swear to god, you have to be like half robot or something and good lord...i don't even know what to say; this is amazing and badass at the same time props 2 u guyz
  4. You must divulge this porno so others may share this experience.
  5. Now that's badass. Props to you guys on making that happen!
  6. man, i want to go solely for this. But ALAS, there are no trains out to Phoenixville, and I have dedicated myself to schoolwork this weekend. Sorry guys Play loud enough so I can hear it in the city!
  7. Been thought of before as well. It's a good idea, but I don't see anyone acting on it anytime soon.
  8. serenade her with the musics unless it's gotten to the point where she just wants to cut the piano strings but anyhow congrats! best wishes!
  9. which one will be used for the project, so I don't put the other one up on my website when the proj is released
  10. i think d-lux should talk about how to make an omlette while my track plays also, proph have you listened to my re-record? which one is gone use?
  11. I'm pretty sure it was Mustin who declared that trying to contact the game companies and do royalties and all that has become such a failing effort that you might as well just release the stuff with their consent. Because it's not like selling a $5 CD is going to prevent them from selling the gobs of DSs and Wiis they already have sold. But anywho, will buy; sounds like it's going to be fantastic.
  12. Either that or was accepted and not posted yet because we did take down all of his songs. But, that's not to say I haven't heard it, cuz it may have been rejected in the time before I was a judge.
  13. and Tyrog, and Daniel Rico, and ukendt, and obscur_trio at times, and Zimish One...
  14. I listened to this version... To be honest, my previous post still reflects my opinion. You really haven't done much in terms of arrangement, although I can hear a difference in the balance. But the balance is still over-powered by the strings, and I think there was some clipping throughout the tune. However, if you're finished with it, so be it. I've been that way too with a couple of my arrangements.
  15. Here's some alt. linkage for the anti-Kotakus: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/986/986415p1.html http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/19736/Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-Armada-of-the-Damned-Revealed/ http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/59017 This looks to be something very cool; I just hope they don't cock it up somehow. It'd be a major let down if there wasn't that much exploring to do and it was mostly building up your crew though. also, inb4 lol pirates
  16. Well, according to Richter (who is too much of a loser to come and post here), herograw is now hosting our songz, so I think we're in good shape. He's still ironing everything out, though, so it may be a little bit before we can post new songs. Thank you to everyone who offered servers/suggestions! Also I guess we're still moving stuff cuz OLR isn't loading for me and according to this handy linkage it appears I'm not the only one. wat
  17. HAPPY BIRFDAI have a good one
  18. Richter uses DreamHost, actually...as far as I know. He only has 10GB, where as 7GB is OLR. I'm pretty sure it's just the files, but I don't know the specifics. I told Richter about this thread and the news post on ThaSauce, so hopefully he'll check in and give more details about the situation.
  19. So, ladies and gents, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is an issue that needs to be addressed. As I found out from Richter a week or so ago, OverLooked ReMiX has become too large for him to host any longer. He's pretty much paying out of his own pocket too, as we aren't a large enough site to garner a consistent traffic flow, and I'm pretty sure the revenue off of ads is miniscule at best. Thus, I don't know how much longer we'll be around. The only option Richter and I could think of is to release songs on YouTube, and then host a torrent of all of the songs for people who want individual copies of them. Richter did also move the songs to another hosting, but that's only saved them; we can't post new remixes, and we have at least one new site project to release that can't be hosted on the server. This is why we haven't had a new remix in about a month. If anyone would like to lend a hand with anything (even if it comes to torrenting, just having some seeds), it would be greatly appreciated. Obviously I'm not looking for someone to just take and host the site, but even some alternative options than what Richter and myself have thought of would help us. Although if you would consider hosting, contact Richter at richtaur at gmail dot com, and/or myself at xenonodyssey at hotmail dot com. Thanks for giving this a read.
  20. birfdai tidings! and things!
  21. bass = soooooooo good on my speakers man, I love the vibe, but 1:52 is the first time I hear the source. Unless you intended that. The only other real connection is the chord progression to a degree. This is hot (lol) man, look forward to more.
  22. Yeah; my private teacher who graduated from Towson sent a pretty nasty e-mail demanding why I didn't make it, considering he was the one who prepared me.

    But that's why I'm in Philly now, at the school who decided not to reject me!

  23. the city the city the city

    oh you're in towson? I got rejected from their School of Music because I couldn't play my saxophone classically enough. :razz:

  24. Sweet. I actually live an hour away from the city, so I don't really know the city well. But I can always compare it to Philly, as it is my current location.

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