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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. now this is where the marriage problem comes in also the 90% guys thing
  2. hugs all around at the philly meet-up! or in general less drugs moar hugs
  3. Def getting this. Also, apparently they have a Mega Man 2 single on iTunes that isn't part of either album, with Intro, Title and Airman on that track. edit: after listening to the previews, i need this noooooowwwwwwwwww...godDAMNit iTunes!
  4. of course i'm wrong about everything i said ah well Pay-ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forget 30th then; i live 3 blocks from Market East
  5. R is for...
  6. if this goes as the last philly meet-up did, you can either show up at andy and jill's place, or 30th Street Station in the city. either way, i believe we are all going to meet at 30th Street Station, mingle, and go from there. of course, andy and jill are free in intervene and tell me i'm wrong or something, but i think this is how it's gonna play out
  7. of course everyone is invited! otherwise it'd be what, three people? that's not much of a meet-up
  8. I don't think I've laughed that hard out loud in a long time.
  9. coolz; let me know if you didn't so i can re-upload it
  10. W is for...
  11. yay cheer

    it's lonely cuz it's at peace with the universe

    that and obviously nobody felt like spamming it or something, i 'unno

  12. everyone improvising at the beginning is neat, but at the same time, it doesn't seem to gel with the rest of the arrangement. personally, i think the recording quality is fine, but i guess that's what happens when you listen to all that old time jazz that doesn't have the production value of today. but yeah; either get this mastered, or re-record it for maximum awesomeage. hah that guitar is being drowned by the bongos the ending...it works, but i guess i was expecting something else. oh wellz.
  13. well hello thar

    what brings u to my message thing

  14. X is for...X. aka 1st appearance.
  15. proph did you get my PM huh huh
  16. G is for...
  17. B is for...
  18. N is for...
  19. J is for...
  20. C is for...
  21. I don't see Sega becoming a first-party developer for Nintendo, especially when the consoles Sega seems to care about belong to Microsoft and Sony.
  22. Y is for Ys
  23. G is for Ganbare Goemon
  24. M is for MARIO
  25. If they don't make a non-HD version and sell it on WiiWare, me = sad panda
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