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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. you has been approved!

    And life's good; busy, but good. How 'bout yourself? How's the homeland of MD?

  2. well i'm not submitting my piano mix to dod because ANONYMITY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED if anything, I think maybe something from the Pokémon project would be better. i don't think we're far enough long to start doing teasers or something. but that's just me let's wait for brad ANYHOW, inspiration for mixers on this project:
  3. Luke, you aware of the stylistic requirement for this project? I don't think reflective and rainy-day music would mix well with DoD. Also, DKC2 is probably getting released by the end of the year. We aren't anywhere near even an approximate date. b-sides, i think me, brad, stevo, and rexy are the only ones with live instruments and as rexy knows, piano + dod = not good (stoopid metalheads) also you used the censored pic and didn't host it on imageshack or something. failzors.
  4. so really this is more of a cock tease than anything but gg nonetheless (there i critque plz leave my family alone )
  5. Ok, so the first issue is balancing. Obviously you're not working with the greatest of samples, but when the strings came in, they practically covered up everything except the very lows of the bass and the very highs of the piano. Work on finding a balance between all of the instruments so everyone can be heard. Second thing is arrangement. You've pretty much got the original repeated twice. Now, if that's what you were going for, then ok then. But, since you are posting it here on OCR, I would assume you are aiming to get it on the site. That will just not fly with the judges. Add in some of your own ideas, and have some fun with it (just don't keep the same A-A'-B form and add new melodies over it cuz I did the same thing with this song once and I got rejected by the panel). Some more elbow grease is needed, but if you take the right steps this could be really awesome!
  6. oh hai i'm a part of this how bout a status update, BRAD?
  7. You could almost say that chatroom went... apeshit yeah that was pretty terrible wasn't it i apologize
  8. so this is going on my "downtempo" playlist very good chillin' music. and fuck you for being good at FL studio AND reason 4
  9. birfday! moar OLR mixes plz
  10. ha, you need to learn the secrets of vBulletin to get around things


    also thnx for the birthday wish :3

  11. Dee-Sea-Tee my ho-mee
  12. fucking glass get me EVERYTIME but it's so goooooooooooood
  13. I think I mentioned it at the meet-up cuz it's so money
  14. basically this
  15. I is home, what a blast. Great meetin' everybody!
  16. Naw dude; came out July 31st. It's on his store and iTunes. Throwing Fire is so MONEY. I have both his CDs, and I agree that while there are some gems in the second one, the first is better as a whole.
  17. ditto the pokémon
  18. i was just thinking about this project today, and look who shows up project awesomeness has increased tenfold
  19. But does the carpet match the drapes? get your heads out of the gutter
  20. I remember this! Shame to see it... don't be hatin' ~~<3
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