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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. No one cares about your birthday Damned. But everyone <3 JJT and his b-day.
  2. stop using the quick reply feature, and either click post reply, or go advanced to see the generic bunch of smileys.
  3. I guess that explains the pinky finger on the right hand...
  5. you had half a month to download it >=( I think I deleted the mp3/project file, so you're gonna have to beg someone else to reupload it.
  6. this is an excellent post
  7. I had to mail away my damn 360. Can't play anything for like 12 weeks now while MS fixes it
  8. Guess he never took my advice. and look what happened =( and by =(, I really mean =D
  9. probably my only successful attempt at the genre. still in wip mode, but a majority of it is complete. it's also not...really...titled...
  10. Huge fan of the song, but I would have never guessed that.
  11. uhh, his review is perfect in that he said something along the lines of: if you like smash before, you'll like it now. if you haven't heard of smash/never liked it, this isn't really going to change your opinion. What more can you say to that? The people interested in the game already own it, and the people uninterested don't really care what you have to say.
  12. not a huge MSI fan, although I enjoy bitches and bitches mu-ziq remix. personally, I don't like my odds of winning and I doubt I'll be able to come up with something in a week.
  13. Incredibly close to the original. It doesn't sound that bad (then again, the original was incredibly awesome........incredibly), but you never developed this into your own thing, style, sound, etc. So yea, not really worth submitting if you don't like getting rejected.
  14. I do believe you're incorrect.... & I do believe good things come to those who wait.
  15. Hey, if you want to step to my music, go right ahead.
  16. If no one, ON A FORUM ON THE INTERNET, wishes you a happy birthday, then too bad so sad. I've been apart of this community for years and haven't once got a thread about my birthday, and for some strange reason my life goes on. All I'm saying, is if people care enough about you and your birthday, they'll shout out on IRC, send you an IM, or as I said PM you. It isn't necessary that every n00b with 100 posts gets acknowledged that it's their birthday by the entire community.
  17. I agree. Or even better, PM the person a happy birthday. It'll be that much more special :3
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