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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. sorry, nobody's done anything for Shinobi over at OverLooked your mind will have to remain not-blown
  2. you probably won't like it but here's Running the Gauntlet
  3. I don't have the money now, but I'll definately pick up a copy when it's released.
  4. the ring noises at the end of the lead at 0:45 = sexcellent the whole 'wobble' effect going on through the thing really fits the vibe well good shtuff, as always
  5. i know, and i still have the latest wip from 06 lol whoops. i guess the mix is ACE then.
  6. OMG YES since you already submitted it this is basically an ego stroke, but fuck yes dude the ending could have used some bird chirps or something though; make it feel like we is leavin' da forest
  7. birthday and things have a good one, and may thine beer be-eth cold
  8. I don't think halc has to worry either way. On the one side, everybody on the list is a regular and visits the site enough that they can be reached easily (although knock on wood, because real life's a bitch). On the other side, even if someone does have to drop their track, it's not like there won't be at least three available people who could take up the track. Maybe even more than that. grah waaaaay too much punctuation also halc as i said in a reply post to mr perry if you do have bonus tracks let me know~
  9. aw poos but I look forward to this albums! It'll be a good show
  10. I ordered mine 4 days ago. Now I just gotta clean some more files of the compy...
  11. this is hottt i pretty much agree with what your list says, although I have reservations about the flute. I wouldn't add it unless you don't feel as if the guitars keep it interesting enough.
  12. the arrangement is solid thus far, maybe add some harmony to the sax lines to make them juicer. the only probably I forsee is that if you play the clarinet live, it's going to stick out like a sore thumb overtop of the balantly-not live saxes. You might want to stick to a sampled clarinet as well so there isn't that much of a contrast between the sounds.
  13. i will get back to you once i learn logic and get my new samplez i enjoy that this is not a project but a collaboration.
  14. new section = teh sex although there's a frequency on those arpeggio things that bothers my ears (the ones that come in at 1:17) also i think the current filename should be the mix title
  15. do you ever stop? you're a machine that said, you pretty much said it in the topic title, you awesome bastard you
  16. I think what you should do is start to 'unwind' it, so to speak. Start changing up the progression and explore with it. Even though you may not have any proper theory background, your ears should tell you what works and what doesn't. After a bit, you should definitely throw in a solo or two. Good shtuff.
  17. basically what everyone else has already said is tite, yo
  18. A. otherwise I probably wouldn't be in college for music composition (well, maybe without a big list of arrangements for ensembles to perform).
  19. One of my composition teachers just e-mailed this to our department today. Is it worth considering if I have no samples at all (except whatever comes with Apple's Logic) ?
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