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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. Quick question for them PC gurus out there. I'm looking at buying 2 new video cards and I'm looking for recommendations. Some specs I'm looking at: nVidia 128 mb (or better) PCI-e SLi preferably between $100-150 each. the one I have my eye on right now is: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1699665&CatId=0 Is it good? un-good? Is there something better out there? Is there a difference whether eVGA or XFX or MSI makes the card? Any help would be awesome.
  2. If it's Trilogy and Atmosphere, then I don't believe there's anything you can do about that due to the way it was designed, and spectrasonic hasn't fixed it yet. However, if you search the flstudio forum, someone made a proxied file in which you rename the .dll, throw that into the folder and bada-bing bada-bang, it runs smooooth. Even if it isn't one of the those products, I'd recommend giving it a try. It still might work.
  3. http://djskrypnyk.googlepages.com/Behind.mp3 About 90% complete, just need to work on the drums at the IDM part, and I might change a pad. Plus some tweaking with the mastering I assume. Also currently untitled. Haven't thought of anything good, doubt I will but we'll see. Comments would be cool.
  4. In terms of during this into a remix, I'mma have to say no. If at some point in the future I can think of something adding onto this, making it longer, throwing in an interchanging melody, etc. than I shall. However, in terms of making a remix of something sounding similar to this, I have no problem giving that a shot. I actually wanted to do that with Lavender town from pokemon, but I couldn't get myself into remixing it (like, it's hard to force myself to remix something now). Thanks again for the comments
  5. Hmmm...this is sweet. I like the idea. The mastering is a little iffy IMO. The slap bass at 0:20 should be toned down a little bit. Plus I do believe the major rez filtering makes a bit of clipping when it hits the higher freq. As for the OMGFLDEFAULTZZZ!!11, you hid the 'right now' clip pretty well. 'that was cool' is a little more noticeable and, if you could substitute it for something else, that'd be cool. Not a huge issue. And for some reason, when I first heard this, I though of Daft Punk's essential selection mixes. Good stuff all around.
  6. It's not all that boring. Thanks =P Yea, It really should be longer, but I had no clue what else to bit in it without it draaaaging on and on and on. So I made it into a short, sort of an interlude track. Thanks for listening and at least mentioning that you listened NOW DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! (With this song playing in the background ^__^ )
  7. not necessarily. It can be, but hell. I've seen people run a CPU upto %100 with just a 3osc and a couple effects. Their computers must have sucked ass =o Even one 3xOsc and a couple of CPU killing effects would probably drive my CPU to maybe 60. I need duel-core =( And yes, restating the fact that sytrus is great, and if you haven't gotten it already, you should get it now.
  8. A little bit cexy, a little bit bocy, pretty minimal and simple.
  9. It is also avalible in VSTi/DXi format. It is a really nice synth, but its also a CPU whore.
  10. Need more mixers? Best song (IMO) Best remix done in a sorta weird, sorta dark way
  11. And with 3 votes, breakcore wins. What a landslide. Over the last couple of days, I took what was a simple slicing of chiptunish goodness, and created something that has my speakers crying in pain. This has gone into to some pretty experimental stereo fuckery, and this is still only the intro D=! Now, while I...pretty much gaurantee that I will complete this, I dunno how well (well?) it'll turn out. I'm sure I can get over 2 minutes though =D . Warning: The sounds you are about to hear were created by a white boy living in Canada. So for your own protection, please do not play in public places, do not play while in the shower, and do not eat this MP3 Thank you
  12. and with 2 votes, breakcore it is. I've changed the synthy bass to something equally as bad right now. I have an intro thing that makes absolutly no transition into the melody. So, I'm doing breakcore, or some form of hardcore weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  13. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk As of...2 days ago, I moved away from the whole Drill n Bass/Aphex Twin idea, and have decided to kill peoples ear drums. a.k.a. Breakcore. Here's an example of what it will be like Now, I'm letting you people decide. I have the original Drill file saved, so going back to it shouldn't be that hard, but if you like the breakcore idea more, I shall continue that instead. If you do like the breakcore version more, I'm probably gonna change the synths around as well, make it more darker, distorted, and all around unpleasent
  14. wow, people are noticing this topic now =o And from what I'm reading...you guys think this song has potential, it's just the sample choices are bleh. My mission, along with getting it to atleast 2 minutes, was to immitate Aphex Twin. Taking the drum sound from 4, the pad sound for cornish acid, and the bass...well...I wanted something like cornish acid but that is a skill on it's own. I still have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I kinda like what I have, on the other, I think I could do better. I just don't know how D=! So if I make a break-thru in this song and come up with something, I'll update. I'll try fuxxoring around with the drums some more.
  15. The reason the 16th notes are sounding louder then they should is either cause the velocity in the piano roll isn't doing anything, or it's the compressions fault. Little update. Finished the first minute or so of the drum pattern, sorta looped the end of this (unsure what's gonna happen next actually), a little more tweaking. More mastering needs to be done (probably). Same link. Thanks for the comment.
  16. Well, people (probably) don't like listening to remixes to games they haven't played, and since everyone (appearently) has played Chrono whatever, they tend to get more replies. Yes, no real intro/outtro yet. That's probably going to come at the end ¬_¬` I agree the overall soundscape needs work. I'm trying to keep it simple, yet full, and I have noooo clue how to find that balence. Gotsta keep mess about. Thanks for the comment
  17. 11 views and no replies. Nice Perhaps I should try making a trance mix of Chrono Trigger or something... Anyways, there's an update. Thought all 10 of you should know
  18. Warning: The sounds you are about to hear were created by a white boy living in Canada. So for your own protection, please do not play in public places, do not play while in the shower, and do not eat this MP3 My goal is 2 minutes.
  19. Crtl + A (select all) Alt + C (change colour) Everything should be green now.
  20. Such true words have never been spoken...*sniff* I too am a FL user btw...*thumbs up*
  21. I AM HUGE ASSHOLE I forgive you <3 As for Mr. rich bastard who thinks money can grow on trees.... <3
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