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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. we've yet to have a system that launched on a date as catchy as 9/9/99 also the Sega's last hurrah thing that Sindra mentioned
  2. Seriously. The music seems to be the only thing worth mentioning about Sonic nowadays. although my little brother is a fanyboy so i'll still get to play it
  3. So I found this video about a month ago, and I even ripped the audio out of the file just to listen to it, but I just CAN NOT find this song anywhere! And it really doesn't help that the guy doesn't say who it is by (or even answer my message asking what it is). The video in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af9pHGIaH8I&fmt=18 Any help will win you internets! And this cool-ass remix!
  4. It's basically why the meet-ups start at 30th Street Station in Philly. For those who don't know, it's a big indoor train station with lots of places for food and such for people who might be traveling on Amtrak or something and hopping trains. We meet there; at that point, we stand around and chat it up, basically getting to know everyone's character. Obviously if there's someone who seems sketchy or another similar trait, we'd ditch them at the train station while they were distracted and víola; problem solved. zirc and pixie also judge your soul while in your presence. fact.
  5. moar birfday for doug!
  6. have sum ice cream cake eat dat shit up yo bonus prize of guess what song that is even though it wasn't for your birthday
  7. fix'd and all that shizz
  8. oh hai i live in filadelfia! That means I'll be attending these shenanigans.
  9. keybaords drums versus real ones?!?!?
  10. This is real nice. I can hear the Angel Island part going on for a little bit longer, and then going into the Ending part. I think you should definitely continue this; looks to be something really good.
  11. birfday borfday keep the musics flowin'
  12. Sailing! Ship Ahoy! is totally either Golden Sun: Sailing the Karagol Sea or the Lost Age Overworld Theme #2. Or I guess the actual sailing theme...
  13. This. Seriously, this is what, the 4th? Or maybe the 3rd, tieing you and Arek... Also, cool concept, although I think it's still in the timeframe of 'one project finished, eighteen more pop up' after FFIV.
  14. whaaaaaaaaat this boggles my mind. I must watch Fight Club again.
  15. Bombs over Green Hill - good but it needs more drums than just the 8-bit ones! and the chorus is slighty out of sync (i know you probably know this but still) Kanye Night Zone - nooooooooooooooo why is it edited? and again, this would sound PHAT with Gold Digger's drums! Knuckles got Seoul - this is hawt...until 1:00 when the other drum things came in from the original source. other than that, best so far! Crank dat Robo-otnik - fits pretty good, unfortunately it's soulja boy and gets annoying real fast Fear of ur mom - hahah, yeaaahhhh booiii! 99 Balloons - jay-z sounds like he got a little younger...it goes slighty off at 0:48...and it feels like it stays that way the rest of the time, but i don't know for sure what u know bout shit - more edited, boooo. and the main melody is kinda yeouch on the ears -=-=-=- for not usually doing mash-ups, this was pretty good. best in my opinion was knuckles, robotnik, and mobius. good shtuff
  16. YES YOU CAN! you just need something to counterbalance
  17. So just because I don't have a credit card or PayPal, I have to miss five tracks? And even if I did, what if I miss the only 1,000 CDs? I don't know; that seems like a low blow to me.
  18. Now that was really cool. Major props!
  19. I found this the other day through a Zelda fansite. Excellent stuff!
  20. when i grow up i want to be like shnabubula
  21. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/557845/Disco%20Dan.zip This has: Ice Man Slippery When Mixing Mega Man 6 Native Knight (from one of the IronMan mixing compos) A 192 kbps version of Braving Tal Tal Heights (boo OCR 6MB standards) ~~In the Mega Man III folder~~ Gemini Man All Around the World Get Equipped with Strobe Light v1 Get Equipped with Strobe Light v2 (the synths are slighty different in each version) Hard Man Hard Knuckles Mix Needleman By Night A 192 kbps version of Blue Lightning (boooooooooo OCR!) Shadow Man Purple Meltdown Mix Spark Man Code Red Top Man Hot 'n' Cold Mix (no relation to Katy Perry) Wily 3 Impendium That's all I have but I'm sure he did more, and I'd love to fill out the rest of my collection.
  22. what an overachiever
  23. neminem Ralphis' Untitled Sega Rap Album there's a new mash-up that got accepted at OLR; we'll try to post it in a few days
  24. Hahahahaha, amazing. People need to do more mashups!
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