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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. Chrono Trigger and also Darkwing Duck
  2. as in such i'm being murdered right now. good lord. also, I endorse the album art. and mustin, you put the bonus track in there cuz the other project got no publicity/love? hmmmmm?
  3. So i found out that since I'm getting a good microphone, I also need an interface to plug it into my computer (I was not aware because my previous microphone just had a 1/4" jack which was easily fixed by a 1/4" to 1/8"). I do not know how this will affect things but I'm trying to make it so it does not, so I will keep thine posted Stevo!
  4. Lenwood + Sam + Drummer = TRIPPY
  5. Sheep Man? Well, we have had Toad Man...animals are no strangers to the Robot Masters. Also, finally a game I can use my Wii Points card on!
  6. no one cares about us also, awesome that VGMix will one day see the light again.
  7. Get all of the pieces I've written over the past couple of years actually played and recorded like I've wanted to. Get my sequencer chops back after losing them by having mauscript stuffed in my face. Write more awesome musicz. Secure some type for future for myself that doesn't involve taking out massive loans to go to college.
  8. http://msm.grumpybumpers.com/?p=20
  9. After 5 months of blood, sweat, and tears (mostly tears because nobody understands what a 'deadline' is), OverLooked ReMiX proudly presents our latest site project, OLRville - Tunes for the Road! The album is a collection of different town/city themes, done in the traditional OverLooked style of making blood flow from your ears while you listen. 8 tracks of ReMiXy goodness from guys like Brunzolaitis, Zimish One, and nesper! Click the picture (or follow the link -> http://olrville.olremix.org) and grab the .zip if you want everything, or have a taste-test with the songs first! And if you are feeling so bold, leave some comments in the official thread: http://olremix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8859 You can give your props to Zimish One (aka POCKETMAN in some places), as he is the project coordinator and I don't even know which site project this is for him...probably his 6th or so. (also, this is an announcement that our queue is fixed, so you can submit songs again! yay!)
  10. Well, it could have been in the style of Bad Tuna...
  11. I play tenor saxophone. We should have a creative name like "If Shnabubula Was Multiple People"
  12. gotcha; I'm a Sibby guy, so .pdf will do fine. if you need help with anything, gimme a shout...I dunno how much I could do within Finale, but I could probably do a Sibelius equivalent or something like that.

  13. YO DUDE! If you do the parts for Stevo's mega-ska-mix, would use be using a program like Sibelius or Finale?

  14. Real Big Marshmallows or to divert away from just the Kirby stuff: OVERCLOCKED MANIFESTO
  15. wat isn't it a whole step? I could do horn parts but I'd definately have to wait until after the semester is over (I don't know what kind of time-frame we're looking at here).
  16. Sweeeeeeet. I think Fratto plays the trombone, so you might wanna ask and see if he'd like/is available to lay down some riddims. Now leaves you a trumpet playa...
  17. If Brad does not play sax on this, I'm getting a microphone for Christmas so you'll get your saxophonage on. Also: MOAR HORNS. that 26 seconds was a cock-tease, man; where da horns at at the end? everything = gravy my man
  18. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS hahahahahahahaha
  19. I wait patiently for the edit where they add in sound effects.
  20. new DMS mix plzkthnx +1 berfdai
  21. Welp, just gave me a reason to get your CD at last! At least everything went smoothly...I'm sure it could have been a lot worse.
  22. doritos are awesome aka will you ever stop good lord also yay chth
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