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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. Option > Audio Settings > Look at your buffer properties. High buffer = longer latency = less memory/cpu usage. Lower buffer = short latency = more memory/cpu usage.
  2. for some reason, I loved the intro. Loved loved loved loved loved it. So very dark and simple and deep. Couldn't really figure out why, and then I figured it out. Quite similar to Galamb Egyedül, with a little change of direction. thumbs up hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. Being a fan of the old school Mortal Kombat games, this is the first time I ever heard/saw this game. All I can say is: holy fucking shit d00dz0r!!!
  4. now, I will not remove the songs, the porpuse of which I uploaded was to show people the magnifiscent work of genius like DarkeSword... even though I will continue to upload more songs... If you do care FUCK OFF!!!!!! kinda sounds like someone has tourettes...
  5. 5 bucks for megaman battle network? as long as it's in working/saving condition, I'll take that off your hands. ....oh, and 5 bucks canadian? :3
  6. you know, there's this crazy invention called google, that'll let you search for stuff and'll let you know more about it. so let's say you were searching for, oh I dunno, something called renoise, you'd type it in and get pages full of results. usually (not always mind you), the first link is the right one. Then it's just a matter of clicking on the link and learning more about it.
  7. I will just echo that yes, the wip board lacks really good posts to help improve the mix. I will also echo that you're 98% more likely to get 'some' form of feedback if you visit #ocrwip, slap people till someone become active, and post a link demanding a comment (although, like the wip board, there are users who don't comment on anything, so be aware). The RPG system sounds cool, but I'm sure that'll just give djp another excuse not to continuously post songs, work on other (probably more) important stuff, etc. I also think the 'approved critique' thing would also be good in sifting through valid advice compared to someone saying 'this is awesome, I love it. Thxs.' However, that doesn't mean the 'approved critique' person would actually review any/all the wips in there (unless that person is Rozo). So I again suggest using #ocrwip for insta-feedback.....98% of the time.
  8. all rejected remixes go into the incineration chamber along with the weighted companion cube.
  9. For what it's worth, mixing a remix using headphones is completely fine. You're submitting to ocr/internet, you're not making money, you're not doing crazy studio shit. I have AKG K171. I've used/tried to use them for every song/remix I've done for the passed 2-3 years. My only beef with them was/is that my ears would hurt after long period of use. Besides that, everything I've made sound somewhat clean and audible.
  10. short review in a nutshell. Your idea of making a some what retro industrial remix is actually rather nice. Your execution of it is however quite poor. The overall mastering is quite muddy and sloppy. The beginning is borderline midi-rip, although it does progress a little into your own thing afterward. That's pretty much it really, like your idea, need to work on better execution.
  11. I would pay to see a movie where Samuel L. Jackson is link. and Ganon. and Zelda.
  12. OCR already has a fully running podcast. It's called the saucecast. or what I like to call, the lolcast.
  13. are you looking for a banjo VSTi? what the hell is a Kazooie? (unless you mean a Kazoo). Those are rhetorical questions, I'm sure what you're really looking for is right here. and with that in mind, care to rephrase your question?
  14. I like how the original person xRisingForce called out (Mephisto) hasn't even posted in this thread. Yet everyone else in the community is. My apologies if someone else already pointed this out, I just wanted to post in epic thread 2008.
  15. From what I've been told, Pro Tools is the north american standard when it comes to making commercial music. However, the people I know who make commercial music prefer using Cubase rather then PT. my 1/2 cent.
  16. People stealing OLR songs? Oh it's only OLR who really ca... WHAT?! AN OCR TRACK!??!?! IT'S ON NOW BOI!!!
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