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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. Oh yea. Hypercube was garbage. Cube and CubeZero weren't that bad though.
  2. Sandlot 2 raped my love of the original film House of the Dead and Mortal Kombat 2 had terrible everything. Date movie was fucking retarded.
  3. I insured no gaming company to ever sue ocr by introducing them to Chris Crocker.
  4. I love how the moment I accidentally delete the thing, is the moment someone wants to download it. I accidentally deleted the .zip file from the server, and I recently formatted my drive and forgot to save the original .zip. SO I've asked someone who already downloaded it (thank you starla), to upload it somewhere, so I can download it, and then I can upload it....again. Should take about 15-20 minutes. So I just want to mention (as I never did in the write up) that the album contains a liberal remix of The Third Garden by Overcoat. I'm sure more of you figured that out by now, I just wanted to give a little shout out to him and thank him for letting me use the mix for the album (....I'm pretty sure he let me use it...) For those of you interested, you can find the original Third Garden on Overcoat's Garden Art album located somewhere in this link =) Finally, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has downloaded, listened, and commented so far. It puts a smile on my face, and 11 songs on your hard drive. Everybody wins.
  5. so question. I figured out how to retrieve my password, which I have. but I lost my username. Does anyone know how to retrieve that?
  6. The original 2008 album has been remastered, and is available for free in high-quality audio via Bandcamp. You can also stream the album in full via YouTube -------------------------------------------------- Greetings. I would like to present to you, my first full length album Suburbia. Over the past two years, I've been working off and on this album. Trying to do a style a little different then what I've normally done. A more psychedelic, chill-out, downtempo style while keeping everything atmospheric and ambient. With 11 songs, it comes in at over 44 minutes in length. Making it my longest release to date. Want to support this starving artist? Send a donation via paypal. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. Don't have any spare change and still want to help out? Tell you're friends, family, school mates, co-workers, allies and enemies. Word of mouth is my #1 choice in advertisement. Enjoy, and thanks for listening.
  7. That option isn't enabled, and cookies is unchecked.
  8. I do have cookies enabled. I do have third-party cookies enabled. I have it set to keep it untill they expire, but as soon as I close firefox, it deletes all the cookies. I've also tried shutting down/restarting my pc with no effect.
  9. so none of my bookmarked sites remember me anyone. and none of them remember to remember me. personally, I don't know how it happened. I'm assuming my computer crashed, and I restarted it it. Not a big deal. But now I have to always type in my username and password to ever site and forum I visit now, which is beginning to be quite irritating. I've clicked the 'remember me' option on the forum, but as soon as I close firefox and reload the page, I have to type everything in again. I've tried reinstalling firefox but that didn't work. anyone know how to fix this?
  10. so as planned, my friend will probably not have access to the car tonight, thus leaving me stranded 44 minutes away from said event. =(
  11. You mean you're gonna spend 2 hours on a song instead of just 1? awwww! maybe.
  12. The amiga version of this game has scared me from ever liking any other version of this game.
  13. boom, tiss-boom, tiss. ...k I'm starting to sense a drumloop....an FL DRUMLOOP!!!! D=!!!!!! This is pretty cool for dnb actually. I don't have much for feedback other then keep going and keep tweaking. :>
  14. I think your wrong. all the songs on this site are perfect. it's how you take in music that is flawed.
  15. k this is fucking awesome. reminds me of a bubbley happy feeling I get from playing yoshi's island.
  16. Just wanna echo what arek said. I too would be guilty of giving new people a hard time (not just in the ocr channel mind you). Not necessarily to offended and harass new people, but just to get an idea of what they're like in the channel. Are they willing to argue and pick a fight over trivial things? Are they laid back with a sense of humour? Are they gonna take every oppratunity then can get to mention to everyone they have a social disorder? etc. etc. etc.
  17. I've cried cause a song was really THAT bad. does that count?
  18. you deserve to be beaten with a foam bat if you hated Brainwork >>>>>>=(] I dunno, different strokes for different folks.
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