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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. I would love it if in the class, you never ever ever got to play the game. Just a big 'fuck you' to people who thought it would be an easy/fun/cheap class to get a credit in.
  2. pros: .... cons: .... overall: .... You made a loop using what sounds like 6 different samples. You can't really get feedback on that. Anyone who downloads a sequencer can do that. Hell, anyone with 6 different pots and pans and a microphone can do that. Make a song or something. Show something people can critique. ....oh, no clipping. Good job. why the hell is it a .wav??
  3. what's sarcasm? who's mozart? what's life like outside of this cave?
  4. No we don't. That's why we didn't make the thread on his birthday. Stop giving him false hope!
  5. I've know of several people who use the program. I've yet to hear one of them actually complete a game though.
  6. I think Murmeli Walan won this debate. sorry oso
  7. wip Good Attempt wiq Bad Attempt w!q
  8. I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting badly sampled, four on the floor drums. I was expecting a midi rip. I was expecting the worst really. This isn't really any of that. I dunno if it's just me, but I kinda hear the metroid influence, but don't really hear any mario influence though. The main issue I see is the mixing. The hats on the drums have no sizzle, no shine to them. There's no real treble in general. The dynamics of the song are also weird in that, it sounds normal from 0:00-0:48, then the bass gets really loud (I think it's a separate synth playing). Especially when this is happening, the kick is totally lost. There's also distortion or clipping at 2:20, 2:50 and various other places. Eqing useless freqs out and taking advantage of compressors would really help this mix. For a first mix, this is surprisingly well done. It's not quite ready for submission, but it can be (assuming the arrangement is good enough).
  9. I've noticed that once you set something to automate, it'll remember what value you original set it at, regardless of whether or not you use the automation clip. So even after you delete the auto clip, it'll still go back to that value. How I go about changing it, is to delete the auto clip you have for it, set the value you want to keep, and then make another auto clip for it. That should always reset it to the new value, and you can simply delete the auto clip again if you don't plan on using it.
  10. for those of you who've watched the phat beat video and searched for lofi plugin on kvr, you won't find it. That plugin has been down for a couple of years now. Fortunately, I still have it from way back when.
  11. leave it to overcoat to bring some sense into this thread.
  12. ...wow I heard in Sweden, birthdays celebrate you.
  13. You win! You win! Both Pink Floyd and Sigur Ros (along with a couple other artists) were maaajor influences on me with this album (as you can tell with several of the tracks). Fun fact: early demos of Groundhog Hill were entitled 'Sigur'. Don't say that. If it weren't for comments like this, I could only assume that the album recieved a poor showing, and it'll gives me second thought on releasing anything major in the future. Also, don't worry palpable, I do plan on releasing an album that sounds more like the stuff I've released on ocr. That's far far in the future though. Thanks again everyone for the lovely lovely comments. =)
  14. Interesting, although a few questions about the song. Time length of the song? (1 minute? 4 minutes? etc.) Does the song have to loop? (no fade in/fade outs) What genre are you looking for? (Orchestral? Ambient? Electropunkglitchcorerocktrance?)
  15. Usually with my hands. No No No Usually by doing your own style to the original. This link might provide some use.
  16. I think you should work on it untill you have about a minute of material to show, and then ask for feedback. From what you do have, it sounds more or less like the original. The kick needs to be compressed or something because it stands out far too much and I believe it's causing some clipping. Personally I would find a better sounding sample for the snare then what you have (as it sounds like you took a snare sample and are playing it a couple octave lower then it should be played in). Work on it more. Rearrangement it more as well. Come back when you have some sort of foundation to the song, not just 8 bars.
  17. hmmmm... There's something about this. Something that should make me go "wow!". Something that should be making my head bob up and down as if I'm rocking out, or make me jump up and dance like at a rave. Something should be making me do this, but it falls short of doing so. You're really mixing a verity of different instruments in this mix. The saw rave sound, guitar rock sound, string/piano sound, techno beat sound. My real beef is that each of these sounds fail to really shine. I think a lot of it has to do with the samples sadly. Using FL's samples and synths effectively is kinda hard to do. The mixing could be a tad better as well. It wasn't untill the bass and kick were playing alone till I realized that there was infact a bass guitar in the song. Arrangement wise, the beginning sounds really conservitive, but you do start doing your own thing as the song progresses. I rather love the change at 3:02, that was well done. I do hope for the best with this song, but I fear that the chosen samples will be the downfall of the song. I also fear that in an attempt to find better samples, you will not find anything that plays better or/ switch to something that ends up hurting the song even more (I've had that happen to me more then once). I do encourage that you keep on going regardless, if only to gain more experience.
  18. my god, these guitars sound so real! what soundfont are you using!?! joking aside, a lil' unnecessary to encode a wip at 320kbps. Seeing how this is really just a guitar solo piece, and seeing how I know next to nothing about how to play guitar properly, I can't give you critical feedback on your playing other then "sounds nice". I would high pass filter your rhytem guitar a little bit, not really feelin the low end of the guitar. I would subsitute the low end sound for an actual bass. I'm not too familiar with the original source. This does sound like something that would be from a mario game though so I guess you're on the right track. Sounds promising. Keep developing.
  19. The bell sample is rather nice. ...and that's really all the good I can say. You're drums are really bland, boring, stale and repetitive. The kick gets lost with the bassline playing, the hats sound generic and have that machine gun sound to them. The overall arrangement doesn't develop into anything. It just repeats the same melody/pattern with different instruments filling in for each other. There's nothing to really keep the listener entertained for more then 40 seconds. With mixing, the bass end is really muddy. I don't think you panned anything so there's a lack of room and depth. You have different instrument masking each other. Learn about filters. EQs are your friend. I'd start on something new and fresh, and learn about fxs along the way.
  20. oooooh. HAHAHA Hypercube is on that list. I'm gonna have to agree with them based on just that.
  21. Perhaps it's just me, but I don't think all scifi originals are bad.
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